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The Amazing Son in Law The Charismatic Charlie Wade

Chapter 5480
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As Jimmy’s condition gradually improved, Nirina and Maria embarked on a drive to Poole, nestled in the southern


This city, christened after the tea it holds dear, boasts a history spanning over a millennium. It’s not merely a post

station along the ancient tea-horse road but also a significant hub for producing Pu-erh tea.

When Maria left Dali, she carried her parents’ ashes with her, finding their final resting place in Poole. It had been

more than three centuries since Maria last set foot here, and the city’s former appearance eluded her memory.

According to her recollection, she had ferried her parents’ ashes from Dali, and when they were buried in Poole,

she discreetly selected a feng shui spot for their graves. There were no coffins or gravestones, she had left them


Locating two columbariums from over three centuries ago seemed a near-impossible task. Thankfully, Maria

recalled that her parents lay beneath a tea-covered hill known as Erlang Mountain.

What’s more, she distinctly remembered interring the ashes beneath the largest, most opulent Pu’er tea tree on

that very mountain.

Oddly, the current map offered no trace of Mount Erlang within the Poole area.

Nirina maneuvered the car into Poole, where he and Maria enlisted the aid of a few local historians. After thorough

probing, they unearthed that indeed, a mountain named Erlang Mountain once existed on the outskirts of Poole.

Yet, it had undergone numerous name changes over the past decades.

One shift occurred during the Republic of China era, followed by another after liberation. The 1960s saw a name

change driven by political movements, and in the late 1970s, another was made after

those movements subsided.

More than two decades ago, the last renaming took place, christening it Celestial Mountain.

This shift was triggered by the sale of the entire tea-producing area to a company from the southern province. The

rebranding paved the way for Celestial Mountain to evolve into their flagship tea garden.

Today, Celestial Group’s tea gained acclaim both domestically and internationally, specializing in medium to high-

end Pu’er tea cakes. Their Cloud series, originating from Celestial Mountain, stood as the pinnacle product, often

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priced at no less than 10,000 dollars per piece.

Armed with knowledge about Erlang Mountain’s current state, Nirina found Celestial Mountain’s location on his GPS.

Having developed it for over two decades, the road infrastructure proved sound, and they reached the mountain’s

base from the city in just 40 minutes.

Having not returned to China for several years, Maria’s apprehension about Erlang Mountain’s possible

deterioration was palpable. The sight of Celestial Mountain put her at ease, for the landscape hadn’t altered in

three centuries.

Although Erlang Mountain bore a new name, it being a tea-producing region ensured that it hadn’t undergone

drastic transformation. The most notable addition was a cement road that led from the national highway directly to

the mountain’s base. At the foothills, Celestial Group had also established a tea processing factory on the flatland.

As the car approached, the lush green hill came into sharper focus.

Maria, seated beside Moses, found herself brimming with excitement.

Observing her fidgeting hands, Nirina inquired, “Are you certain your parents are buried on this mountain?”

“Absolutely,” Maria affirmed. “Despite the name change, the mountain’s appearance hasn’t altered. It must be


She added, “My only concern is whether that Pu’er tea tree remains. If it’s gone, locating the site might prove


Nirina reassured, “Fear not. I’ll stand by your side until we find it.”

Gratitude shone in Maria’s eyes as she responded, “If that Pu’er tea tree still stands, it should be about a thousand

years old. It’s the largest and most vibrant tea tree here.”

A wistful sigh escaped her lips, “Yet, it pales in comparison to the Mother of Pu’er with her ten- thousand-year

lifespan near Heaven Lake.”

Nirina chuckled, “A thousand years or ten thousand years, generations beyond count.”

Drawing nearer, the details of Erlang Mountain came into clearer view.

Maria pointed excitedly at a particularly dense tea tree near the peak and exclaimed, “If I’m not mistaken, my

parents’ ashes rest beneath that tree!”

