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The Billionaire’s Kick Ass Wife

Chapter 58
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Chapter 58 Family’s Protection 2

After hanging up the phone, Jeanne Lockwood went to read the news online. When she saw the

slandering news of Isabella Thompson, her face darkened in anger.

As soon as Olivia Lockwood entered, he saw her mother’s grim expression. She immediately shrank her

neck. Although her mother was usually elegant, she was scary when angry, and even her father didn’t

dare to provoke her

Olivia could not pluck up the courage to ask her what happened. She tried to weaken her presence and

tiptoed upstairs.

Halfway through, she heard her mother mutter to herself, “Draxton said that Bella is timid. She might be

depressed and afraid now. No, let’s put venting our anger aside. I have to comfort her now!”

With that, she took out her phone and called Isabella.

Isabella didn’t know whether to laugh or cry when she received Jeanne’s call. At the same time, she

couldn’t help but feel warm inside.

From what Jeanne said, it seemed she already knew about the video of Mr. Thompson and the

comments and criticisms.

The power of cyberbullying is not to be trifled with. Those with weak minds may not be able to withstand

it. Isabella did not want to let Jeanne down. She agreed to Jeanne’s invitation to go shopping together.

Jeanne hung up the phone and muttered, “Bella’s voice is hoarse. She must have cried.”

After saying that, she turned around and found her daughter standing behind her. The two of them were

face to face. Jeanne was shocked, and Olivia rubbed her nose guiltily.

“You scared me!”

Jeanne whacked her daughter. Olivia chuckled and held Jeanne’s arm. “Mother, were you calling Sister-

in-law just now? What happened? Who dares to bully Sister-in-law?”

Jeanne snorted and said, “Don’t you usually surf the internet? Didn’t you read the news today?”

Olivia took out her phone. After reading it, she silently muttered a prayer for the person who framed her


“Seriously, someone actually dared to frame Sister-in-law. My Sister-in-law is so timid. How could she

have hit someone with her car?”

Jeanne echoed, “That’s right. Bella isn’t that kind of person. She’s gentle and quiet.”

Philip Lockwood, who had just entered the house, was speechless.

A series of question marks appeared in his mind. He looked at his wife and daughter. He could not

understand how they could tell that the girl was timid. That girl was bold. There was probably nothing she

did not dare to do…

His eyes were filled with suspicion. Jeanne said, “Philip, have you seen the news online? It’s really too

much. Bella’s adoptive father said she hit him with a car and even sent him to the hospital. There’s a lot

of criticism surrounding Bella online. There’s also that female celebrity whose nickname is Lang. She has

been guiding public opinion on the Internet to target Bella. She’s timid. How can she withstand it?”

“Yes, sister-in-law is so timid and cowardly, she’s probably frightened.”

“Cowardly? Are you guys… thinking too much?” Jeanne looked at his wife and daughter and asked

carefully. Jeanne and Olivia stopped talking and looked at him silently with their beautiful eyes.

Philip coughed lightly and immediately said, “You’re right. Bella must be frightened, so… What do you

suggest we do?”

Jeanne and Olivia’s expressions softened. Jeanne said, “I’m going out. I’m going shopping to relax.”

“Til go too, Olivia said.

Philip nodded. “Go ahead. Spend some time with that timid girl.”

He emphasized the word “timid.”

After watching the mother and daughter leave, a trace of confusion flashed across Philip’s eyes. Could it

be that he had misunderstood that girl? Was that girl actually very timid?

Isabella drove to the place where she and Jeanne were supposed to meet.

“Sister-in-law!” Olivia got out of the car and waved at her.

Isabella smiled and walked over.

Olivia held Isabella’s hand and looked at her as if she was an idol. She chattered, “Sister-in-law, look at

my skin. Isn’t it especially tender?”

She moved her face closer as she walked.

Isabella reached out and pinched it. She said seriously, “Yes, will it burst if I pinch hard enough?”

