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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 115
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Chapter 115 Do You Believe…

ruined her face this time…”

Although it was true that Grace had lied on the night of the celebration party, it did appear

that Amanda was the one who ruined Grace’s face.

Meanwhile, Amanda stared at him in perplexity. When did she ruin Grace’s face! She

couldn’t understand how a few slaps would ruin her face. Surely her slaps weren’t that


“If you feel bad for your little girlfriend, just say it to my face! I only slapped her a few

times, so how did I ruin her face? Is her face made of gold? I even got a slap from you, but

is my face ruined?”

She couldn’t stand how Elias would always firmly protect Grace no matter the situation

and even believe her words without a single doubt.

Elias fell silent for a moment before he said, “Didn’t you hurt her with a knife? She has

long wounds on her face and arms from a kitchen knife, and her face is ruined. She might

sue you and make this incident public because of that.”

Amanda’s eyes widened in shock. “Since when did I harm Grace with a knife? Do you think

I won’t know how bad it is to use a knife when I’m a lawyer?”

He furrowed his brows slightly. After Grace lied on the night of the celebration party, he no

longer believed her as much as he used to. However, the surveillance footage clearly

showed that not long after Amanda left Grace’s house, she walked out with a face covered

in blood. What other explanation was there?

Elias slowly explained, “But the cameras outside Grace’s house showed that not long after

you left, she walked out with a face full of blood… Besides, the footage shows that you’ve

already laid your hands on her before going inside. If she posts this video online, it’ll be

bad for you. Moreover, her status as a celebrity could very well ruin your reputation and

prevent you from making a living in the country.

Amanda couldn’t help but laugh, her voice filled with mockery.

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She couldn’t believe that Grace would pull off such a cruel and dramatic feat, willingly

ruining her face just so that she could frame her. How could a woman as vicious as her

exist? Not only was she hard on others, but she refused to let herself off easy as well.

She looked at the man in front of her and asked, “Then, do you believe her or me?”

Elias pursed his lips tightly and stared at her, but he did not reply. Men were rational

beings, and they were unable to form their judgment just by relying on their intuition.

Hence, he could only speak according to the evidence, and now the footage showed that

there was a bigger possibility that Amanda had been the one to hurt Grace. However…

At the sight of seeing him struggle to make a decision, Amanda felt her heart turn cold.

Although they had not spent much time with each other, did he have no idea what kind of

person she was? Did he genuinely think that she was capable of committing such a vile


“All right, enough of this. It seems that you still believe in Grace more, and you think that I

ruined her face.”

“Amanda!” Elias reached out and grabbed her thin wrist with a solemn expression. “No

matter whether you did it or not, I will cover for you. I won’t let her ruin your life.”

At that, Amanda froze in shock for a moment. What on earth was he saying? Wasn’t he

simply implying that she was the one who ruined Grace’s face? Where did he get the

nerve to think that way?

“Do you think I’ll be touched by that? I don’t need you to cover for me because I believe

that the truth will always prevail. Why should I be scared of something I haven’t done?”

Besides, she could look for evidence to prove that she was innocent instead of using the

Winters Family’s influence to bury this incident from the public eye.

Just as Amanda was about to leave, he forcefully grabbed her hand. “I didn’t mean it like

that. I just don’t want to see you…”

“Stop talking. I can handle my own matters. I don’t need you to pretend to be a saint!”

Amanda shook his hand off viciously and turned around to leave the office.

As soon as she stepped out of his office, Elias was just about to stand up and chase after

her when his phone rang. When he picked up, a voice on the other end reported, “Mr.

Winters, Grace has made her move. She’s posted pictures of her in the hospital and even

the surveillance footage, and people are already talking about it now.”

“Cover it up! Cover it all up!”

Elias returned to his desk. He had been staying back in the office just for this moment-he

knew that Grace would not give up so easily.

Meanwhile, Grace watched as the candid photos of her receiving treatment in the hospital

were deleted instantaneously, and all of the rumors they had prepared were silenced. She

angrily threw her phone on the ground.

She knew that this was Elias’ doing. If she wasn’t able to drive Amanda completely out of

the country, wouldn’t her face have been ruined for nothing? How could she let Amanda

off so easily after paying such a hefty price? She would never allow it! This time, she

swore to chase Amanda out of the country, or she would never have a chance to be with


At that thought, she picked up her phone and made a call, roaring furiously, “Don’t stop!

Keep posting, and don’t stop even if they delete the posts! Post it on that forum! That’s

where news spreads the fastest on the Internet!”

The Lawyer’s Romance in …

Chapter 116 You’re Just Jealous That Grace Is Prettier Than You

The next day, Amanda woke up early in the morning before washing up and getting

dressed. Not even having time for breakfast, she hurried downstairs and was ready to go

to the law firm.

At the sight of Selina and Aiden eating breakfast downstairs, she put on her shoes while

saying, “I’m gonna skip breakfast, so go ahead and eat without me. By the way, Selina,

stay home and don’t go out. If your husband comes to you again, just call the police and

then call me!” Although she had a lot on her plate these days, she had to care about

Selina’s domestic violence situation. which was also pretty important.

Selina was looking at her phone in the dining room. Then, she stood up and walked up to

Amanda. “Amanda, is that you in this video?”

“Hmm? What is it?” Amanda looked puzzled. Totally unaware of what was happening, she

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took Selina’s phone and saw a piece of security footage, which was none other than the

security footage of her going to Grace’s place that night. It captured her raising her hand

as soon as she entered the house, and shortly after she had left, Grace came out with a

bloodied face.

It went without saying that this security footage caused a public uproar. Everyone was led

to believe that Amanda had stormed into Grace’s house like a shrew and disfigured her

face before leaving.

In an instant, Amanda’s eyes widened in astonishment. She tapped on the comment

section below the video, and all the comments were generally cursing her. One of them

read, ‘Rumor has it that this woman is the new lover of the Winters Enterprise’s young

boss. Look at this! She wasn’t even afraid to disfigure an actress right away. She really

thinks she can do whatever she wants with Elias Winters covering her back!”

Another read, This video shows how this woman disfigured Grace Murphy’s face in such a

short time. How cruel!

The third comment read, Just what the heck is wrong with Elias Winters’ taste in women?

Why would he fall for such a shrew instead of Grace Murphy? Grace is an actress, after all.

Are actresses so worthless nowadays?”

Another comment read, ‘Here’s a little tidbit: this new lover is a lawyer. She has

deliberately violated the law! Grace Murphy, please go ahead and sue her so that she

goes to jail!

Amanda’s hand trembled while holding the phone as she read the comments. Why would

things turn out like this in the eyes of these netizens? She looked at Grace’s bloodied face

in the footage. She honestly never expected this woman to be so ruthless as to actually

hurt herself!

“Mommy, what are you looking at?” Having eaten half of his breakfast, Aiden jumped out

of his chair and walked up to her, wanting to snatch the phone to take a look.

Only then did Amanda come to her senses and hand the phone back to Selina. “Just finish

your breakfast before going to kindergarten. I’ve got work to do, so I’m going to work

now,” she replied. Then, she took Selina aside, saying, “Don’t let the kid see these things.

I can’t explain it to you