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The CEO Gets What He Wants

Chapter 68
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Nina slapped Milana with a loud smack. At the same time, Isabella shouted furiously, “You little brat!

How could you hit Milana? What if you hurt the baby in her womb?”

“I would rather die than have this baby...” It was hard to tell whether Milana was faking her tears. She

covered her face and left after saying that.

Isabella decided against smacking her daughter and went after Milana instead.

As she was trying to catch up to Milana, Isabella tried to persuade her, “Milana, slow down. Since you

are pregnant with my grandchild, I will support you no matter what! You said you felt insecure marrying

into our family and that the future of your child is not assured. Could you please tell me what I can do to

make you feel secure?”

Isabella desperately wanted grandchildren, so she was willing to do anything to please Milana.

Meanwhile, Nina panted for breath as she gritted her teeth in frustration. “That b*tch won't stop until

she ruins my family. I know she's only throwing tantrums to make my parents buy her a house.”

Why is my mom so gullible? How could she fall for that b*tch's stupid tricks?

Nina continued to grumble as they went downstairs, “That skank! Why did my idiot brother choose her?

She is disgusting! I think she was fooling around with wealthy men and got dumped by them. That must

be why she looked for my idiot brother to provide for her. She'd better not let me see her again, or I will

beat her up!”

Nina was bursting with fury and desperately wanted to get her hands on Milana.

Soon, they came to a café outside the hospital.

Nina was still complaining even after they were seated. “When you guys went overseas, I told Zayne to

stay away from Milana. Yet, guess what he did. Not only did he not heed my warning, but he even

befriended her and ended up getting together with her.”

Avery could only lower her head helplessly.

They were still at the cafe when Cayden called around eleven o'clock.

After glancing at Nina, Avery looked down to accept the call. However, she could not bring herself to

speak up.

“Is anyone there?” Cayden's deep voice sounded from the other end of the line.

“Yes.” Avery was not used to speaking with Cayden in front of her friend. After all, they had only

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entered a relationship recently, so Avery was unsure how she should behave.

Cayden asked, “Have you had lunch?”

“I've ordered the food, but they are not served yet. Also, I am with Nina right now,” Avery replied.

Nina could guess who was on the other end of the line and mouthed, “Is that Boss?”

Avery nodded in affirmation.

After that, Cayden asked her about the situation at the hospital. Initially, he planned to head there, but

Avery told him her father had not arrived yet. Furthermore, she was concerned that her father would be

shocked if Cayden suddenly showed up.

Thus, Cayden had no choice but to cancel his plan to go to the hospital.

Later, Leonardo arrived at the hospital at one o'clock in the afternoon.

Since Cayden had given prior instructions to the hospital, the hospital staff treated Leonardo with

utmost care. They prepared the best room in the hospital for him and assigned a male nurse and a

female nurse to take care of Leonardo. Furthermore, they also appointed a highly experienced

specialist to provide consultations.

Leonardo changed into a hospital gown and asked, “Ery, this...”

“Dad, my colleague knows someone in the hospital, so...” Avery did not know whether her explanation

was believable. She only realized how unrealistic it sounded when she thought about it later.

However, Leonardo did not question her further even though he did not believe her excuse.

Soon, the doctor began to examine Leonardo, so Avery had no choice but to leave the ward.

Nina leaned against the wall outside the ward and asked, “Haven't you told your father about your

relationship with Boss?”

Avery shook her head, seemingly in a daze as she sat on a chair. “If my father found out about it, he

would definitely forgo treatment in order to find out what is going on. Moreover, he would assume that

Boss is only fooling around with me.”

“The thing is...” Nina paused mid-sentence hesitantly. Nevertheless, she felt that Avery would not mind

her voicing her opinion, so she continued, “To be honest, I think your father is a little extreme. If what

Milana's mother said was true, that your mother cheated on him with a rich man, then your father's

hatred toward wealthy men is understandable. After all, one of them snatched his wife away. Still, your

father shouldn't assume that all of them are scumbags who mess with women's hearts. At least that

wealthy man wasn't only fooling around with your mother. Unless another rich man tricked your mother,

and only your father knew what happened.”

Hearing that, Avery lowered her head and did not respond.

She always believed that her father knew her mother's current situation but refused to tell her.

All this while, she had been mindful of her father's health condition and was careful not to trigger him.

Thus, she resisted asking him the burning questions on her mind, causing her curiosity about her birth

mother to dissipate over time.

Seeing that Avery remained silent, Nina took out her iPad and opened a drama series she had


She gave Avery one of the earphones and said, “You should watch this drama to distract yourself and

pass the time. Otherwise, you will keep worrying.”

Although Avery rarely watched drama series, she accepted her friend's offer.

After watching for a while, she pulled out the earphone in disbelief. “How can they broadcast this kind

of show? Isn't a romantic relationship between brother and sister violating human ethics...”

“No, they are not biological siblings!” Nina removed her earphone and explained, “The male and female

lead have different parents. You didn't know that because you didn't watch the first episode. They have

no blood relation.”

After hearing her explanation, Avery found the drama series slightly more acceptable and continued


Meanwhile, Leonardo's check-up went on for two hours. However, that was not the end of it. He had to

fast until the next morning for the doctor to do a more comprehensive examination.

It saddened Avery to see her father lying on the bed in agony.

At around three o'clock, Nina received a call from the company and had to leave.

Avery also left the hospital after helping her father settle into his room.

Then, she returned to the office and had to work overtime.

Although Cecelia knew about Avery's relationship with Cayden, the department head did not. Thus, he

did not give Avery special treatment but assigned work to her.

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Nevertheless, Avery neither complain nor found it tiresome.

She worked late until it was after office hours, and she was all alone in the office.

At seven-thirty, Avery finally took a break and noticed that the sky had darkened. Then, she looked at

the beautifully-lit city through the window and massaged her temple before getting up to make herself a

cup of coffee in the pantry.

Suddenly, she heard movements behind her.

Avery was not a timid person, but she could not help but feel a little afraid in the empty office.

The noise sounded like a man's heavy footsteps approaching her. Thus, she quickly put down her cup

and turned around, fearing Zayne was sneaking up on her. However, the moment she did so, Cayden

pressed her against the pantry counter with his firm and muscular body.

Then, she felt his warm lips on her fair neck.

“Why are you here?” Avery did not expect to see Cayden.

He has to pick up Zach and Rory from Toby's house at night. Why is he back so soon?

“Let's get married as soon as possible.” Cayden leaned down and kissed her lips.

Avery was mesmerized by the passion and warmth in Cayden's eyes as he trapped her in the narrow

pantry. It was completely silent except for the sensual noises Cayden made as he nibbled at her skin.

His firm shoulders gave her the sense of security she desperately needed. Thus, she became more

daring and reciprocated his passion with her kiss while caressing his sturdy waist.

Her kisses fanned his desire, pushing it to the boiling point.

Cayden stripped off her clothes as he kissed her and lifted her onto the pantry counter. By now, Avery's

mind had gone blank. She could feel something pulled taut within her, threatening to snap at any


“Mm...” Avery raised her head, trying to find respite from the overwhelming passion.

Meanwhile, Cayden moved down and kissed her belly, prompting Avery to shake her head immediately.

“No... Not there...” A moan escaped her parted lips, and she panted for breath.

With that, Cayden's lips latched onto her swollen ones again.

He kissed her like a crazed man, making her shudder with pleasure. Her moans grew louder and

further incited his desires.

“Do you want it?” Cayden breathed heavily, having long lost his calm.