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The Barrister's Love in Town

Chapter 289
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Chapter 289 I’m Giving You a Chance Now

Amanda followed the given instructions and drove to St. Helen. The moment she entered

the premises of the rehabilitation center, an overwhelming sense of ecriness washed over

her. There was an inexplicable strangeness in the air, creating a chilling atmosphere that

seemed to envelop her. Goosebumps formed on her arms as she stepped out of the car

and gazed at the center before her. She lightly touched her arms, attempting to soothe

the prickling sensation.

She couldn’t shake the feeling of being watched from somewhere for some unknown

reason. Yet, she couldn’t find anything suspicious when she glanced around warily. She

retrieved her phone from her pocket and dialed the number written on the slip of paper.

After a few rings, the call finally connected.

A soft. gentle voice greeted her on the other end, “Hello.”

“Hello, are you the bone marrow donor? I’ve arrived at the rehabilitation center. Can we


There was a brief pause before the woman on the phone responded, “Come to the third

floor of the inpatient department. I’ll be waiting for you in the corridor.”

Amanda couldn’t help but find the situation even more peculiar after ending the call. The

woman’s calm demeanor seemed detached as if she bore no concern for the matter at


Meanwhile, a woman standing in the hospital corridor handed her phone to the man next

to her. Tve followed your instructions and made the call.”

The tall man stood before the window, observing Amanda, who was standing near her car

in the distance. Her delicate silhouette exuded fragility. He released a kind of laughter

filled with malicious glee as he remarked, “Very well, it’s none of your concern anymore.

Carry on with your business.”

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Amanda reached the deserted third floor of the inpatient department. As she passed by

the wards, the sounds of heart-wrenching cries echoed through the air. She took a step

back, feeling startled. This place was called a rehabilitation center, but it was nothing

more than an asylum. Then, she caught sight of a man’s silhouette at the far end of the

corridor. The dim lighting obscured his features, but she could see that he stood sideways,

gazing out of the window toward the rehabilitation center, as though he was anticipating

her arrival.

Why was there a man? The person who called her earlier was clearly a woman.

She hesitated and felt reluctant to approach, but she couldn’t afford to give up now, not

when the bone marrow transplant was scheduled for the following day.

Hence, she summoned her courage and cautiously made her way toward the man. Before

she could utter a word, he turned around, revealing his true identity. In an instant, her

eyes widened in shock, and she remained unable to regain her composure for quite some

time. It was Taylor! A sense of unease washed over her. Could it be… She dared not delve

further into her thoughts.

He wore a satisfied smirk, clearly pleased by her astonishment, and chuckled. “Surprised

to see me? Don’t doubt yourself. Your guess was right. I am the bone marrow donor.”

Him again!

Anger surged through her, reaching its peak. She marched up to him, unable to contain

her frustration any longer, and delivered a resounding slap right across his face. “Are you

out of your mind?! Playing with people’s emotions repeatedly! What do you truly want?”



Taylor rubbed the spot on his face where she had slapped him, his laughter growing more

audacious. “Well, all I wanted was to witness your downfall. But this time, it’s not me

who’s a match for your son. It’s Rosie. Isn’t it ironic? The Winterses and Allegras searched

high and low for a matching donor, yet both my sister and I turned out to be a match.”

Amanda’s eyes widened, her balance wavering. How could this be? She couldn’t fathom

how things had taken such a horrific turn. The Winterses and Allegras had exhausted

every avenue in their search, but these siblings were perfect matches!

He reveled in the satisfaction of watching her spiral into a mental breakdown. “Go on,

persuade me. Wasn’t that what you wanted? To convince the donor’s family? If you can

persuade me, I’ll let my sister

donate the bone marrow. Come on.”

His mocking tone trampled over her, relentless in its assault. She clenched her fists,

trembling uncontrollably. She bit her lower lip and came close to drawing blood. She knew

he wouldn’t donate the bone marrow for Aiden, and he wouldn’t allow Rosie to do so


She struggled to hold back her tears and turned to walk away, but he grabbed her, pulling

her toward one of the rooms. “Do you see that? That’s how my sister is right now. Don’t

try to tell me that Elias isn’t to blame. If that’s the case, why should we care whether your

child lives or dies? It’s not our responsibility to donate our bone marrow.”

Amanda glanced through the glass on the door and saw a disturbed girl inside, oscillating

between crying and laughing. The girl incessantly uttered Elias’ name, as if bound by an

unbreakable curse.

Taylor lowered his gaze, observing her side profile. “I’ll give you a chance now. I can

donate bone marrow, but I have one condition.”

Amanda swiftly snapped her head toward him upon hearing his words, locking eyes with

him. He was momentarily stunned, as it was the first time he had seen her eyes up close.

He couldn’t help but admit that they were remarkably beautiful-bright, clear, and imbued

with a hint of innocence and a touch of naivety. Anyone who gazed at them for too long

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would unintentionally be ensnared by her spell.

She didn’t waste a moment and demanded, “What’s the condition?”

Before he could respond, she quickly added. “If it’s something like sleeping with you,

forget it. I won’t do it, and it’s absolutely disgusting.” She was about to turn and walk

away, but he tightly gripped her wrist. “Take care of my sister for the next ten days,

starting today. If you do, I’ll donate bone marrow to your son. Also, during this time, you’re

not allowed to contact Elias or anyone else.”

“Just like that?” She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Did this sc”mbag suddenly

have a change of heart? She couldn’t fathom that the only condition was to care for Rosie

for ten days in exchange for him donating his bone marrow to Aiden..

“That’s all. Still, I highly doubt you’ll be able to endure these ten days,” he remarked in a

snarky manner. Amanda was not aware of how severe condition his sister’s condition was.

She scoffed. “If I agree, will you honor your word?”

“Of course, I’ll honor it.”

“It’s a shame that I don’t trust you at all.” She had no trust in Taylor whatsoever. Hence,

she freed herself from his grip and was prepared to leave. After all, how could someone

who despised Elias so easily offer his bone marrow for Aiden just like that?

This time, he made no effort to stop her from leaving. Instead, he casually slipped his

hands into his

pockets and spoke from behind her, “Whatever. If you want to leave, go ahead. But


you finally found a suitable bone marrow match. It won’t be so easy to find another one.

By the time you find another match, your son could be critically ill, teetering on the edge

of death. There is even a high chance that the transplant might not be effective anymore.

Do the math yourself.”

Her steps gradually faltered upon hearing his words. Her back tensed, and she hesitated.

It truly was a daunting task to find a suitable bone marrow match. Moreover, Baby’s

condition was visibly deteriorating, and if she couldn’t find another match in time, what

would she do?