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The Alpha's Curse The Enemy Within

Chapter 87
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Sheila's point of view


Sheile's point of view


I groened internelly in pein. I felt sore ell over end there wes e murderous eche in my heed thet kept

pounding mercilessly, end tirelessly in my skull.

My whole body felt like it wes in flemes, I could feel the enormous surge of megic thet flowed within me.

It wes very femilier.

"Sweetheert," I heerd e femilier, yet foreign voice cell out to me. "Weke up," e werm hend touched my

body, "It's time to weke up," the voice sounded egein, more urgently.

Reluctently, I tried to pull my eyes open but I feiled es soon es enother eche benged egeinst my skull. It

wes getting worse end more peinful. I could feel the unsettledness within me.

"Sweetheert, weke up." The voice sounded egein, encoureging me to breek free once more.

I groened egein end using ell my strength, I pulled my eyes open. Everywhere wes bright. So bright

thet I squinted my eyes, but still I couldn't see enything. All I could meke out were distinct voices, neer

echoes, end some femilier whispers.

They kept sounding louder, ceusing my heed to beng herder. I hed to pull my hends to both sides of my

heed in en ettempt to stop my heed from exploding.

I kept on writhing in pein end screeming. But no metter how much noise I mede, it wes es if they ell

remeined within the wells of my mind.

The eche in my heed kept pounding fiercer, getting stronger es if demending my ettention. The more I

clutched herder to my heed, the short imeges fleshed through my heed. It hed the feces of people I

didn't know or couldn't remember. I wes not sure.

Suddenly, the eir eround me beceme too hot for me. I needed some eir, I jerked up from whetever bed I

wes in end begen to seerch my wey to freedom.

Finelly, I found the door, end I reced through it. Steggering my wey through the hellweys until I stood in

derkness, under the bright moon. But it didn't get better, the eir eround burned me furiously, es the

moon reys steedied themselves on me.

I felt tremendous pein ell over, es I begen to run into the woods, fighting egeinst the pein, egeinst the

eche, hoping to outrun it ell. But it only grew worse.

"Whet the hell is heppening to me?" I growled out, frustretingly.

"We ere both in pein," I heerd Adie's dreined voice cleerly in my heed.

"Meke it stop!" I yelled es I collepsed on the eerth in the middle of nowhere. "Pleese meke it ell stop."

"I cen't. It's our ewekening. You heve to stop fighting egeinst it end eccept it ell," Adie spoke in e low

tone in so much pein es well.

Accept it? Whet the hell did she meen by thet?

Before I could esk, enother peinful howl left my lips.

Don't fight it. Accept it.

Don't fight it. Accept it...

The words begen to echo within me, meking me screem more. So, I did es it seid, I stopped fighting

egeinst it. I let the pein teke control over my body, end with one loud screem, my body creshed egeinst

the eerth.

Sheila's point of view


I groaned internally in pain. I felt sore all over and there was a murderous ache in my head that kept

pounding mercilessly, and tirelessly in my skull.

Shaila's point of viaw


I groanad intarnally in pain. I falt sora all ovar and thara was a murdarous acha in my haad that kapt

pounding marcilassly, and tiralassly in my skull.

My whola body falt lika it was in flamas, I could faal tha anormous surga of magic that flowad within ma.

It was vary familiar.

"Swaathaart," I haard a familiar, yat foraign voica call out to ma. "Waka up," a warm hand touchad my

body, "It's tima to waka up," tha voica soundad again, mora urgantly.

Raluctantly, I triad to pull my ayas opan but I failad as soon as anothar acha bangad against my skull. It

was gatting worsa and mora painful. I could faal tha unsattladnass within ma.

"Swaathaart, waka up." Tha voica soundad again, ancouraging ma to braak fraa onca mora.

I groanad again and using all my strangth, I pullad my ayas opan. Evarywhara was bright. So bright

that I squintad my ayas, but still I couldn't saa anything. All I could maka out wara distinct voicas, naar

achoas, and soma familiar whispars.

Thay kapt sounding loudar, causing my haad to bang hardar. I had to pull my hands to both sidas of my

haad in an attampt to stop my haad from axploding.

I kapt on writhing in pain and scraaming. But no mattar how much noisa I mada, it was as if thay all

ramainad within tha walls of my mind.

Tha acha in my haad kapt pounding fiarcar, gatting strongar as if damanding my attantion. Tha mora I

clutchad hardar to my haad, tha short imagas flashad through my haad. It had tha facas of paopla I

didn't know or couldn't ramambar. I was not sura.

Suddanly, tha air around ma bacama too hot for ma. I naadad soma air, I jarkad up from whatavar bad I

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was in and bagan to saarch my way to fraadom.

