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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 296
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Chapter 296: Why Do You Look Awful

Sasha had just walked in and caught a glimpse of Claire, Julia and Frederick sitting in the bleacher.

She had a bad feeling, held her anger and walked


“Claire, what are you doing in the open stoning room when you didn’t even get a single stone?”

Claire looked calm. “Just here to check it out.”

“Check it out?” Sasha was pissed and said, “You never like to watch fun. Claire, just admit it. You were

just lucky to get the pink crystal the other day and were worried you might lose everyone’s trust, so you

didn’t get a single stone.”

Claire kindly reminded her, “Confidence is a good thing, but don’t get blindly confident or you will

embarrass yourself.”

“Embarrass myself?” Sasha let out a disdainful laugh. “Claire, how can I

embarrass myself? What are you going to do to embarrass me when you don’t even have a single raw

stone here?”

“Mr. Frederick!”

Sasha had just finished speaking when Jack trotted over, pushing his cart.

Seeing him, Sasha was really afraid that his cart would hit her and took a step back. Taking the

opportunity, Jack pushed the cart to Frederick, smugly patting his chest. “All the stones you asked me

to bid are here. They were all bought at the lowest price!



22 Mon, Nov 13

Chapter 296: Why Do You Look Awful

The raw stones that he auctioned off were actually for Frederick?

So… did it mean that all three of these raw stones were Claire’s?

Sasha clenched her hands. She had been tricked! She had actually been tricked by Claire!

Frederick didn’t even look at her, sitting gracefully and nodding to Jack. “You did a good job.”

“That’s my job!”

Speaking of this, Jack raised his hand and wiped the sweat on his forehead. “I was so nervous just

now. So many raw stones went to waste. I was thinking that my sudden bidding might make the others

suspicious. Mr. Frederick, you are so smart to think of that trick. No one suspected me.”

Sasha’s face had turned livid with anger, and at this moment, she finally realized that Claire was just

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distracting her!

Julia covered her mouth and laughed. “Gee, Sasha. What’s wrong with you? Why is your face so livid?”

Sasha really wanted to rip her mouth off!

She was obviously angering her!

But it really pissed her off!

After taking a deep breath, Sasha forced down the anger in her heart. She glared at Claire. “It’s just

three pieces of garbage stones. What do you have to be so proud of?”


Chapter 296: Why Do You Look Awful


Claire leaned her body against the back of the chair and raised an eyebrow. “We won’t know if it’s

garbage until we open it.”

“All right! I’d like to see what’s in these stones you’ve worked so hard to get!”

When she finished speaking, she turned around and walked over to the stone opener. With a raised

hand, she pointed over to Claire and said, “After this one is opened, open theirs first!”

The stone opener looked up and saw Claire. He remembered her still. She was the lady who got a pink

crystal the other day.

After the piece of raw stone that was set up on the machine was cut open, the stone opener waved at

Claire. “Miss, you may bring your stones here.”

Sasha glared at him. “Why being so polite? Don’t you know they’re our enemies?”

The stone opener, being yelled at, was displeased inside.

After all, Sasha was so much younger than him yet she had shown no respect for him.

He stopped talking and took a step to the side, standing behind the machine.

Claire pushed the cart and came over. “Sasha, do you have any respect for others? Although the sir

works for you, he’s diligent in his job. Why did you yell at him for no reason?”

“None of your business!”

Sasha was already very angry, and now that she was educated by Claire, she


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Chapter 296: Why Do You Look Awful

was even angrier.

“In my territory, I’m the boss and they just have to suck it up. What? You

don’t like it?”

Claire had seen a lot of arrogant people, but she hadn’t seen someone this arrogant. And Sasha had

just taken over the Felix family business.

Wasn’t she afraid that she would lose everyone’s support?

Claire gave a sneer. “Looks like Joseph isn’t good at raising kids. Luckily, I wasn’t raised by him.”


Sasha was so angry. She had never lost in arguments before, but after meeting Claire, she had lost

again and again!

“Claire, stop acting so proudly. Wait till after we see what’s inside your


“OK!” Claire pushed the cart hard towards Sasha’s legs.

Sasha took a few steps back in fear. “Claire, what are you doing?”

“Nothing!” Claire raised her chin. She had always kept a low profile, but sometimes it wouldn’t solve


“Sasha, I’m going to let you choose one of these three raw stones. I will trade it with you for this sir



Lushed out loud “Claire are vou

Chapter 296: Why Do You Look Awful


Sasha was stunned for a moment and soon laughed out loud. “Claire, are you stupid? You want to

trade trash with me for an experienced stone opener? Do you think I’ll agree?”

Claire crossed her hands over her chest and tilted her head, looking towards the stone opener. “Then

we can do it legally. Sir, would you like to work in Sinclaire Jewelry? I’ll triple your salary and I can

assure you that in my company, no one will ever be so rude to you and everyone will respect you.”

The stone opener had been working for the Felix family for twenty years.

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“I didn’t sign any contract with the Felix family. I can quit my job here right now.”


Sasha’s face turned red and she gritted her teeth in anger. “You actually poached my worker in front of



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Betrayed and sold at auction, Thalia is a long way from home. When she’s given the opportunity to

bring those who abducted her to justice, she’s all in. One problem. Her alien partner hates humans,

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“I didn’t sign any contract with the Felix family. I can quit my job here right now.”


Sasha’s face turned red and she gritted her teeth in anger. “You actually poached my worker in front of


Wouldn’t that be like slapping her in the face in public?

Claire smiled gently and pulled the cart back. “That’s even better. I saved a


11:22 Mon, Nov 13 DD

Chapter 297: Deserve It