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The Billionaire's Unexpected Proposal by Samantha

Chapter 68
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Chapter 68

Evelyn and Rayna returned to their seats, and they both sat in silence for stas Evelyn tried to gather

her thoughts. Knowing Rayna was definitely going to ask her about Derek, she wasn't sure what or how much

she was ready to tell her.

She sighed inwardly when it seemed she was hiding so much from Hayna. Seeing how happy Rayna seemed,

reconnecting with her made her feel like a terrible friend, but there was nothing she could do about it-at least for



so easily

easily to her after Sandra's betrayal

She would be risking too much if she so much as told Rayna about her secrets. Trust no longer c

Rayna, who couldn't hold back her curiosity any longer and was tired of waiting for Evelyn to talk, cleared her

throat and turned to look at Evelyn

after stime.

hy did you act like that? Did something happen between

She leaned in close, her voice barely audible over the music. "So, who's Derek, Evie? And why you two!" she

asked, and Evelyn sighed.

She had known the conversation was inevitable, not after she had acted that way.

Evelyn took a deep breath, trying to keep her voice steady. "Like | said before, he's no one to concern yourself

with. Just someone | am going to be Interviewing soon," she said with an indifferent shrug before sipping from

her martini.

Rayna raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. "Con. Exic. | know it's more than that, especially with how

you reacted. | saw the way he touched you and the way he looked at you, you know? That guy likes you, and it's

obvious. | have a feeling you like him, too."

Evelyn shook her head dismissively, though she couldn't quite keep the emotion from her voice. "It really doesn't

matter even if | do," she said, and Rayna frowned, sensing there was more to the story.

of concern

cern for her friend.

e wasn't prepared.

-Why d

doesn't it matter? What's going on?" she asked, not exactly because she was curious but our

Evelyn sighed, knowing she wasn't ready to open up, not here, not now. She wanted to and wished she could,

but she

"Ray, please.. can we not

e... can we not talk about it?" she asked, not wanting to lie.

Rayna sighed but nodded, relenting for the moment. "Alright, | won't push. But when you're ready to talk, just

know I'm here to listen. Anytime, okay?" she said reassuringly.

Evelyn managed a small smile, grateful for Rayna's understanding. "Thank you, Ray, for not pushing. |

appreciate that, and | will definitely tell you everything when I'm ready," she said, and Rayna returned the smile.

Not wanting to dwell on that and spoil the fun they had cfor, Rayna quickly brightened up, her mood lifting

as she grabbed Evelyn's hand. "Enough with the serious stuff. Let's take spictures and make svideos!

We need to document this night," she chirped, Evelyn chuckled, feeling a little lighter as she watched Rayna pull

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out her phone.

They posed for pictures, made funny faces, and made boornerang videos, and Evelyn's earlier nonchalance was

temporarily forgotten as they immersed themselves in the fun of the moment.

While Evelyn and Rayna were busy taking pictures and having fun, Derek and Ethan sat a reasonable distance

away from them, and Derek watched Evelyn's every move with a smile on his face. Derek had convinced Ethan

so they could find a spot closer to Evelyn where he could keep his eyes on her, and as he watched Evelyn, Ethan

shook his head.

"If I had known she would be here tonight, | would have taken you elsewhere," Ethan said with an amused smile.

"And she would have been there, my friend. You can't tamper with fate," Derek responded without taking his

eyes away from Evelyn, and Ethan chuckled.

"I brought you here to hang out with me, but your attention is fixed elsewhere. Ethan complained as he watched

his friend.

"You don't understand how | feel seeing her here this way, Derek said, turning to spare Ethan a glance.

"Seeing you so in love with her this way makesjealous," Ethan said, and Derek shook his head.

her to



"There is nothing to be jealous about. Our relationship is so complicated right now that | know it's going to be a

tough fight to get and talk more about marrying me. There are so many obstacles. | have to deal with Michael,

my parents, and Evelyn herself. She's so damned stubborn. | know she likes me, but she just won't give in. You,

on the other hand, can date and marry whoever you want. You don't have any obstacles in your path. So, you

see? Nothing to be jealous about." Derek said, feeling pretty much frustrated by the thought.

