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The Atrocious Werewolf Prince

Chapter 59 Ezra In Action
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Ezra held Efsa in his right hand and Drepa in his left, "Kill them all!" ordered Ezra.

With orders given, the army of the martial master dashed forward, and their formation was maintained. However, their faces were those of the wrathful demons descending from hell, bringing the news of upcoming calamity.

The enemies in front were amongst those who were responsible for the slaughter of the werewolf tribe and Bloodfang as a whole.

The martial masters from the coalition army didn't give their life to fate and awaited their deaths, they armed themselves up and marched forward again. They were led by 10 martial masters, four Foundation Establishment stage cultivators and six 5th Circled sorcerers.


The clashes and slashes of both armies began as they meet each other, the chaos befell on the battlefield. Thousands of martial masters were ready to kill each other to the best of their abilities. Bloodfang had the majority of cultivators and the Coalition army had superiority in sorcerers

Meanwhile, the gigantic armies of common men gazed from distance with their mouth agape, as per Ezra's condition in the Parley, no common men was allowed to fight. Out of around 400,000 combined armies, only 10,000 were fighting each other. Be that as it may, they were the strongest of strongest from both sides. Each death in that battle had the influence to change the tide of war.

Supernovas targeted the leading figures of enemies and understood that they must be killed before anything else, each supernova locked an enemy of the Foundation Establishment stage and as soon as the gap diminished, their blows collided.

Ezra was enraged, he heard the vulgar words of Dhongi Bushtail loud and clear.

"Boy, don't lose your focus." The voice of Fenrir came inside his head.

Ezra was not affected in the least. "Shut up, Fenrir. I'm not in the mood."

Fenrir hmmed and halted himself from further speaking.

Ezra knew that he can kill anyone in the Qi Brightening stage, even if their level is higher. However, he also knew the fact that a difference in level is one thing and a difference in a stage is another, he currently can not kill anyone who is at the Core Formation stage.

A middle age man came forward, holding an axe in each hand. He was at the Qi Establishment stage, Ezra saw the approaching man and picked the pace as well.

The guy unleashed his qi and swung down the axe of his, Ezra flickered his left hand


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With a dull thick sound, the axe attack was successfully blocked by the hook. The hook named Drepa had two unique features in it, one was the venom that is supposed to be incurable in the lower realm and the second was the sharp thorny minuscule blade, they were there to stick into any object that dares to clash with Drepa.

The axe was stuck inside the curve of the purple hook, the attacker tried to pull its axe but failed because Ezra was there to make sure he doesn't get away, he was continuously using his wrist to cancel the axe's move for freedom.

Ezra tilted his wrist and the hook in it followed, the man who was tightening his grip on the axe got his arm twisted.

"Ack, shit..." he spouted and closed his eyes in pain, right after he realised where he was. And as he opened his eyes again, a bluish hue bloomed.


A sharp whistling sound was created by the precise swing and the head of the mid aged man flew in the air followed by the spring of blood, and the severed head hit the ground.


At the third thud, the head stopped. Eyes opened, face twisted and a body without a head, that's how the first opponent who face Ezra died.

Ezra didn't stop there and kept moving to find his next prey, he need live enemies to vent his anger.

Another unfortunate man came, an old man in looks. "Die you fucking bastard." He yelled as he jumped towards the prince. Ezra jerked his arm, and Efsa was sent towards the man in the air.


He knocked the short sword away, Ezra moved his fingers.


Efsa made an irregular move in mid air and cut the offender in half. "I am not a bastard but the only legitimate prince of this mainland." He said.

Out of nowhere, Ezra felt a sheer sense of danger. He ducked down, a sword attack was dodged by hair's breadth. The werewolf prince composed himself and looked at the foe, a mature female with stacked breasts was looking at him in disgust.

"How did you dodge my attack? you are at the Qi Brightening stage and I am a Core Formation expert. Wait... your dress, who ar-"


A gigantic hammer landed on her head, forcefully shoving her head to where her chest was. For an instance, she looked like a headless three tittied lady, until the blood oozed out and she fell on the ground.

The one who attacked her looked at Ezra and asked respectfully "Your majesty! Are you okay?" An Imperial Guard he was.

"Yes, focus on the battle," Ezra replied and the guard nodded. The prince looked at the crushed woman and uttered "Stupid bitch." and he moved to find another prey.


A large explosion and the burnt body of Bloodfang Kingdom's martial master fell near Ezra.

Ezra gandered at the one who attacked, a black werehyena. He landed in full armour, and Ezra's eyes widened. He was someone that Ezra couldn't see through, a powerful opponent. He was one of the 10 Foundation Establishment stage, a man with black skin "Are you the prince?"

Ezra gulped and quickly called his trump card. "Come, my soldier," Ezra uttered and the pentagon was formed vertically beside Ezra, and out of which, a beast emerged.

It was none other than the Mad Titan Bear, but the current one was completely different from the one they left to devour the bodies.

The current one was 2.7 meters tall and his skin turned dark blue, instead of bulging veins, there were greenish glowing patterns all around his body.

"Did he go through an evolution?" Ezra asked Fenrir.

"Yes, 500 martial masters were more than a precious meal for a martial animal, he was a week old so he evolved into a different new form. He is much more powerful now, a 2nd tier martial animal." The wolf replied.

"This bear looked like a Mad Titan Bear." The man said it was common to share chatter before duels. No one knows who will die in battle, so martial masters liked to talk few words before stepping into a deathly battle

"It was a Mad Titan Bear, but not anymore." The prince answered.

"Then what type of martial animal is this?"

"He is Mad God Bear." Ezra named the new specie of his first undead and gave him the very first order "Kill him, Kavar"


A powerful roaring battle cry and Kavar stood on his both legs, facing the man of the Foundation Establishment stage.

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"Keep your voice low," the man said as he landed a solid punch on the abdomen of Mad God Bear, Kavar flew many meters away.

Man didn't even look at Kavar to check and turned towards Ezra "Your pet died, now it's your turn."


Kavar cried, much louder than before, startling the rest of the fighters. Those from Bloodfang get the idea about the bear while the coalition army was confused about what that cry was about, they were shocked to see Skoll and Hati, another such martial animal and they would have surrendered.

"Not dead yet? Very well!" He picked up the spear tied to his back and dashed towards the bear.

Kavar protruded his claws like he would tear the man apart.


Spear met the claws, and the latter was defeated. The spear penetrated Kavar's hand and with the additional power of qi, Kavar's arm was ripped off by the black man.

Kavar saw the bashed bloodied limb of his, allowing his rage to grow. The rage is the very source of his outstanding power.

Kavar cried out and swung his other claw, the defender parried the attack and thrust his spear into the heart of the bear.


Kavar fell to the ground, lifelessly. This time the man looked at the dead bear for a few seconds before moving away. He looked at Ezra, "Now it's died for sure, so are you the prin-"


A resounding growling roar emerged from the dead body, and the expert of the coalition army looked at Kavar.

The dead bear revived, his severe limbs regenerated and the hole in his chest filled as well, pentagon on his forehead glimmered in black lightning. Kavar was uninjured and stood firmly exactly as he did before, except for the fact that he was much angrier.

The spell Fenrir's Blessing has curative magic in the pentagon formula as well, that's how Ezra healed Kavar. "Each regeneration costs soul power... but, it's worth it."

<Above the battlefield>

Mirza was looking at the battle and smiled, the below battle's flow was in the favour of Bloodfang.

His eyes changed direction and landed on Dhongi. "My son has told me to keep you alive, but I think I'm unable to do so," Mirza said as he unsheathed the golden hilted sword.