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The Billionaire's Unexpected Proposal by Samantha

Chapter 59
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Chapter 59

Evelyn stared blankly at the document on her computer screen, trying to focus on work to no avail.

She had too many thoughts running through her mind at the stime, and the most frustrating of all was the

fact that she missed Derek despite all that was happening.

No matter how many times she tried to talk ssense to herself and remind herself of all the reasons why she

couldn't be with Derek, nothing seemed to work

Her thoughts kept drifting to Derek and all the different ways he tried to seduce her and challenge her into

making decisions she wished she never did.

The way he'd hold her gaze with his intense blue eyes, and let their fingers brush ever so lightly. Most especially

she remembered how he had made love to her a few days ago and made her forget everything else.

She couldn't deny the strong force of attraction between them, even though she knew it was all a very bad and

dangerous idea.

"Too much is going on. Evie, you shouldn't be thinking about him," Evelyn told herself with a sigh as she pushed

her seat back and stood up.

She walked over to the window hoping the view would distract her and help her clear her mind. She needed to

focus on her work, not on Derek or the complicated feelings she had for him. There was too much at stake, and

she couldn't risk them for ssilly infatuation.

She didn't know how long she stood there until she heard the buzz of her phone on the desk and she walked over

to pick it up and see who was calling

She felt a pang of guilt when she checked the caller ID and saw it was Margaret, her friend and neighbor back in


She had missed several calls from Maggie in the weeks since she arrived, and each tshe told herself she

would call back but she never did.

Taking a deep breath, Evelyn received the call, "Hello, Maggie, It's been a while!" Evelyn greeted cheerfully as

she settled back in her chair.

"That's because you've not been taking my calls or returning them, Maggie pointed out.

"You're right. I'm sorry. I've been so busy with work and trying to settle in since I got here," she said


"I figured. I've missed you, Evelyn. How's everything going over there? Have you settled in now? How's Sammy

doing?" Margaret asked with a smile.

"She's good as always," Evelyn said, a smile tugging at her lips as she thought of her daughter. "How about you?

How's everything going?"

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"Oh, you know, just the usual craziness with Josh and the twins. Wanted to check on you and see how you're

settling in. | miss you so much," she said and Evelyn smiled,

"I'm fine, and | miss you too," Evelyn assured her.

"So, have you

you been able to get the interview!" Margaret asked curiously.

Evelyn sighed, "It's a long story, Maggie," she said and Margaret raised a brow.

"Do you want to tellabout it?" Margaret asked and Evelyn nodded.

Margaret had been the first friend she had when she got to Husla six years ago and although it had taken quite

stfor her to open up to anyone again after the betrayal from Sandra and Michael, she had told

Samantha about Derek and the fact that her pregnancy had been the result of a one night stand with a man she

didn't know.

"Yeah." Evelyn said, before going ahead to tell Margaret about meeting Derek again but leaving out the details.

"You mean Sammy's Dad is the sguy you're interviewing?" Margaret asked in disbelief when Evelyn was



"This is what hopeless romantics likecall fate or destiny, you know? It can't be a coincidence that you met

him that reunited with him again this way now. Have you told him about Sammy!" Margaret asked and Evelyn


way six years ago and

"No. Dilon't want to"

"Why not? | thought when you made up your mind to return there, you were ready to find Sammy's father,

Margaret cut in.

Chapter 59

"That was before 1 found out he is Michael's cousin," Evelyn said and Margaret snorted.

"So, what! He is Samantha's father and | believe that's the most important thing you should consider instead of

focusing on his relationship with your ex." Margaret said and Evelyn shook her head.

"I don't want things to becmore complicated and difficult forthan they already are. | just want to live

quietly with Sam..."


hy should you live quietly? | thought when you made up your mind to return there, you were i or hide from them

now?" Margaret asked with disapproval.

to run

ready to face everything. Why do you want to

ne . oR 2 5

I'm not running or hiding. | just don't

want to expose Sammy to all that

' : '

. If Sammy Rasy dtidot( 1)

ll B

AVN oeWRh el's cousin |

ould have exposed everything, but

onl) q

now it's all too complicated so | have


to be more careful for Sammy's

[1 :

sake," Evelyn said weakly. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

"Hmm. If you say so. By the way, | was at the hospital the other day for my appointment and I ran into Dr Liam,"

Margaret said, changing the subject.

Evelyn found herself smiling at the mention of Liam. "You did? How is he doing?" Evelyn asked with interest

"He seemed okay. We chatted for a while and he kept talking about you as usual and expressing how worried he

was that you moved so far away." Margaret said and Evelyn smiled as she remembered how hard he tried to

convince her to not return to Ludus.

"Liam is such a nice guy. You won't believe he keeps in touch with Samantha even though we haven't spoken

much since | got here." Evelyn said, thinking about how Liam had been by her and Samantha's side since she

was pregnant till now.

I" | :

You do know he's doing that

because he knows that Samantha is

: u

the way to your heart, right? m

Margaret teageghand Eby rolled

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her eyes since this was an argument

f n

they had had countless times. "No.

f q

He's doing that because he has been

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a part of Samantha's life since birth

oR q "

as my obstetrician and friend," Evelyn

said as she always did. The content

is on novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

"I know he likes you, Evelyn.."

"First you imply that reuniting with Samantha's father is fate, and now you're talking about Liam. Choose a

struggle, Maggie," Evelyn said, and Margaret giggled.

"Well, both men have potential. You can be with either of them, just don't be alone, Evelyn. You deserve to be in

love and happy. And well, deserves a father too," Margaret said and Evelyn sighed. Sammy


And she also deserves peace. So, tell

1 P |

me, what's new with you? How's

Josh and the Wy SO misses

I :

HEH ENelyr\s4id, hanging the

subject. They talked smore and

after the conversation ended with a

promise to talk more often, Evelyn

felt more at ease and got to work.

Since her return to Ludus, she had forgotten how nice it felt to share her problems with someone, and she was «

glad that Margaret had called and reminded her of it. She didn't have to do any of this alone