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The Alpha’s Contract by Taylor West

Chapter 559
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Chapter 0559 Neah It's always dark. No matter how much I try, there is not even a slither of light. I want to move, but I can't.

Everything hurts yet I can't complain to anyone but Nyx. She doesn't know what's wrong with us either, and apart from callingan incubator, she is no help.

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I hear the others as they cto visit me. Whispers rattling around the room. Swere scared about the state am in, others were hard to read.

Dane is and will always be my favourite. His voice is calming, his presence momentarily takes away my pain. He had only brought the boys to seeonce. I didn't blhim, I probably looked like I was dead.

I knew it had to be something to do with my pregnancy. I heard what Mallory told Dane. I wondered if she was right. Maybe the years of abuse hadn't allowedto develop properly. Or maybe it really was Hybrids that I was carrying.

Twin girls that hovered somewhere in between a Lycan and a Wolf, but then that were true, why were other half breeds not considered Hybrids? Lying in the darkness had questions fading in and out of my mind. I was alive yet somehow I am trapped in my own body.

'It could be worse.' Nyx sighs. 'We could be dead." 'I just want my eyes to open.' I murmur back. I just want them to know that I can hear them.' I keep trying to lift my eyelids, to just show a hint of my blue eyes to whoever was in the room. The pitch black doesn't change and I let out a sigh.

The door to my room opens and Damien's scent invades the space. His footsteps move towardsalong with the sound of a chair being dragged across the floor. If I could move, I would be wincing at the sound. Maybe that's why he was doing it, because he knew it irritated me. He sits down next towith a sigh.

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"I need you to wake up Neah. I need sadvice and Mallory still has her head up her butt." I wanted to scream at him, to tell him that I could hear every word, that the only thing wrong withwas that I was trapped in ssort of paralysis.

"I've talked to Silas, he is confused. I don't know if it is a spell or just pure denial. I've tried to help him make sense. We've gone over it hypothetically but... I don't know if we will be able to help him." Dane had spoken about Silas. About how Thalia was tricking him. That Brax had found out much more than we expected. We knew she was a Witch. Silas had already told us, and from what I understood, Thalia did the sthing to him as what Cooper did to everyone else. It made sense. Cooper was doing work for Serkan so why not Thalia.

"But that isn't why I am here." He mumbles. I didn't need to have my eyes open to know he was frowning. Mallory had called it his resting bitch face. "I have tried to mark Samara several times, each time, Dane interrupts and it pissesoff. Samara has been okay with it, to a point which I'm really surprised about. But is it divine intervention? Could the higher powers that Brax speaks of, be stopping me?" He snorts. "Actually, I know what you would say. You would tellto screw the higher powers and do what makeshappy." He is right, I would. I had watched him fall for Samara, I was slowly getting used to her but it wouldn't stoptelling him who he should or shouldn't be with.

His warm hands wrap around mine. "Enough about me. You need to wake up. I don't know if anyone has told you, but you look like you are going to give birth any day now." Mallory had told Dane the same. I had also heard the nurses mention it. Has my bump really grown that much? 'I'm sure he is exaggerating.' Nyx sighs They all keep saying it."

"I do think the others might be onto something." Damien continues. "The extra scents that you carry flicken between Wolf and Lycan. Maybe you afe Carrying the unexpected. Something that is neither Dane or you. Something that combines both of you." He half laughs. "And it would be your children wouldn't it?" 'What is that supposed to mean?' Nyx scoffs 'I think it is his way of telling us that follows us everywhere."

A steady growing ache makes its way through my hips. I knew what was happeninget had felt it before with the boys. My waters break, but I th couldn't speak to tell Damien. 'It's happening!' Nyx murmurs

*Something has changed." I hear Damien mutter as my insides contract. The chair legs scrape the floor as it's pushed back. I feel the blanket as it's dragged off of me. "Shit your waters have broken. This can't be happening now. BETH!" He yells out to the nurse. X Like RICH WOMEN? These women desperately want a mature men! JOIN NOW *Waming* these rich women will persue you.