“Haha…” Olivia took that as a compliment.

Jeanne got out of the car and glared at her daughter. She looked at Isabella empathetically and stepped

forward to hold her arm. “Bella, I’ve seen the comments online. Don’t take them to heart. No matter what

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happens, you still have us. Let’s go shopping. After we’re done, you don’t have to return to the estate. I

heard that Draxtoni isn’t around either. You can sleep with us tonight.”

“Sister-in-law, you can sleep with me.”

Olivia was looking forward to that.

Isabella pursed her lips and smiled. “Alright, I’ll sleep with Olivia tonight. Grandpa and grandma will take

Ricky with them anyway.”

They went to a mall. As soon as they entered, they met Jeanne’s acquaintance.

“Jeanne, what a coincidence!”

A graceful lady with exquisite makeup walked over. She had maintained herself well, but when she

smiled and walked over, she could not help but exclaim when she saw Jeanne’s current appearance.

“Wow, Jeanne!”

She looked at Jeanne in surprise, her eyes wide open.

Jeanne was not surprised at all. She smiled at the lady’s reaction.

The lady covered her chest, and her beautiful eyes widened slightly. “Jeanne, you’re such a meanie. I

haven’t seen you for a few days, but you’ve become younger? How is your skin that clear and healthy?

You… Aren’t you going to share your secrets with me?”

She looked hurt.

Jeanne chuckled and said, “Alright, Loraine, let’s find a place to sit down and talk.”

Only then did the noblewoman give her a look that said, “At least you know what’s good for you.” Her

gaze lingered on Jeanne’s face, her eyes filled with envy. Then, she turned and saw Isabella.

Her eyes lit up. “Oh, what a beautiful young lady. Jeanne, where did you kidnap this young lady from?”

Jeanne hid Isabella behind her back and glared at the lady warily. She said angrily, “Loraine, don’t have

any ideas about Bella. She’s Draxton’s wife!”

The noblewoman’s eyes widened. “Draxton’s wife?”

Jeanne smiled and nodded, looking very pleased with herself.

The lady was heartbroken. “I thought I could introduce her to Connor. Guess not now…”

Jeanne glared at her angrily and said to Isabella, “Bella, this is your godmother, Mrs. Sanders. She is the

wife of the Sanders family chieftain, Austin Sanders.”

The Sanders family. Austin Sanders. Both names represented the pinnacle of Dawton City.

The four great families were the Lockwood family, the Sanders family, the Hart family, and the Riker


Loraine Smith and Jeanne Lockwood were best friends, and their relationship had always been good.

After they had children, they became godmothers to each other’s children. Hence, the Sanders family

and the Lockwood family had always maintained a close relationship.

They found a cafe and settled down. Mrs. Sanders asked impatiently, “Jeanne, quickly tell me why your

skin has been revitalized. It’s as if you’ve suddenly become 10 years younger! Oh my god, I’m so


Mrs. Sanders looked at Jeanne eagerly, who gave her a smile. “You’ll have to ask Bella,” she answered


Mrs Sanders’ eyes lit up as she looked at Isabella.

Isabella smiled shyly and said, “Godmother, I’m a traditional medicine practitioner. If you want, I’ll give

you a few bottles later. You can give them to others too.”

Mrs Sanders grabbed Isabella’s hand. “Don’t forget about this, child. When I stood with your mother, we

used to look like sisters. I can’t take it now that she’s younger and prettier than me.”

Isabella couldn’t help but laugh. It seemed Mrs. Sanders’ personality was livelier.

“Godmother, sister-in-law is definitely a miraculous doctor. Her pills are amazing. Did you only look at my

mother? Don’t you think I’ve become prettier too?”

Olivia leaned over and showed off her face.

Loraine pinched her cheeks, her eyes glowing with desire.

“I must give this pill to Connor too. Maybe he can’t find a wife because he’s too uncouth. I’ll give it to him

later. He’ll definitely bring me a daughter-in-law that way!”