"Who says | can date anyone! All | want to do right now is find someone suitable and

married to her so

o she can give

kids. You know | do not

3:10 PM

Chapter 68

have the luxury of tto do any dating ," he said, and Derek turned to look at him, giving hi

him a confused look.

"Just get married and have kids? What are you talking about! Don't you have to date someone or fall in love with

them to get married?" Derek asked, and Ethan shook his head.

"I'd love to date and fall in love, but as it is, | don't have the time. And we don't always have to date someone to

get married to them. I'm sure | can get to like and date whoever | get married to after marriage." Ethan said, and

before Derek looked at him like he had lost his senses.

you out of your mind? Why would you do something like that when you can find a woman you like, court her, and

have her fall for you like every normal relationship?" Derek asked incredulously. Ethan shrugged, his expression

turning serious


How am | supposed to meet a

woman, fall in love, and do all that

: : |

normal relationship stuff when I'm

barely around for more than a Jul

. , a O

ata time? | donitHavetthe e for

Rat ReRAN 1 need is someone

f q

who's ready to settle down, have kids,

: : '

and take care of the family while I'm

away for work. Besides, falling in love

would only put us both in misery

' I .

whenever I'm away," he explained.

Derek shook his head, but Ethan

raised a finger before he could say

anything The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

I" 1 : :

Hearout, okay! I'm thirty-eight

right now, in two years, | will be forty.


Let's say | spend the next two years

trying to date and fall in love ken

f 2 ( )

youre suggesting ad ert manage

: |

td get red by the tI'm forty,

' 9

Great. Let's say we decide to have a

baby immediately, and then my wife


and | welcour baby when I'm

forty-one. II be fily by the tmy first

kid is nine years old. Fucking nine

f q

years old, man! And I'll be sixty when

' a q

he's going to college. Ethan said,

expressing his frustration. The

content is on novelenglish.net! Read

the latest chapter there!

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Derek frowned as he thought about it. "As long as you're healthy, that doesn't matter!


It does to me, Derek. | always

thought there was time. | thought |

had the tand | was relaxed. And

then, on the morning ¢mybirtday a

I ¢ : .

few wedksago, realized | was in my

late thirties already and close to forty.


That wasn't my plan, man. My plan

was to get married at thirty and retire

at forty-five to be with my family, not

start a family at forty, Ethan said, and

Derek sighed The content is on

novelenglish.net! Read the latest

chapter there!

"Okay. So, if you don't want to date, how do you intend to marry! Don't tellyou're thinking of a contract

marriage, Derek asked, and Ethan shrugged.

"Something like that, but it's not going to be for a specified duration. | want a home, a real family. | want to get

married to someone who can take care of our kids while I'm away at work," Ethan said, and Derek sighed,

understanding Ethan's reasoning

"I understand what you're saying, but marriage is a lifetcommitment. Ethan. | don't think you should make

such a serious decision lightly." Derek said, and Ethan smiled.

"You know me. | wouldn't share my plan with you if | had not already thought about it and made up my mind," he

said, and Derek sighed.

"So, how do you plan to find this lady who would be willing to give up her life for a lifetof a loveless

marriage? Derek asked, and this time. Ethan chuckled, knowing Derek was going to think he had lost it when he

heard his plan.

"Why are you laughing that way? Say something. How do you plan to get a girl?" he asked again.

"First, it's not a lifetof loveless marriage. Like | said, we can fall in love and date after marriage. I'm just

hastening the process by beginning with marriage. And as for my plan, I'm going to put out an ad for a wife in

one of those magazine/blog couple corners"

"You're going to do what?" Derek asked incredulously.

"You heard right. | plan to get married before I return this time, and this is the only way I can achieve that."

Ethan said in a tone that told Derek that his mind was made up.

Derek shook his head, unable to wrap his mind around the idea. "That's a ridiculous plan, Ethan. You can't just

rush into something like that. It doesn't make any sense to me, Derek said, but Ethan grinned, undeterred

to do so | don't remain a bachelor forever. | want to have a wife and kids to return to." Ethan

"It doesn't have to make sense to you. It is what | want to said, and Derek sighed

"I know | can't change your mind, so | have no choice but to support you. | just hope you don't regret this,

though." Derek sand, and Fihan smilest "1 won't regret it"