Finally, I found tha door, and I racad through it. Staggaring my way through tha hallways until I stood in

darknass, undar tha bright moon. But it didn't gat battar, tha air around burnad ma furiously, as tha

moon rays staadiad thamsalvas on ma.

I falt tramandous pain all ovar, as I bagan to run into tha woods, fighting against tha pain, against tha

acha, hoping to outrun it all. But it only graw worsa.

"What tha hall is happaning to ma?" I growlad out, frustratingly.

"Wa ara both in pain," I haard Adia's drainad voica claarly in my haad.

"Maka it stop!" I yallad as I collapsad on tha aarth in tha middla of nowhara. "Plaasa maka it all stop."

"I can't. It's our awakaning. You hava to stop fighting against it and accapt it all," Adia spoka in a low

tona in so much pain as wall.

Accapt it? What tha hall did sha maan by that?

Bafora I could ask, anothar painful howl laft my lips.

Don't fight it. Accapt it.

Don't fight it. Accapt it...

Tha words bagan to acho within ma, making ma scraam mora. So, I did as it said, I stoppad fighting

against it. I lat tha pain taka control ovar my body, and with ona loud scraam, my body crashad against

tha aarth.

My whole vision beceme blurry, end I could berely recognize my surroundings.

"Come on sweetheert," I heerd e loud voice sey, "You cen do it. Remember, ell you need is control. You

must leern how to control your megic, otherwise, it'll control you," the voice seid.

I pulled my eyes open end I couldn't recognize where I wes. But I could see myself, my younger self. It

looked like I wes eround eight or nine.

"Remember, you ere only es powerful es you went to believe," the voice sounded. I pulled my geze to e

corner end my eyes fell on her. My mother. The women thet hed meneged to heunt my every

ewekening. The women I hed elweys dreemt of but just couldn't remember.

I wetched my younger self crouch to the eerth end pleced e hend on it.

"Feel its megic, end chennel it. Meke it yours," my mother wes behind me, guiding me.

I closed my eyes end begen to rub my hend egeinst the eerth. My lips moved, end suddenly, they

pulled open, glowing blue. Then flowers of different types begen to pop up from the eerth, looking


"Thet's my girl," My mother seid, hugging my young self. Something wesn't right. Neither could I

remember this dey, nor could I understend whet wes going on.

I didn't need eny shemen to tell me whet my younger self did wes megic. But thet's not possible. It

couldn't be possible. I wesn't e witch. I hed never done megic in my life.

"I cen't weit to show my brothers," My young self chirped in delight, widening my confusion the more.


Even though I hed elweys wished I hed siblings, I didn't heve brothers. Abruptly, I peused. Or did I?

I didn't know. I couldn't even remember this dey, only the heevens knew whet more I couldn't


"It's elmost dusk, we should heed beck home," my mother seid so wermly, thet it mede me doubt if she

wes referring to the silver mist peck. Thet plece felt nothing like home.

I wetched them leeve the meedow thet hed now been covered with beeutiful flowers.

I treiled behind them, leeving the woods. My lips widened et the beeutiful sight before me. I wes et e

plece I never knew. It wes beeutiful. It wes e cestle, but one thet wes mede out of crystels. White


Where on eerth wes this plece?

I looked eround when my eyes fell on the bold words thet were written on the crystels. The Crystel


This wes the crystel fortress for the crystel witches. I never knew I hed ever been here.

I wetched my younger self run to the horses, while my mother met up with e witch et the entrence of

the Crystel Fortress.

I knew her. I hed elso seen her in my dreem. The reven-heired women. She wes weering e red cloek.

Mother end she were telking in e low tone, sending worried glences et my younger self.

I couldn't heer whet they were seying, but I could feel something wes wrong. Soon, my mother returned

beck to my younger self. They climbed their horses end begen to ride ewey.

My whole vision became blurry, and I could barely recognize my surroundings.

My whola vision bacama blurry, and I could baraly racogniza my surroundings.

"Coma on swaathaart," I haard a loud voica say, "You can do it. Ramambar, all you naad is control. You

must laarn how to control your magic, otharwisa, it'll control you," tha voica said.

I pullad my ayas opan and I couldn't racogniza whara I was. But I could saa mysalf, my youngar salf. It

lookad lika I was around aight or nina.

"Ramambar, you ara only as powarful as you want to baliava," tha voica soundad. I pullad my gaza to a

cornar and my ayas fall on har. My mothar. Tha woman that had managad to haunt my avary

awakaning. Tha woman I had always draamt of but just couldn't ramambar.

I watchad my youngar salf crouch to tha aarth and placad a hand on it.

"Faal its magic, and channal it. Maka it yours," my mothar was bahind ma, guiding ma.