She looked at Isabella bitterly and said, “Jeanne, how can Bella stand Draxton’s uptight personality? She

looks so reserved and shy.”

Jeanne immediately glared at her warily. “Loraine, don’t you dare have any ideas about Bella!”

Loraine rolled her eyes. “Hmph, Draxton is my godson. Bella is also my daughter-in-law now. I don’t

need to anyway. If I want anything in the future, I’ll look for my daughter-in-law. Don’t you think so,


Isabella smiled and nodded. “Yes!”

Samantha happened to chance upon them. She was here to meet a fan..

The fan was a wealthy young master. He was very generous with Samantha. He had gifted her a villa as

well as a foreign island.

For this fan support meeting, he bought an entire planet and named it “Sam,” which he obviously named

after Samantha.

It was also because of this that Samantha’s fame rose rapidly.

Previously, Samantha had no plans of interacting or developing a relationship with her fans because she

had Cristian Rivera as her fiance.

But with how determined the Rivera family was. She needed to find another way out since the Lang

family was no longer dependable.

Therefore, after the baby-swapping video was exposed, this fanatical fan of Samantha proposed to have



The same fan had also requested a meeting, but Samantha did not have any other intentions toward him

back then and hence did not agree.

But this time, Samantha agreed after some hesitation.

She had to find a backer other than the Rivera family for herself.

Since this fan was so obsessed and generous with her, she guessed he must be someone extraordinary.

If she made use good use of him, he might be of great help in the future.

Samantha thought the other party was a plump, wealthy man, but when Samantha Lang saw him in

person, she was instantly stunned.

She could hardly believe her eyes. That was an extremely demonic and handsome man who did not look

like a real person

The other party had violet shoulder-length curly hair. The beautiful luster made his lustrous curly hair

even more beautiful and eye-catching.

He had a typical western appearance. He had a tall nose bridge and deep eyes. There was not a single

flaw on his fair and clean face. His facial features were exquisite and perfect. He was simply like a

mythical being.

His eyes were the same color as his hair, but the color of his eyes was darker. It was as if one could peer

into the abyss if they looked closer.

His lips were a dark red color, and there was a purplish diamond piercing on the left side of his nose.

This was an exotic addition to his already breathtaking face.

He was tall and slender, so perfect that all men would be jealous.

Donned in a white suit, he was like the new snow in early winter. Clean and cold, he gave off an

otherworldly feeling Combined with his coquettish demeanor, his otherworldly beauty was enough to

strike one’s soul.

The man’s handsome appearance dazed Samantha for one whole minute.

She did not know what her expression looked like. She only knew that when she regained her senses

and met the man’s beautiful amethyst-like eyes, she thought she had ascended to heaven. It was an

unreal feeling. People say that beauty heals the soul. Samantha had never thought of this saying to be

right until now.

Fortunately, the man did not mind her loss of composure. The man introduced himself. His name was

Lawrence Docker, and he was a noble from Etrulia.

Samantha blushed instantly.

Her heart was pounding. The man’s beauty was too shocking. It did not match her expectation of a man

with bad looks and a plump figure. She was at a loss. When she walked into the cafe with the man, her

heart was still racing.

However, she heard the word “Bella” when Loraine mentioned it briefly, perhaps due to her sixth sense.

She was sensitive about things related to Isabella Thompson recently.

When she turned around, she immediately saw Isabella. Isabella looked like a socialite at first glance

and was sitting with two noble ladies.

Then Samantha managed to control her emotions. The first thing that flashed through her mind was that

Lawrence Dockor seemed to be of a prestigious lineage. If he could help her deal with Isabella, she

wouldn’t need to be afraid of anything.

Scheming thoughts flashed across her mind. Lawrence’s handsomeness made her heart race. The

corners of Samantha’s lips curled up. As expected, she was still favored by god! She couldn’t believe

such a handsome man was her diehard fan. God was really helping her!

