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The Billionaire’s Surprise Twins by A Young Cabbage

Chapter 64
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Chapter 64 Future In–Laws

Claire pursed her lips in a cold chuckle and did not say a single word as she

waited for Evelyn to leave.

The moment Evelyn vanished from view, Robert started throwing his weight around again.

“You must be dumbfounded, Claire. Hahaha! Do you think you are all that just because you’re now the

chairman of Solstice Industries? Surprised, right? Evelyn Vanderbilt is the second largest shareholder

of the company, and she is my future in–law!”

In Silverton, everyone and their mom wanted to be connected to Evelyn in some way because the

moment they knew her, it was equivalent to being connected to the Morgans and the Vanderbilts.

It was certainly something that Robert could boast about for the rest of his


Claire licked her lips and tilted her head to ask in an extremely innocent voice, “Didn’t Clarissa just

dump Xander? Why would Evelyn be your future


“Dumped him?” Robert’s eyes bulged with confusion. “When did Clarissa break up with Xander? Stop

spreading false rumors, Claire!”

“You didn’t know?”

Claire shrugged and kindly reminded him, “Didn’t Evelyn just say Xander is in the hospital? Apparently,

he was so devastated about being dumped that he knelt in front of Mr. Sean’s pate for the whole of

vesterday. It rained

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Chapter A4 Future In Laws

knelt in front of Mr. Sean’s gate for the whole of yesterday. It rained heavily last night, so he fell sick.”

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The increasingly lost look in Robert’s eyes made her chuckle. “Ha! It looks

like you really don’t know. You just went along with Evelyn’s plan without knowing a single fact of the

situation. Who knows, you might end up helping

her even after she sold you out!”

Robert truly did not know anything about the breakup. He had noticed Clarissa sulking the entire day,

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but she refused to tell him anything. Perhaps it really was because she had broken up with Xander.

How could this be?

With such a major event happening in the family, he was no longer in the mood to drink and celebrate

with Amos, Charles, and the others. He had to hunt

Clarissa down and get a clear answer now.

“Amos, Charles, I have something urgent I need to attend to. I’ll treat you guys to lunch another day,”

he said.

Amos and Charles did not mind missing dining with Robert, so they both nodded and told him to go.

Without saying another word, Robert dashed out the door while his hands scrambled through his

pockets for his phone.

Clarissa and Alice soon received a phone call from Robert. He sounded so serious over the phone that

they immediately hurried home.

Alice and Clarissa arrived home soon after Robert did.

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Chapter 64 Future In–Laws

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When the two women saw the ferocious glare on Robert’s face, they exchange

glances with each other before cautiously approaching him.

Robert snapped his head around to glare at Clarissa as he coldly demanded, “Did you break up with


Clarissa froze in shock at first before she nonchalantly sat down on the couch. “I was wondering what

the major issue was you wanted to talk about, Dad. Is that all? Your glare had me thinking the world

was ending.”

Alice smiled as well and leisurely settled down next to Robert. “Oh, Robert, Evelyn kicked Xander out

of the family. She even told him to marry into our family instead. Why shouldn’t Clarissa break up with a

useless man like that? Did you expect her to keep him around?”

“Absolute nonsense!”

Robert’s roar had both women shrinking back in fear. After glaring at Clarissa, he turned to glare at

Alice before slamming his hands down on the coffee


The coffee table shook as a loud bang echoed through the air. Alice’s and Clarissa’s hearts trembled

with the coffee table.

With a hand over her heart, Clarissa shrieked, “What are you doing, Dad? I just broke up with Xander.

Is that the end of the world? Why are you so angry?”

“She’s right,” Alice added. She had been so frightened that her heart was still quivering in fear and had

to repeatedly pat her chest with one hand. “Robert, we are family. Speak properly if there’s something

you want to say.

Chapter 64 Future In–Laws

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The accusatory demands from Robert’s wife and daughter had him taking a deep breath to forcefully

calm himself down.

However, there was no way he could calm down.

When he next spoke, he was still shouting. “You utter fools! If Evelyn really wanted to kick Xander out

of the family, she would not be looking after him while he’s in the hospital!”


Alice grabbed his hand and anxiously asked, “Why is Xander in the hospital?”

Robert glared at Clarissa once more. His anger grew the more he spoke. “It’s all because Clarissa

broke up with him. He was so heartbroken that he knelt before Mr. Sean’s mansion the entire day. It

was also raining heavily yesterday, so he fell sick from being soaked by the rain.”

Clarissa did not think she did anything wrong.

However, Robert was so furious that she did not dare argue back and merely grumbled to herself in her


She had only just dumped him. Why did Xander have to kneel before Sean’s home? He was making a

mountain out of a molehill. Just how weak was Xande that he was hospitalized after kneeling for a

while? He was usually so energetic when it came to doing that, so why was kneeling too much for him.


Hmph! He was definitely putting on an act.

15:13 Wed, Nov

Chapter 64 Future In Laws

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Now that iʊdtil Tau veriltu VUL SUITE VI HD Digi, nic was ally avIC LU

speak in a calmer voice. “Claire was there at the shareholders‘ meeting today. Not only that, but she is

now also the chairman of Solstice Industries. She was going to overthrow me right in front of those old


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“If Evelyn had not appeared in the nick of time to support me as the second largest shareholder of the

company, the two of you would never be able to get a single cent out of me now.”

Alice’s heart raced with fear. She did not care about anything but the fact

that Robert could have no income.

There were so many bills to pay in the house. Without an income, none of them

could survive.

“What should we do now, Robert?”

Robert did not answer her. Instead, he focused his attention on Clarissa. “Do you still want to marry into

a rich family?”

Clarissa’s face lit up with joy as she immediately blurted out, “Of course, I

do! I want that!”

Robert stood up and grabbed Clarissa’s arm before shoving her toward the door. “In that case, hurry

along to the hospital to visit Xander. Make up with him!”

Since Evelyn cared about Xander, it meant he was still the Morgan heir. Clarissa was filled with glee at

that thought. Perhaps Xander knelt in front of Sean’s house as a ploy to win Evelyn’s sympathy.

How surprisingly clever of him.

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How surprisingly clever of him.

Since he adored Clarissa, she would only need to spend a few minutes coaxing him to accept her


In the VIP ward located on the top floor of the hospital.

As soon as Clarissa stepped out of the elevator, she spotted the two men in black suits standing guard

by the door at the end of the corridor.

They looked so impressive and powerful. As expected of the Morgans.

With a basket of fruits in one hand and a flower bouquet in the other, she strutted over to the door in an

elegant walk that showed off her curvy figure.

When she reached the door, she glanced at the two bodyguards before ordering them in a haughty

voice. “Open the door.”

One of the men blankly responded, “Mrs. Morgan stated that no one is to visit the young master.

Please leave.”

Clarissa was infuriated at being stopped before she could even step through the ward door. As she

glared at the two men, she arrogantly barked out, “Do you know who I am?”


Chapter 65 Good Enough to Win an Academy Award