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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 282 - One’s True Intentions
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An hour swiftly passed. 

At the Huang Dragon's terrain camp, Cain, Kali, and Amber were perfectly healed with all of their reserves capacity back at 100%. 

However, the trio is still assimilated in their cultivation states.

At this time, Cain was nearing a small breakthrough. 

His Soul was stirring, exuding instinctive sensations. His Mental Psyche gradually felt far closer to Source Laws than what it did just an hour ago.

Already, Cain was nearing a breakthrough to his Source Law attainment path! 

After absorbing and fusing with numerous Divine Origin Soul's Core, it was only a foregone conclusion.

Cain merely needed to take the time to properly digest his gains for it to take full effect. 

Seconds later, Cain felt like what was a clicking sensation within his Soul. 

His Mental Psyche slightly quivered, expanding, indicating that he indeed reached a new success of attainment. 

Cain didn't stop cultivating until only a few seconds later. 

As he receded from his cultivation state, he was inspecting himself, analyzing, 'So this is what it feels like to cross over into Advanced, Peak Success? Just this alone, I feel like I can use only ten minutes to reach round 20 from scratch. Thankfully, I can just skip to 30.'

Cain snapped his eyes open, promptly standing upright without a hint of exhaustion. 

At the same time, Kali and Amber woke up, appearing as newly rested as Cain.

The trio only took a brief glance at each other, they all having varying expressions mixed within their eyes. 

Mainly, Cain and Kali were fired up with a competitive spirit, while Amber was equally determined to progress as far as she could.

No words needed to be exchanged. 

Cain, Kali, and Amber whipped out their special Nightmare tokens and crushed them. 

The power of space twisted around them, pulling the trio into a sudden black portal.

Moments later, the black portal vanished. 

Left alone, Elder Weilong was about to close his eyes for his own cultivation. But at this time, he suddenly detected a Divine Origin aura cautiously flying over to him.

Elder Weilong was a bit intrigued. 

The only ones daring enough to come unannounced would be the Ancient Phoenix, but they have zero reasons to come over. 

And the only other one…

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"If it isn't young Qiu Lan. Were you perhaps wanting to see the seventh prince?" Elder Weilong already turned over, his voice directly transmitting to the approaching Qiu Lan.

Despite speaking in a normal tone, Qiu Lan felt as if Elder Weilong was speaking right next to her. 

Qiu Lan was largely unfazed. She promptly flew to the ground, appearing just dozens of meters before Elder Weilong.

Qiu Lan respectfully bowed her head while gazing around the surroundings. 

Disappointment flashed in her gaze as she asked, "Greetings, Senior. You are right. I am here for the seventh prince. But…it seems as if he already went on ahead?"

"I'm afraid you were seconds later. But fret not. I am sure you will have another chance when he returns." Elder Weilong politely assured. 

He may not have any profound impression of the Thunderous Sword Sect. But they are useful enough for any kinds of future dealings. 

"I see. Then, I will try earlier next time." Qiu Lan's expression flickers with dejection for a split second before regaining calm.

Without another word, she crushed her own Nightmare token, causing a space portal to suck her in. 

If one looks closely in her eyes, they would be able to see a simmering glint emerging like a wildfire.


Nightmare Realm. 

Cain was back on his rampage within here. With his state back at its peak, it didn't matter if he had to face 10 Law Phantoms simultaneously. They all fell no matter what.

Moreover, after reaching Advanced Peak Success in Source Laws attainments, Cain could efficiently kill at a lower cost of Soul energy. 

He barreled through rounds like a bulldozer. 

In no time at all, he had already reached round 45! 

His rewards were certainly plentiful. Especially because he's at a greater starting point than other challenges. 

But there was something peculiar Cain took notice of.

That is, he could only fight Law Phantoms now. There wasn't a single other challenger appearing in the black portals. 

Cain felt gradual suspicious over it. After all, the number of challenges here wasn't low at all.

