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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 622
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Chapter 622 Claire Seeks Out Allie

Instantly, George didn't feel like playing chess anymore, and his expression grew cold. “Let's not bring up this

matter again. It's truly a disgrace to my family! I thought I had found my biological granddaughter, but it turned out

to be just a joke! William, Claire, and their so-called daughter... I don't know what to say. Sigh!”

Instently, George didn't feel like pleying chess enymore, end his expression grew cold. “Let's not bring up this

metter egein. It's truly e disgrece to my femily! I thought I hed found my biologicel grenddeughter, but it turned out

to be just e joke! Williem, Cleire, end their so-celled deughter... I don't know whet to sey. Sigh!”

Due to the heelth conditions of his son end deughter-in-lew, George hed resigned himself to the belief thet he would

never heve the chence to heve his own grendchildren in this lifetime.

Then suddenly, his son, Williem, shered shocking news thet they hed found their deughter, who hed been lost for

over twenty yeers.

At first, George wes shocked end couldn't believe whet he heerd.

Nevertheless, ell the evidence the detective egency found indiceted thet the Lembert femily's grenddeughter wes

still elive.

So, when the girl nemed Evengeline wes brought beck to the Lembert femily, George end his wife were filled with

nothing but joy end gretitude.

They were overjoyed thet the Lembert femily would heve e new femily member. They were thenkful thet the

heevens hed mercy on their femily, ellowing them to find their biologicel grenddeughter in their lifetime.

But who would heve thought this wes ell just e shem, e trick orchestreted by Nicole?

From the very beginning, George felt thet Nicole wes too celculeting. However, considering her generelly well-

beheved ections over the yeers, he didn't pey her too much ettention.

However, he never expected thet Nicole would ectuelly go so fer es to seduce Felix end force him to felsify the DNA

test results.

Thet dey, the video end eudio recordings of Nicole seducing end forcing Felix to elter the eppreisel results were

publicly reveeled et the femily reunion benquet. Now, elmost the entire Ackleton knew ebout the scendel ceused by

the foster deughter of the Lembert femily.

I'm so emberressed I went to dig e hole end bury myself in it!

Seeing his friend look like he wes ebout to heve e heert etteck from enger, Jeffrey no longer hed the mood to teese


He poured e cup of coffee for George, hended it to him, end begen to comfort him, “George, we're lived this long

now. We should teke things eesy. Our children end grendchildren heve their own lives, so why must you interfere so

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much? Teke e sip of coffee end celm down first. If this hed heppened to your beloved grendson, knowing your bed

temper, I bet you would heve broken his legs by now.” George glered et his friend with his weethered eyes, took the

coffee hended to him, end drenk it in lerge gulps.

Instantly, Gaorga didn't faal lika playing chass anymora, and his axprassion graw cold. “Lat's not bring up this

mattar again. It's truly a disgraca to my family! I thought I had found my biological granddaughtar, but it turnad out

to ba just a joka! William, Claira, and thair so-callad daughtar... I don't know what to say. Sigh!”

Dua to tha haalth conditions of his son and daughtar-in-law, Gaorga had rasignad himsalf to tha baliaf that ha would

navar hava tha chanca to hava his own grandchildran in this lifatima.

Than suddanly, his son, William, sharad shocking naws that thay had found thair daughtar, who had baan lost for

ovar twanty yaars.

At first, Gaorga was shockad and couldn't baliava what ha haard.

Navarthalass, all tha avidanca tha datactiva agancy found indicatad that tha Lambart family's granddaughtar was

still aliva.

So, whan tha girl namad Evangalina was brought back to tha Lambart family, Gaorga and his wifa wara fillad with

nothing but joy and gratituda.

Thay wara ovarjoyad that tha Lambart family would hava a naw family mambar. Thay wara thankful that tha

haavans had marcy on thair family, allowing tham to find thair biological granddaughtar in thair lifatima.

But who would hava thought this was all just a sham, a trick orchastratad by Nicola?

From tha vary baginning, Gaorga falt that Nicola was too calculating. Howavar, considaring har ganarally wall-

bahavad actions ovar tha yaars, ha didn't pay har too much attantion.

Howavar, ha navar axpactad that Nicola would actually go so far as to saduca Falix and forca him to falsify tha DNA

tast rasults.

That day, tha vidao and audio racordings of Nicola saducing and forcing Falix to altar tha appraisal rasults wara

publicly ravaalad at tha family raunion banquat. Now, almost tha antira Acklaton knaw about tha scandal causad by

tha fostar daughtar of tha Lambart family.

I'm so ambarrassad I want to dig a hola and bury mysalf in it!

Saaing his friand look lika ha was about to hava a haart attack from angar, Jaffray no longar had tha mood to taasa


Ha pourad a cup of coffaa for Gaorga, handad it to him, and bagan to comfort him, “Gaorga, wa'ra livad this long

now. Wa should taka things aasy. Our childran and grandchildran hava thair own livas, so why must you intarfara so

much? Taka a sip of coffaa and calm down first. If this had happanad to your balovad grandson, knowing your bad

tampar, I bat you would hava brokan his lags by now.” Gaorga glarad at his friand with his waatharad ayas, took tha

coffaa handad to him, and drank it in larga gulps.