“Sam, what are you looking at?” The handsome and tall man exuded an exceptionally charming

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fragrance that she could not name.

When he leaned in closer, Samantha could no longer stay calm because his presence had such an effect

on her.

However, she could not help but feel jealous when she saw Isabella sitting with the two noblewomen.

Isabella should have been abandoned by the Thompson family and died five years ago!

She was not supposed to be this composed and dignified.

As a top celebrity, Samantha’s acting skills were decent. She bit her lower lip, and her eyes were slightly

red. She shook her head and said, “Nothing. I just saw someone I know…”

Lawrence followed Samantha’s line of sight and saw Isabella and the two noblewomen. Lawrence

thought for a moment and said, “She’s the woman who caused your biological father to be hospitalized.”

Samantha didn’t say anything, but she bit her lips even harder. Although she didn’t admit it directly,

silence. meant consent.

Lawrence looked in the direction of Isabella and said, “Sam, do you need my help?”

Samantha’s eyes glistened. She glanced at Lawrence and said, “I’ll settle this myself. Thank you,

Lawrence Dockor

Isabella was very sharp. When Lawrence and Samantha looked over, she had already noticed their

gazes. She turned around abruptly. Her dark but dazzling eyes were so piercing that no one dared to

look her in the


Lawrence’s eyes flickered.

“What beautiful eyes,” he thought.

Isabella only glanced at them indifferently before looking away.

On the other hand, Lawrence kept staring at Isabella Thompson. He had never seen such soul-stirring


Chapter 50 anily’s Protection t

Samantha Lang saw Lawrence’s reaction and her heart skipped a beat. She had a very bad premonition.

Almost on impulse, she walked towards Isabella.

Samantha’s approach interrupted the ongoing conversation and ruined the harmonious atmosphere.

The corners of Samantha’s lips curled up into a cold smile. She figured Isabella could marry into a

wealthy family because she had given birth to her son. Thus, she would ruin her life.

With that thought in mind, Samantha’s expression changed instantly. Her eyes gradually turned red as

she looked at Isabella and spoke, “Isabella Thompson!”

Isabella raised her eyebrows and looked at her coldly.

Samantha looked aggrieved. Then she apologized to the two women. “I’m sorry, Madams. It’s rude of me

to disturb you.

“However, I need to clarify something with Isabella Thompson in person. Why did she want to kill her

adoptive father? Although her adoptive father is only a commoner and an ordinary person, he is still her

adoptive father after all. He raised her personally. Why is she so ruthless?”

After she asked this, she thought that she could see the surprised expressions of the two noble ladies.

Or perhaps, they would look at Isabella Thompson with suspicion and disgust.


Before Jeanne could say anything. Loraine rolled her eyes and asked, “Miss, who are you? Do evidence

to prove whatever you just said?”

you have

Jeanne continued, “Loraine, I know the answer to that. She’s a celebrity. Her biological father said Bella

hit him with a car and sent him to the hospital. However, there’s no concrete evidence to prove their one-

sided stories. Who knows what the truth is?”

Moreover, Bella was originally the Lang family’s daughter. However, for the sake of her daughter’s life,

the parents of this celebrity had swapped two newborn children.

“It’s bad enough that they swapped the babies. They even tried to ruin Bella’s future! If not for Bella’s

intelligence, she would have fallen prey to their underhanded tactics.”

“So that’s what happened?” Loraine looked at Samantha with disgust.

Samantha was also a little confused.

Earlier on, she did hear Jeanne say that Isabella was her daughter-in-law. But why were the two women

defending Isabella? It wasn’t like they were blood-related.

“Yes.” Jeanne continued, “There are also those hate comments against Bella online. They have evil

intentions. I don’t even want to look at them for fear of dirtying my eyes. I brought Bella out today to

accompany her. I didn’t expect to meet someone like her.”