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The Alpha's Bride

Chapter 404 - Mindy And Gideon (2)
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Chapter 404 – Mindy And Gideon (2)

Mindy's heart cracked when the heaviness of Gideon's emotions hit her hard, and she realized that her joy of finding a mate doesn't compare to his.

Mindy knew that Shamans are spiritual guides. Werewolves come to them to hear stories and advice related to anything and everything, mates included. She could feel Gideon's pain that accumulated over a long time as he devoted his life to helping many, while he was all alone.

Why was he living in isolation, here in the forest, instead of in the middle of Darkbourne?

No one chooses loneliness; it happens when a person is disappointed with the society.

Gideon saw a lot in his life, and Mindy wished to be one of the people who won't let him down; maybe he could even rely on her.

Mindy gingerly wrapped her arms around Gideon and leaned into him until her face was stuck to his chest.

She took a deep breath that filled her system with his scent of lavender, and she thought how it's silly that a free spirit like herself who loves travel, gets dazzled by shiny stuff, and thrives among people, was actually feeling at home in this modest cabin and in the arms of a man she just met. She had an impression that this is all she will ever need to be happy.

Other than his name, occupation, and facts that he was outrageously handsome and smelled great, she didn't know anything about Gideon, but every cell in her body screamed for his proximity. She never felt anything like it.

"I am here to stay", she said. "Slow is fine. We will do as you say."

"I'm not taking it slow. This is a special moment for me, Mindy. And I hope it's for you as well."

Mindy nodded in response. Of course, it's special. Finding a mate is once in a lifetime. The only difference was that he waited longer compared to her.

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He leaned to murmur close to her ear, "I want to enjoy every inch of your body."

Mindy sucked in a sharp breath. She thought that they were going for an emotional approach first, and that he will brew them tea so they can chat deep into the night and get to know each other before they move onto carnal pleasures, but then he turned on the heat again.

She looked at him apprehensively. "Just to make things clear. Are we going to have sex now?"

Gideon chuckled, amused by her bluntness. "Yes. That's what mates do when they meet, Mindy. We are going to have sex, and I am going to mark you. Unless you object."

"No objections!", Mindy said with urgency, hoping that he won't change his mind again. Not about the marking, that could wait, but the sex part was important. She really wanted to feel him inside her.

Her eyes darted from his face to the buttons of his shirt, silently asking for permission to undo them. She didn't want him to hold her hands again. Any type of disapproval from Gideon was creating knots in Mindy's chest, and she didn't want to disappoint him.

Seeing that Gideon didn't react to her nonverbal signs, Mindy's hands moved slowly to unbutton his shirt, one button at a time.

Mindy's eyes widened more as she revealed his firm pecs that were blanketed with a layer of dark brown chest hair. Very manly. She couldn't stop herself from putting her hand in there and touching the soft hair that coiled around her fingers. There was plenty of it, yet it was not thick enough to look like fur. It was perfect.

When all the buttons were undone, and she could see his whole torso, Mindy leaned closer to rub her cheek on his chest. It was ticklish and infused with lavender, and she loved it very much.

"Mine…", she said and at that moment she decided to use that part of Gideon's body as her personal love blanket.

Gideon enjoyed the plethora of Mindy's emotions that seeped into him through the mate bond.

Mindy was like a young branch of a tree, vibrant with blooms, unspoiled, beautiful, and brittle, and he was determined to envelop her with his knowledge and protect her from the elements so that she can grow and bear fruits… fruits… that would be his pups. There were times when he thought about his mate, but he never thought about offspring.

Gideon took a mental note of wonders the mate brings into one's life. It just took one brunette to enter his life and he already saw himself as a family man, with his pups running around while Mindy and he tend to the garden. It was surreal.

Little by little, they undressed each other, and Gideon's eyes darkened when his eyes fell on Mindy's exposed breasts.

Mindy was leaning backward with her elbows resting on the table, giving him a full view of her full and round breasts with a perfectly hardened nipple on each peak.

Mindy thought how all this was new. She hooked up with a guy more than once, but they would at least have a drink first, or dance, or talk… something. This was much more than a hookup, this was for life, yet they went to undressing right away.

Her promiscuous brother had breakfast with Tanya before they went upstairs. Sure, it all collapsed, and it took them a near-drowning experience to get it right, but the point was that they didn't immediately go for the sex part, yet here she was, nearly naked on the dining table of a man she met only minutes ago.

Mindy wondered, is this sex at first sight?

She was down to her panties, and he was only in his boxer shorts, and they were definitely going to have sex.

Mindy watched with anticipation as Gideon licked his lips and moved toward her breasts. She thought that he will lick, kiss, suck, or anything… but he just stood there and took a deep breath.

"How do I smell to you?", she asked.


Mindy was not sure what to think about this. Pumpkin? It was not a sexy fruit. She hoped she will be something sexy to her mate, and not a round orange thing.

Gideon observed her with all the seriousness in the world. "You don't seem happy."

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"Well…", Mindy paused while choosing her words. "Pumpkins are so… plain."

"Mmm…", Gideon hummed in disapproval. "You say plain, and I say versatile. It all depends on preparation. It can turn into a spice, a beverage, a dessert, or a main dish. I love pumpkins. They are my favorite fruits."

"When you say it that way, it sounds special."

"But you are special, my princess. I could look at your shiny exterior all day and not get bored of it, yet I crave to feast on your scrumptious flesh and delicious seeds that are deep inside you."

Mindy swallowed hard.

He just compared her to a pumpkin and made it sound sexy.

She was not sure if he called her princess because of her background, or because he gave her a pet name. Before she could ask about it, he licked her left nipple, and Mindy's whole body jolted as electric currents ran through her body.

A low growl ripped from Gideon's chest as Mindy's flavors of pumpkin overloaded his system, firing up every nerve in his body and he sucked on her harshly while enjoying the tenderness that filled his mouth. She was perfect. More than perfect.

The scent of her arousal muddled with his brain and for the first time in decades, he allowed his urges to take over as his wolf took over.

He moved down her body with urgency and he bit on the delicate fabric of her panties, using his elongated fangs to tear through it with ease, transforming it into tatters that fell on the floor in slow motion.

Gideon's hands moved to spread her legs, and there was Mindy, lying on the table with her legs spread as far as they go, exposing her private parts for Gideon to see.

He was not sure where to look first… at her flushed face from arousal, her breasts that swayed as she breathed, or at her glistening pussy that was right there for him.

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