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The Billionaire Alpha’s Contract Lover

Chapter 1749
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Chapter 1749

Just as the two arms were about to grab Johnny, Scarface lowered his voice again and said,

“Serpentine movement!”

Johnny now completely believed Scarface and, dragging Taya, quickly ran out of the game room using

the serpentine movement.


The mechanical arms not only could move in a straight line but also could turn. Under Johnny’s skillful

control, they extended infinitely and turned endlessly.

Mech–X’s program was clearly set to chop off an arm before retracting. Otherwise, Mech–X would

continue to chase him until it chopped off his arm.

Unfortunately, Taya was handcuffed to him, and she didn’t have the strength to keep running.

She thought about using Mech–X’s steel blade to cut the handcuffs, but the blade was too wide, and

the handcuffs were too close to their arms. It was too dangerous and not worth the risk.

In addition, Mech–X’s program was set to only be effective when. it touched a human body, so this plan

was quickly dismissed in her mind. She could only grit her teeth and run with Johnny while thinking of

other ways.

Seeing that the two were gradually losing their strength, Scarface quickly rushed to the opposite game

room and

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Chapter 1749

put the severed arm into Mech–X’s hand.

Tasting the blood, Mech–X quickly retreated back into the red door.


Johnny’s danger was instantly resolved, and Taya’s heart, which had been in her throat, also suddenly

relaxed. Only the man was left cursing on the ground.

As for the other players who had not yet made a choice, they all followed suit after seeing their actions.

In game room 4, only Taya had returned and had not yet pressed the number key. When the others

tried to rush in to grab her, Scarface and Johnny kicked them out.

Under the protection of the two men, Taya quickly pressed the number 2 key as Scarface had

previously suggested, and the red door in front of them indeed displayed the words “You win.”

Seeing these words, Johnny breathed a sigh of relief and his. suspicion of Scarface turned into trust.

“Why?” he asked.

Scarface just shook his head at him, and Johnny knew they were being monitored, so he didn’t ask any

more questions.

“The first round of the game is over. Please select your rewards, victorious players.”

Five minutes later, the mechanical voice sounded again, and the screen on the table displayed two

reward options.

Taya and Johnny both chose the first option, a 5 billion reward, while Scarface chose the second.

Chapter 1749


“Players, please retrieve your invitation cards and proceed to the Gate of Life and Death.”

After the electronic voice disappeared, the black box on the console retracted, and a gold leaf popped


Taya and Johnny retrieved the gold leaf and, before entering the gate, looked at Scarface who was

following closely behind.

Not only did Scarface help them, but he also knew which box the apple was in, indicating that he had

received the information in advance.

Or, after the game started, someone passed on accurate information to him based on the countdown


If that’s the case, it meant Scarface knew the person behind the


Johnny remembered the note that popped out of the console when Taya operated it. Could it be



If it were Griffon, he would have stopped them before they entered, instead of sending Scarface to help

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them from the side.

He wouldn’t have waited until after they entered, or even confirmed the game, to pass a note telling

them to leave.

Johnny thought that if Griffon were still alive and had the ability to go behind the scenes, then that note

was from him. Griffon must have seen their images on the monitor and found a way to pass them a

note to leave, but it was too late.

Chapter 1749


As for Scarface, he appeared in the room before the game. started, indicating that he entered as a

player and assisted them from the beginning.

Under the all–around surveillance, Johnny couldn’t ask Scarface alone, so he could only wait for a

noisy environment and an opportunity to lean in and ask a few questions, just like Scarface had told

them what to choose carlier.

In the backstage viewing area, the four game screens closed, showing the win–lose interface and the

betting amounts.

Out of the 18 invited people, only Venom’s invitees had won big, and naturally, people were suspicious

of him.

“Venom, your two invitees cooperated quite well. Could they have known each other beforehand?

“Yes, especially the Sear, he knows how to avoid risks. Isn’t he the one you planted in advance?”

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