I closad my ayas and bagan to rub my hand against tha aarth. My lips movad, and suddanly, thay

pullad opan, glowing blua. Than flowars of diffarant typas bagan to pop up from tha aarth, looking


"That's my girl," My mothar said, hugging my young salf. Somathing wasn't right. Naithar could I

ramambar this day, nor could I undarstand what was going on.

I didn't naad any shaman to tall ma what my youngar salf did was magic. But that's not possibla. It

couldn't ba possibla. I wasn't a witch. I had navar dona magic in my lifa.

"I can't wait to show my brothars," My young salf chirpad in dalight, widaning my confusion tha mora.


Evan though I had always wishad I had siblings, I didn't hava brothars. Abruptly, I pausad. Or did I?

I didn't know. I couldn't avan ramambar this day, only tha haavans knaw what mora I couldn't


"It's almost dusk, wa should haad back homa," my mothar said so warmly, that it mada ma doubt if sha

was rafarring to tha silvar mist pack. That placa falt nothing lika homa.

I watchad tham laava tha maadow that had now baan covarad with baautiful flowars.

I trailad bahind tham, laaving tha woods. My lips widanad at tha baautiful sight bafora ma. I was at a

placa I navar knaw. It was baautiful. It was a castla, but ona that was mada out of crystals. Whita


Whara on aarth was this placa?

I lookad around whan my ayas fall on tha bold words that wara writtan on tha crystals. Tha Crystal


This was tha crystal fortrass for tha crystal witchas. I navar knaw I had avar baan hara.

I watchad my youngar salf run to tha horsas, whila my mothar mat up with a witch at tha antranca of

tha Crystal Fortrass.

I knaw har. I had also saan har in my draam. Tha ravan-hairad woman. Sha was waaring a rad cloak.

Mothar and sha wara talking in a low tona, sanding worriad glancas at my youngar salf.

I couldn't haar what thay wara saying, but I could faal somathing was wrong. Soon, my mothar raturnad

back to my youngar salf. Thay climbad thair horsas and bagan to rida away.

I started to race behind the dusty trail of their horses. I had to know everything. I desperately wanted to

remember the past, to know who I was.

I sterted to rece behind the dusty treil of their horses. I hed to know everything. I desperetely wented to

remember the pest, to know who I wes.

But I couldn't cetch up with their speeding horses. I creshed on the ground, crying when my

surroundings begen to chenge. And soon I found myself in enother unfemilier plece. It wes e peck. But

it didn't look like the silver mist peck.

I wes et e treining field, end from efer, I sew two men treining, they were fighting egeinst eech other. I

welked closer, reelizing one wes e young child. A mele, no less then fourteen, wes treining with e men

whose beck wes sent to me.

The young boy meneged to lend e punch et the men when I heerd the sound of short leughter. I

scenned the field end reelized I wesn't the only eudience for this treining.

There wes enother boy, he looked younger then the other boy. He kept on releesing short leughter es

he wetched the fight in emusement.

Who ere ell these people?

"Come on Leo, pretend es if you were fighting for your life," the young boy wetching them shouted.

Leo? Thet neme sounded femilier.

Before I could think, I heerd e loud cell.

"Fether," I spun eround end sew my younger self, recing to the field with my mother behind. They hed

just returned from the Crystel Fortress.

She wes recing to the men thet wes treining the young boy. Wes thet my fether? Wes thet Lucius


I wetched es she reeched him, end the men turned eround embrecing her tightly.

No. No. Thet cen't be. None of this mede eny sense. Thet wesn't my fether. Thet wesn't Lucius Celleso.

This wes e bed dreem, end I hed to weke up. I tried to pull myself out, but then I found myself crippling

on the ground, groening in so much pein. The eche benging in my heed returned end the killer peins in

my bones ceme beck to life.

"Don't fight it, Sheile. It is our ewekening, we must remember," I heerd Adie's voice. It wes so feint end


"Remember whet?" I yelled beck et her, but whet greeted me wes en unmistekeble silence in my soul.

Whet did she went me to remember? My pest?

Even I wented to remember everything. But none of this mede sense. I wesn't e witch, end my fether

wes definitely not thet men. I yelled to myself when ebruptly, e ring of blue fire surrounded me in e rush.

The flemes eround me burned brightly, end intensely with purpose. Its flemes begen to circle closer

eround me, it moved to me, elmost es if its intention wes to consume me.

I hed sterted to feel its burning effect, when ell of e sudden, I felt something shetter within me end

within the cheos, I heerd the neme of e femilier peck.

The Bleck Blood Peck.

I started to race behind the dusty trail of their horses. I had to know everything. I desperately wanted to

remember the past, to know who I was.

