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The Almighty Lord Caspian by Cath Nitfisch

Chapter 159
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Chapter 159 The Red Order

Willow was still in disbelief as she looked at the contracts on the table.

“Ms. Stewart, I’d recently learned that our company still had a lot of funds. Plus, a

mysterious man had donated 20 billion dollars to York Group!

“And that’s when I decided to acquire the companies that had terminated their contracts

with us. I personally did this to get us out of this difficult situation. You wouldn’t blame me,

would you?” Geoffrey asked politely.

He had followed Caspian’s orders and covered up Caspian’s part in this matter.

20 billion dollars! This amount shook Willow to the core.

That was a massive amount. Who could have such a huge amount of funds at their


“You’ve done well. Do you know who that person is?” Willow asked.

She did not find it suspicious that York Group still had some extra funds, as the company

had been in Southlake City for many years. It was normal for them to have these funds.

What puzzled her was this mysterious stranger who helped them. That was such a huge


Willow could not comprehend it.

“I don’t have any news about this person at the moment, but I’ve already arranged for

someone to find out.”

“Ms. Stewart, I have a suggestion. Why don’t we have both groups merged? This way,

we’ll become more powerful!” Geoffrey presented his idea.

He had already decided to rely on Willow and Southlake Corporation.

“For that matter, I would have to discuss it with Ms. Barton,” Willow said.

She then called for Miranda to come to her office.

When Miranda heard of this news, she was very surprised.

However, she agreed to this merger. This way, Southlake Corporation could launch its


“Okay. After the merger, we’ll get through this crisis together.” Willow looked determined.

At first, she was still feeling distraught over the matters that had been bombarding

Southlake Corporation. However, things suddenly changed for the better. Willow took this

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as an opportunity and rekindled her confidence once more.


Half a day later, Southlake Corporation and York Group gave their announcement at the

same time. Both companies had decided on a merger.

York Group of Southlake City had officially become a branch of Southlake Corporation.

After this news got out, everybody in Southlake City was shocked.

Both companies were influential in Southlake City to start with. Now that both had become

had also spent a significant amount in

one, they had become much stronger than before 7

acquiring many companies.

Meanwhile, the news had sent a fury raging through the Regal Club in the Two Lakes area.

Leonardo flipped the club upside down in a fit of rage.

“Why? Where did they get such a huge amount of money from?”

He was seething and yelling in the club.

He had initially planned to take over York Group and then move on to Southlake


He never thought they would suddenly merge and acquire so many other companies.

Leonardo had shares in those companies. This sudden change of situation caused him to

lose a considerable amount of money.

How could he not be furious?

The Reaper also did not see this coming.

“You tell me! Where could they have gotten the funds from? How did they do it?”

Leonardo. had his eyes fixed on The Reaper as he yelled.

“I’m not sure. York Group suddenly had a huge amount of money and started placing it in

the market. The stock market had also become volatile due to a sudden influx of huge

amounts of money. There was a rough estimate that it was about 20 billion dollars!”


Leonardo was stunned when he heard that.

How could this be possible?

“How could York Group suddenly have that much money? They don’t have the means to!”

Leonardo said in a fierce tone.

“I’m not sure either. I’ve asked my people to investigate. The money came from a locked


“I couldn’t get anything on the giver. After Geoffrey had acquired the other companies, he


“It seems like Southlake Corporation is getting ready to fight back!”

The Reaper felt rather useless. He would usually be able to get his hands on the

information about such cases. However, he could not find anything out about this

mysterious account

“Since they’ve merged, we must take over Southlake Corporation by hook or by crook! If

we don’t do this and they get over this crisis, our position in the Two Lakes area will

become weaker!”

Leonardo suddenly realized that Southlake Corporation was not to be underestimated.

After giving it some thought, Leonardo looked at The Reaper and decided. “Notify our

people in the Two Lakes area. Issue the Red Order.

“Have all the top guns come to Regal Club. We shall discuss ways to get rid of Southlake


“Sir Leon

The Reaper’s face stiffened. He appeared to be in disbelief at what Leonardo had just said.

The Red Order was only to be issued at the most dire time and emergency.

Having been a follower of Leonardo for so many years, this was his first time encountering

such a situation.

“I’m on it!” The Reaper left the club right away to execute the order.

After he left, Leonardo was again engrossed in his evil thoughts.

“Caspian, I’m really curious about your true identity!”

Leonardo threw a powerful punch at a giant tree in front of him.

The tree then shattered and collapsed.

After leaving the hospital, Greg received a phone call from Taylor. He immediately rushed

back to Glorious Group.

He was anxious because Taylor was the true owner of Glorious Group.

Upon reaching the office, Greg saw Taylor sitting in the office with a sullen look on his


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tres there anything urgent going on that you rushed me here?” Greg asked.

Without warning, Taylor smacked his palm on the desk.


He appeared to be infuriated.

“Fuck! How did Southlake Corporation still have the funds to acquire other companies?

And who even is that Geoffrey York guy?” Taylor had been waiting for the right moment to

bring Southlake Corporation down.

He did not expect the situation to change drastically within less than a day.

Willow’s act of merging both companies had brought the situation into a stalemate.

“I heard that a mysterious man gave Geoffrey a large amount of money. That was how he

could acquire so many companies.

“He then handed over all of the acquisition documents to Willow! I suspect that this had

something to do with her.

“She must have been afraid that we would overpower Southlake Corporation, so she had

York Group to do the acquisition,” Greg said in a panic.

He was at the hospital the entire time and did not get to learn much about this matter.

He did not know the details.

“I heard you were beaten up by Caspian?” Taylor asked.

“Yes, I was. Caspian was merciless. I’m fine with him beating me up, but he was

disrespecting Tigra!

“He even boasted that Diatoran could defeat Tigra in just a matter of a few days! Mr.

Kemp, what’s Caspian’s real identity that he could be this arrogant?” Greg asked.

“That bastard! He must have a death wish to be so pompous! You don’t have to know his

real identity. Just know that he’s someone you can’t afford to offend,” Taylor said in a

serious tone.

Fortunately, he was prepared this time round. He had already brought hundreds of his elite

fighters to ambush Southlake City.

“Oh, right, I have news for you, Mr. Kemp. We can join forces with the Supreme Leader

Leonardo Xanthos. He’s also in conflict with Caspian. If we work with them, we can

definitely destroy Caspian and Southlake Corporation!” Greg suddenly had an epiphany.