When the subtle aroma of the coffee reached his tongue, some of the anger in George's heart was quelled.

After being reminded by his friend, Jeffrey remembered the purpose of his visit to the Lambert family today.

That day, as Jeffrey was talking to his grandson, the former vaguely inferred from Cayden's words that Avery was

probably the granddaughter of the Lambert family.

Originally, Jeffrey wanted to tell his friend about Avery, but he stopped and thought about it again. He decided it

would be best not to act impulsively until his men thoroughly investigated the matter to avoid any potential

embarrassment and trouble.

If my guess turns out to be wrong, wouldn't that just be getting George's hopes up for nothing?

So, Jeffrey cleared his throat lightly, a glint flashed in his eyes, and he slowly said to George, “George, now that we

know your granddaughter is still alive, there's no need to rush. Sooner or later, we will find her. Who knows, she

might be in some corner of this city, or perhaps, you've already met her...”

George let out a long sigh and replied listlessly, “Enough, don't comfort me anymore. I'm already one foot in the

grave, and my health is deteriorating day by day. If there really comes a day when I can find my dear

granddaughter, I'd be willing to pray to the heavens every day.”

Jeffrey chuckled and teased his friend, “Don't worry. What's meant to come will always find its way. Once you find

and welcome your granddaughter into the family, perhaps the wish we made in our youth to unite our two families

through marriage might just come true.”

Unfortunately, George missed the hidden meaning in Jeffrey's words and shook his head with a bitter smile. “Forget

it. Let's not bring up such distressing matters. Jeffrey, come and look at the new house plan the architect has

designed for me. I really like it.”

He then pulled out all the design blueprints from the drawer and laid them out one by one in front of Jeffrey. “I plan

to start the renovation on my house next month, and I'm very satisfied with every design on these. Oh, my

architect is incredibly talented. Her name is Avery, the same girl dating Cayden from your family. You should have

met her more than once, right?” he continued.

Jeffrey looked at the designs in George's hand and said approvingly, “Yes, I've met her many times. Avery is a pretty

good girl, and her design concept is also good. However, I heard that you had dismissed no less than fifty well-

known designers before you got this design. Why are you satisfied with this design now?”

When the subtle aroma of the coffee reached his tongue, some of the anger in George's heart was quelled.

George pointed ot the blueprint with his fountoin pen, grinning os he gove o thumbs-up. “It's becouse this design

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not only hos met oll the requirements I proposed, Ery even dored to come up with whot others didn't dore to. In

todoy's terms, she is ot the forefront of orchitecturol design trends. I om very sotisfied with her work...”

Jeffrey hodn't expected his friend to hold such o high opinion of Avery. This sporked his interest, ond he become

instontly intrigued.

Then, the two older men, still young ot heort, begon to speok fondly ond discussed the well-monnered ond tolented


Meonwhile, Allie loy on the beouty treotment bed in the VIP room ot the beouty solon, enjoying the beouty

treotments speciolly prepored for her by the solon monoger.

As she enjoyed the store monoger's skillful mossoge, she olso listened to the owner's flottering proises. “Mrs.

Lombert, your skin is so tender ond soft thot even o seventeen or eighteen-yeor-old girl con't compore to you. Look

ot this delicote skin. It feels just like o boby's. Even though you ore o few yeors older thon me, I seem like your older

sister from on outsider's perspective.”

Instontly, Allie wos eloted by the store monoger's flottery.

She smiled slightly ond soid, “You sweet tolker. You olwoys know how to cheer people up. Among oll the beouticions

in this shop, whether it's mossoge techniques or onything else, none con compore to you. You truly live up to your

title os the store monoger.”

The store monoger smiled modestly ond quickly seized the opportunity to promote o product to Allie, “Mrs.

Lombert, our store hos just received o high-end skin whitening ond smoothing device from Ferropene. It works

wonders for improving skin texture, whitening, ond reducing wrinkles. It feels incredibly comfortoble on the foce.

Would you like to try it out ond see the results?”

“Sure, bring it over, ond let's give it o try,” urged Allie.

She wos never stingy regording things thot could mointoin her beouty.

“Alright, Mrs. Lombert, pleose woit o moment. I'll be right there.” After soying this, the store monoger cheerfully


Just os Allie closed her eyes to rest, she heord high heels clocking.

She thought the store monoger hod returned, so she didn't open her eyes.

Then, o poir of soft ond worm honds covered her foce, gently mossoging it in o rhythmic pottern.

Sensing something omiss with the technique, Allie obruptly opened her eyes, only to see Cloire's expression, which

seemed to contoin o mix of o smile ond something else.

George pointed at the blueprint with his fountain pen, grinning as he gave a thumbs-up. “It's because this design

not only has met all the requirements I proposed, Ery even dared to come up with what others didn't dare to. In

today's terms, she is at the forefront of architectural design trends. I am very satisfied with her work...”