Raising his gaze, Nirina confirmed her words. There stood an imposing tree near the mountain’s crest. The entire

hillside was adorned with uniform-sized tea trees, each standing around a meter tall.

Considering Maria’s account of the Mother of Pu’er, Nirina wasn’t surprised. While this tea tree couldn’t rival the

ancient one, it bore its own history and unique aura.

However, their approach revealed an unexpected challenge.

Celestial Group had enclosed several mountains, including Erlang Mountain, with sturdy iron fences, surrounding

them with surveillance cameras and layers of barbed wire.

Although a cement road led to the mountain’s base, a park gate blocked it a kilometer away. Nirina parked the car

at the gate.

A vigilant security guard emerged from a nearby sentry box and hastened to their car window, demanding, “What’s

your purpose?”

Nirina answered calmly, “I’d like to speak with someone in charge about a potential cooperation. Could you please

inform them?”

With Erlang Mountain under Celestial Group’s ownership, accessing it had become quite intricate for outsiders.

Additionally, Nirina sought to honor Maria’s parents, so clandestine entry felt inappropriate.

Curious, the security guard inquired, “Your surname? Your affiliation? We haven’t received any visitor notice today.”

Nirina smiled and said, “I hail from East China. I’ve heard of Celestial Group’s reputation and its long- standing

presence. I’m interested in the tea business, so I decided to pay a visit.”

Shaking his head, the guard apologized, “I’m afraid you can’t enter without an appointment. Even city officials need

to notify in advance.”

Curious, Nirina probed, “Why such strict management? It feels almost like a top-secret facility.”

The guard replied solemnly, “Let me enlighten you. Celestial Mountain’s entire tea area is a trade secret, especially

the Tea King tree at its summit. In recent years, ill-intentioned people have coveted it.”

He recounted, “Just last month, we caught two Japanese intruders trying to steal Tea King’s branches for grafting.

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They were nabbed before they could approach and were given a sound thrashing. Since

then, we’ve increased security. There’s a sentry every few steps around Tea King, monitored 24/7 with a nylon net,

barring even birds.”

Nirina couldn’t help but worry.

Under such strict surveillance, a direct approach seemed implausible. Every inch was monitored, and security was


Judging that Nirina didn’t bear any ill intentions, the guard offered advice, “Young man, I’ll tell you this, our place is

a tea plantation and basic processing facility. The real decision-makers don’t work here. If you’re genuinely

interested in cooperation, head to Poole’s urban area. Celestial Building houses our headquarters. Arrange a

meeting there first. If they deem it suitable to visit here, they’ll notify us.”

On Maria’s side, her expression grew disheartened. Still, she tugged at Nirina’s clothes and suggested, “Why don’t

we approach Celestial Group in Poole first?”

Recognizing the complexity, Nirina nodded in agreement, telling the guard, “We’ll head into town first, Thank you

for your guidance.”

The guard waved them off, saying, “No problem. Take your time.”

Returning to the car, Nirina mused aloud, “It seems like a trip back to Poole is unavoidable. However, given the

distance, we’d arrive after business hours. We might have to wait until tomorrow.”

Maria sighed, “It’s quite troublesome. Besides, I’m concerned about Morgana’s influence in the province. Despite

her silence, she could easily keep tabs on any developments here.”

Moses, calm and collected, waved away the concern. “Don’t worry. It’s a straightforward business deal, and we’ll

involve the Banks Family. They’re our safest option.”

He dialed Zara’s number, intending to leverage the Banks Family’s influence. After all, Celestial Group’s sale would

be much smoother under their aegis.

As the call connected, Zara’s respectful voice came through, “Mr. Steven, how may I assist you?”

Nirina cut to the chase, “Zara, I need your help with a matter.”

An eager Zara responded, “Of course, Mr. Steven. Just let me know.”

“Acquire Celestial Group for me. The sooner, the better.” Nirina said without beating bush around.

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