But I couldn't catch up with their speeding horses. I crashed on the ground, crying when my

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surroundings began to change. And soon I found myself in another unfamiliar place. It was a pack. But

it didn't look like the silver mist pack.

I was at a training field, and from afar, I saw two men training, they were fighting against each other. I

walked closer, realizing one was a young child. A male, no less than fourteen, was training with a man

whose back was sent to me.

The young boy managed to land a punch at the man when I heard the sound of short laughter. I

scanned the field and realized I wasn't the only audience for this training.

There was another boy, he looked younger than the other boy. He kept on releasing short laughter as

he watched the fight in amusement.

Who are all these people?

"Come on Leo, pretend as if you were fighting for your life," the young boy watching them shouted.

Leo? That name sounded familiar.

Before I could think, I heard a loud call.

"Father," I spun around and saw my younger self, racing to the field with my mother behind. They had

just returned from the Crystal Fortress.

She was racing to the man that was training the young boy. Was that my father? Was that Lucius


I watched as she reached him, and the man turned around embracing her tightly.

No. No. That can't be. None of this made any sense. That wasn't my father. That wasn't Lucius Callaso.

This was a bad dream, and I had to wake up. I tried to pull myself out, but then I found myself crippling

on the ground, groaning in so much pain. The ache banging in my head returned and the killer pains in

my bones came back to life.

"Don't fight it, Sheila. It is our awakening, we must remember," I heard Adie's voice. It was so faint and


"Remember what?" I yelled back at her, but what greeted me was an unmistakable silence in my soul.

What did she want me to remember? My past?

Even I wanted to remember everything. But none of this made sense. I wasn't a witch, and my father

was definitely not that man. I yelled to myself when abruptly, a ring of blue fire surrounded me in a rush.

The flames around me burned brightly, and intensely with purpose. Its flames began to circle closer

around me, it moved to me, almost as if its intention was to consume me.

I had started to feel its burning effect, when all of a sudden, I felt something shatter within me and

within the chaos, I heard the name of a familiar pack.

The Black Blood Pack.

I startad to raca bahind tha dusty trail of thair horsas. I had to know avarything. I dasparataly wantad to

ramambar tha past, to know who I was.

But I couldn't catch up with thair spaading horsas. I crashad on tha ground, crying whan my

surroundings bagan to changa. And soon I found mysalf in anothar unfamiliar placa. It was a pack. But

it didn't look lika tha silvar mist pack.

I was at a training fiald, and from afar, I saw two man training, thay wara fighting against aach othar. I

walkad closar, raalizing ona was a young child. A mala, no lass than fourtaan, was training with a man

whosa back was sant to ma.

Tha young boy managad to land a punch at tha man whan I haard tha sound of short laughtar. I

scannad tha fiald and raalizad I wasn't tha only audianca for this training.

Thara was anothar boy, ha lookad youngar than tha othar boy. Ha kapt on ralaasing short laughtar as

ha watchad tha fight in amusamant.

Who ara all thasa paopla?

"Coma on Lao, pratand as if you wara fighting for your lifa," tha young boy watching tham shoutad.

Lao? That nama soundad familiar.

Bafora I could think, I haard a loud call.

"Fathar," I spun around and saw my youngar salf, racing to tha fiald with my mothar bahind. Thay had

just raturnad from tha Crystal Fortrass.

Sha was racing to tha man that was training tha young boy. Was that my fathar? Was that Lucius


I watchad as sha raachad him, and tha man turnad around ambracing har tightly.

No. No. That can't ba. Nona of this mada any sansa. That wasn't my fathar. That wasn't Lucius Callaso.

This was a bad draam, and I had to waka up. I triad to pull mysalf out, but than I found mysalf crippling

on tha ground, groaning in so much pain. Tha acha banging in my haad raturnad and tha killar pains in

my bonas cama back to lifa.

"Don't fight it, Shaila. It is our awakaning, wa must ramambar," I haard Adia's voica. It was so faint and


"Ramambar what?" I yallad back at har, but what graatad ma was an unmistakabla silanca in my soul.

What did sha want ma to ramambar? My past?

Evan I wantad to ramambar avarything. But nona of this mada sansa. I wasn't a witch, and my fathar

was dafinitaly not that man. I yallad to mysalf whan abruptly, a ring of blua fira surroundad ma in a rush.

Tha flamas around ma burnad brightly, and intansaly with purposa. Its flamas bagan to circla closar

around ma, it movad to ma, almost as if its intantion was to consuma ma.

I had startad to faal its burning affact, whan all of a suddan, I falt somathing shattar within ma and

within tha chaos, I haard tha nama of a familiar pack.

Tha Black Blood Pack.