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The Almighty Dragon General

Chapter 148
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Chapter 148 The Blithe king sighed in relief. He had already investigated James’ situation Although

James was short-tempered, he never hurt the innocent, only those who deserved it. The Blithe King

was willing to cover it up for him if the dozens of people that died deserved it. “This is the last time.”

The Blithe King stood up and left. After the Blithe King left, James did not continue to hang around. He

instructed Henry on some matters, then left the Common Clinic and returned to Thea’s house. It was

already eight in the evening when he arrived home

Thea was home before him.

Gladys immediately complained as soon as James’ returned home. “Where did you go the whole day

instead of cooking?”

“I met a military comrade and spent some time catching up with him,” James walked into the house and


“Mom… He’s my husband, not a maid. It isn’t his responsibility to be cooking every day.” Thea hurriedly

stood up and protected James.

“He eats and lives in our home for free! Is he expecting me to cook and serve him instead?” Gladys

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raised her voice.

Ever since thea dressed up and radiated charisma, Gladys was increasingly displeased every time she

looked at James.

She wanted Thea to divorce James.

James did not refute anything.

He simply walked over to the sofa and sat down).

“Why’re you sitting down? Wash the dishes and tidy up the kitchen,” Gladys ordered. Immediately,

James stood up and headed to the kitchen to clean the dishes. “Mom…” Thea’s expression dimmed.

“Do you still take me as your mother? You should listen to me if you do!” Gladys glared at Thea and

scolded her.

Thea remained silent.

Meanwhile, Alyssa was applying ice to David’s face while lying on the sofa.

His face was bruised, and the swelling had not completely gone down. “Mom, Thea has to divorce

James. I heard that many influential people knelt to Thea today at Yuna’s birthday party. Tsk, tsk! The

scene of dozens of people kneeling to her spread like crazy in my friend circle. It must’ve been


“Yeah. Thea is gorgeous. Even though James was a soldier and knows some medical skills, so what?

We’re in Cansington, the capital of medicine. There are plenty of people who practice medicine. Not

everyone can become like Dr. Fallon.” Alyssa agreed.

The two expressed similar opinions. Thea rolled her eyes at them. “You two talk too much.”

“Thea, Bryan isn’t a bad choice. He’s young and rich. On top of that, he’s handsome! He is so much

better than that trash, James, right?” David stood up and tried to persuade her.

The did not want to waste time talking nonsense with her family.

She got up and went to the kitchen to help James.

She felt terrible that James had been ordered around ever since marrying her. She walked into the

kitchen and glanced at James wearing an apron while washing the dishes. With an apologetic

expression, she said, “I’m sorry, darling. You go rest. I’ll do…” “That won’t do, honey. How can I let my

precious wife do such chores? You go rest, and I’ll do

“I’m an ordinary human too!”

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“No can do. You go outside first. I’ll do it. There’s so much grease and smoke in the kitchen…”

James’ hands were wet, so he did not push Thea with them. Instead, he used his body to push her


Thea had no choice but to leave. She went to the living room, but her family kept trying to persuade

her. This made her very frustrated. “Mom, did you forget who made you look good when you went to

the military region? Did you forget who healed my scars? Didn’t you already accept James? You even

wanted to help him open up a clinic. Why’re you suddenly changing your mind again?” “The past is the

past. Now is now! In short, you have to divorce him!”

Thea was speechless and did not bother speaking with Gladys anymore. She got up and went back to

her room. James finished cleaning the dishes and tidying up the kitchen. He walked out with a bright

smile on his face. “Mom, I’ve cleaned up everything. I’ll return to the room first if there isn’t anything




Gladys was dissatisfied.

She was furious seeing James after seeing her daughter’s beautiful face.

James returned to the bedroom.