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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 156
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Chapter 156: Or What?

The stable owner was speechless.

What was he looking at?

When Mr. Sean left Ascalon, he specifically told him to take good care of Athena. However, the stable

boy who used to be responsible for feeding and bathing Athena suddenly quit his job, no matter how

much salary he offered, the boy insisted on leaving.

Then he had to ask another boy to feed Athena, but Athena wouldn’t even eat anything, let alone let

him bathe her. He replaced the stable boy again and again but no one could get near Athena.

Finally, Mr. Frederick came back to take care of Athena for a while, and Athena slowly recovered.

To solve the problem, from then on, he would come with Frederick and feed and bathe Athena with

Frederick watching, which finally got Athena to get familiar with him.

It was the time Claire was here and Athena was willing to let her touch her?

And Athena seemed to like her very much.

Even Sean was a bit surprised, he had planned to help Claire get familiar with Athena, but he didn’t

expect it to be so easy.

Well, it did save a lot of time.

Kira looked at Athena and rolled her eyes, “Well, it seems that even horses know how to please their

future boss’s wife. Some people aren’t even as smart


Chapter 156: Or What?

as horses.”

Sasha, who was leading her horse over, happened to hear this, she glared at Athena and cursed

Athena deep inside. She thought that after she got Sean’s heart, she would eat her!

Claire just glanced at Sasha out of the corner of her eye before gently stroking Athena’s mane with her

hand, “Athena, can I ride on you? If you help me win, I will take you home and let you stay with Sean

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every day.”

Athena hissed as if she understood, and then by some miracle, she knelt on her front hooves as if she

were bowing to Claire, it was so cute.

The stable owner looked dumbfounded, “What does… this mean?”

Sean let out a chuckle and bent down to stroke Athena’s head, “That’s my good girl.”

The stable owner was anxious, in all his years of breeding horses, he had never seen a horse kneel to

someone for no reason, he asked, “Mr. Sean, what does Athena mean by this?”

Sean stood up straight and looked at Claire with a gentle smile, “Athena has recognized Claire as her


The stable owner was stunned.

Claire happily patted Athena on the back, “Good girl, get up, I can get up there by herself.”

Athena immediately stood up, stomped two front hooves on the ground, and just dutifully stood there


Claire oracned the rone around Athena’s neck with her left hand then stenned


Chapter 156: Or What?

She did it with ease.

Kira’s jaw dropped as she looked up at Claire incredulously, “You can ride a horse?”

Claire, like Julia, grabbed the rope with one hand, sitting up there without a trace of fear, relaxed and

delighted, “Or what? Why else do you think I took Sasha’s challenge?”

“But…” Kira frowned awkwardly, “I have guessed earlier that you could ride a horse, and that your

horsemanship should be good, but it’s still a shock to see it in person.””

Claire tilted her head and smiled smugly, “I’ll show you something more shocking later then.”

Sean walked up and raised his hand to touch Athena’s head and whispered something in Athena’s ear

before looking up at Claire, “Claire, Athena is fast and has been trained, you can trust her. But be


“I know.” Claire smiled sweetly, “Sir, promise me that if I win, we’ll build a stable at home and bring

Athena home?”

Sean chuckled and patted gently on Claire’s leg, “When have I ever objected to anything you’ve said?”

Claire laughed as she sat down on the horseback and actually bent down and kissed Sean on the

forehead, “I knew you are the best.”

Both the stable owner and Kira were speechless.

Could they not display their affection anymore?



Chapter 156: Or What?

didn’t dare to make such a difficult maneuver on the back of a horse, but Claire did it with ease, so she

could imagine how good Claire was at riding a horse.

“Claire, break a leg!”

Claire raised an eyebrow at her, then tugged on the horse’s rope and kicked Athena’s stomach gently,

and Athena started to run.

She hadn’t been ridden in a long time.

Finally, she could have some fun!

The stable owner looked at Athena and touched his forehead, “Why do I get the feeling that Athena is

having fun?”

“Sure she is.” Sean said as he headed outside, “Claire is riding her.”

Kira was speechless.

Here we go again…

Sasha waited on the track for a few minutes before she saw Claire coming up riding Athena, the way

she moved and posed, she looked at ease.

Sasha had a bad feeling and her horse seemed to sense the agitation and restlessness in her mind

and walked back and forth.

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“Claire, I can’t believe you set me up!”

Claire pulled up next to her on Athena, turned her head and looked at Sasha with an innocent smile on

her face, “How did I set you up?”

“You didn’t?” Sasha gasped as her fingers tightened on the rope, “First, you


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Chapter 156: Or What?



mic up.


Claire pulled up next to her on Athena, turned her head and looked at Sasha with an innocent smile on

her face, “How did I set you up?”

“You didn’t?” Sasha gasped as her fingers tightened on the rope, “First, you told Kira to compete with

your assistant, then in the stands you said you set up a trap for Kira, making me think you didn’t know

how to ride a horse at all.”

“Oh?” Claire’s hand holding the riding crop gently lifted, covering her lips as she laughed out, “You are

blaming me for your own stupidity? I said that if Kira wanted to compete with me, she had to win my

assistant first. When normal people hear this, they will all assume I’m better than my assistant, right?

How did you get me wrong?”


Sasha was too angry to say a complete sentence.

She had thought she was scheming enough, but she didn’t realize that Claire was even more scheming

than her!

Her beautiful face was red with anger at this moment, she clenched her teeth hard and raised her hand

again to point at Julia who had been standing aside “But she said I was bullying you!”

Chapter 157: She’s Sure to Win