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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 107
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Chapter 107 A Cruel Idea

The staff on night duty at the Inspector General’s office started exclaiming in panic.

“What’s going on? Is it an earthquake?”

“I don’t know. Is there some kind of construction work happening nearby?”

“Impossible! This doesn’t sound like construction work!”

“Let’s go and see what’s happening.”

They quickly ran out of the building.

When they arrived at the entrance, they were gobsmacked.

Countless tanks and military vehicles had filled every inch of the space in front of the

Inspector General’s office!

Even more armored vehicles were approaching as well.

The staff froze in shock. Despite working in the Inspector General’s office, they had never

seen such a grand procession.

“What on earth is going on?” an inspector asked curiously.

“Did the army come to demolish the Inspector General’s office…” another inspector asked

in a trembling voice.

“Why did a military unit show up here?”

Just then, two imposing generals approached the building with special forces soldiers

flanking them from behind. They were Julian, the chief of staff of the army at South

Aridlands, and Sylvia, who was a general officer.

However, lately, everyone in Southlake City knew that Sylvia’s identity was fake.

Sylvia had informed Julian about Caspian’s situation. Once the two met up, they rushed

over to the Inspector General’s office with Julian’s troops.

The inspectors recognized Sylvia, but they did not know who Julian was.

The procession was far too terrifying, and the inspectors were shocked beyond words.

“Where’s Ezekiel Parker? Tell him to get his ass out here!” Sylvia yelled at the inspectors


stood frozen at the entrance.

“I–Inspector Ezekiel isn’t here,” an inspector reported shakily.

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“What? He’s not here?” Sylvia repeated. She had just received the word that Ezekiel had




“That’s right. He’s not here,” the inspector replied.

“Hand over Caspian Lynch, then!” Sylvia said.

“Caspian Lynch? How are you related to him?” the inspectors asked with widened eyes.

Had the grand army procession come for that good–for–nothing Caspian?

“That’s none of your business!” Sylvia barked.

“Well, he’s not here either!” one of the inspectors said.

“Where is he?”

“We don’t know.”

The inspectors were terror–stricken and had forgotten what Joey told them.

“Search the building!” Julian ordered. He could not be bothered to waste his breath on the

useless inspectors anymore.

The soldiers marched into the Inspector General’s office.

Ten minutes later, they came back empty–handed. There was no sign of Caspian.

Julian and Sylvia exchanged looks. They had a bad feeling about this.

“Find Lord Caspian at all costs! Use every means available!” Julian commanded. He was

afraid that something might happen to Caspian.

“Yes, sir!”

The soldiers quickly jumped into action..

They had vehicles equipped with radars and connections to satellites at their disposal, so

they could track Caspian’s phone to get his exact coordinates.

Back at the Cliff of Death, Nadia was disgruntled by Caspian’s unruffled demeanor.

“Do you have any last words, Caspian?” she asked.

“I’m curious to know who’s the big shot who managed to convince the head of the

Inspector General’s office to do your dirty work for you,” Caspian remarked. He was

looking for ways t keep them occupied until Sylvia and the rest of the reinforcements

arrived to save him.

He also wanted to know who was the mastermind behind everything.

“That’s an excellent question. Since you’re about to die, there’s no harm in telling you the

truth,” Nadia answered smugly.



“Go on, then. Who is it?” Caspian asked.

“My oldest son, Zachary!” Nadia declared with a look of pride.

Since Caspian was doomed to die, she was not afraid of him finding out who the York

family’s pillar of support was.

“I see.” Caspian had guessed as much, so Nadia’s answer did not shock him.

For the sake of wiping out the evil forces in Southlake City, Caspian took his time to plan

each step. Alas, that led to him ending up in a dangerous situation instead.

At the time, Sylvia had tried her best to stop him as she feared something could happen.


the looks of it now, her suggestion had been a wise one.

“Do you regret it now, Caspian? You now know just how powerful the York family is! With a

wave of his hand, my Uncle Zachary can see to it that you’re gone for good!” Derek came

forward and snarled savagely.

“Do you know why you ended up like this, Caspian? It’s because you’re too arrogant and

domineering,” Ezekiel called out.

“Ezekiel, even though you’re the head of the Inspector General’s office, you’ve been

colluding with the Flying Dragons, a criminal organization. Aren’t you afraid that your

illegal dealings will be exposed?” Caspian retorted coldly.

“Hahaha! Looks like you still haven’t figured out what’s the situation now! With the

regional. chief of the Two Lakes area backing me up, what’s there for me to fear? Here in

Southlake City, the three of us have everything under our control.

“We can do whatever we want!” Ezekiel declared.

“The regional chief of the Two Lakes area, huh? He’ll pay a heavy price for this!” Caspian


He had decided to execute Zachary no matter what!

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“What a joke! Either way, you’re going to die, so I’ll let you die in peace. I’m the one who

had the inspectors bury your foster mother’s case. I also destroyed all the evidence! Even

if you know about it now, what can you do?” Ezekiel gloated.

“I hope you never have to regret what you just said!” Caspian shot back.

Garrett sneered, “Caspian, you’ve killed many of my men from the Flying Dragons on

several occasions now, and you made us suffer a catastrophic loss. I’m going to rip you to

shreds today!”

Willow, Miranda, and Zoey were terrified after hearing that the people around them

wanted to kill Caspian.



That explained why Ezekiel had brought them to a remote place. It was so he could kill

Caspian off in secret!

“How should we make Caspian’s death more painful for him, Inspector Ezekiel?” Garrett

asked spitefully.

“That’s easy. Do you know what makes a person feel most helpless and tortured? It’s

witnessing their own loved ones being tormented to death without being able to do

anything! “Ezekiel said.

“What a great idea! How wise you are, Inspector Ezekiel,” Garrett said as he chuckled.

“Let’s start with Caspian’s wife and the two other gorgeous ladies. We’ll cut off their flesh

bit by bit right in front of his eyes,” Ezekiel said.

Upon hearing that, Willow, Miranda, and Zoey were horror–stricken. These people were too


Caspian was infuriated as well. He did not expect Ezekiel to be that brutal.

He did not care how they treated him, but he could not let them attack his wife and other

innocent people.

All of a sudden, Nadia said, “You made a very good suggestion, Inspector Ezekiel, but it’s

not enough.”

Ezekiel and Garrett were startled.

“Do you have a better idea, Mrs. York Senior?” Ezekiel asked. He thought his method was

cruel enough as it was.