The Thunderous Collision World is very large. Some high experts estimate it to be at least hundreds of millions of miles in diameter! 

The high-quality pureness of Divine Heaven and Earth's essence, along with the purest Heavenly Dao Laws, contributed to such immense numbers.

And because of all lifeforms' ability to populate, especially the human race, the numbers of Holy Lands were similarly massive. 

Truly, Cain should've had a plethora of challenges to choose from.

Yet now, they all mysteriously vanish, as if something or someone is manipulating the portals. 

Cain stood quietly as he finished the 45 round. Instead of looking for portals, he poured all of his will into his Soul Sense.

His Soul's Core greatly stimulated along with his Chaotic Emerald. 

Indeed, Cain was using a skill he wouldn't usually use, the Chaos Soul Sense. 

The amplification of Chaos energy is immense no matter the ability.

Within moments of spreading his Chaos Sense, Cain was struck with an immediate enthralling sensation. A sense of familiarity struck him. He most sure detected this sensation before!

It was precisely the same one he experienced when leaving the Nightmare Realm. 

Cain couldn't precisely pinpoint where this sensation was coming from. But his eyes remained close, appearing in deep thoughts.

Seconds slowly passed. 

And it was finally then Cain took a chance in the wind, saying, "Is Senior guiding my challenge? I can just vaguely detect you." 

Evidently, Cain's action would cause great interest.

Since this invisible Senior didn't seem harmful, he didn't feel great worry over attempting to contact him. Moreover, he may be able to increase his benefits from directly communicating. 

The response from the voice was nearly instantaneous. His voice that sounded just slightly less parched than before, utter, "My, my. So you really can sense me all on your own. Your Soul is indeed one of a kind. And fret not, I am here to make an incredible deal with you. I had to wait until the targets re-enter here, but now the time is ripe."

Suddenly, black Heavenly energy swirled, forming just meters in front of Cain's face. 

The black portal quickly formed, showcasing three scenes within it. 

"Hm?" Cain squinted his eyes, analyzing the scenes. 

He couldn't identify these youths' faces, but his eyes were actually attracted to their luxurious clothes. 

These youths were wearing the Ancient Phoenix Sect's robes! 

A queer feeling arouses within Cain.

He felt a slight internal worry but still managed to keep his tone calm when saying, "Senior, these are the Ancient Phoenixes geniuses, no? Are you perhaps suggesting…"

"Indeed I am." The voice smoothly finished Cain's sentence. "But these three are a bit special. I want you to instead completely suppress and capture them rather than just killing them. Do this, and your rewards will be fantastic."

Cain didn't promptly respond. He kept his outward expression calm, remembering the lessons Shi Wei had important on him about dangerous situations. 

But inwardly, he felt genuinely troubled.

It seemed like a bad move to get on this voice's wrong side. His prowess seems unfathomable. 

Yet, at the same time, he simply can't cause the death of three Ancient Phoenixes geniuses without care.

Sure, his Huang Dragon Imperial Family has faintly superior military strength. But the threat of the Ancient Phoenixes was still immense. 

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Getting into large-scale conflicts would take a lot more than killings like this. 

However, their relationship is already strained enough as it. Putting more strain may lead to accumulated problems down the road. 

Cain loves to gain benefits, but his cautious nature was a natural part of him.

He slowly said, "Senior, must it be these three? If they were to die…then great problems may appear for me." 

"Oh? Kid? Are you perhaps rejecting me? Ah, obviously, you don't know what I can actually provide."

Cain couldn't deny a sense of intrigue. 

The voice pressed on its momentum, saying, "Stay here for two weeks, and you can perfectly reach Sky Sage Realm while also deepening your foundation. A month here, you can perfectly reach the Sacred Sage Realm!"

The calm facade plastering Cain's face finally dropped. His eyebrows jumped, his eyes slightly widening in surprise. 

How could he not feel so affected? 

This type of cultivation speed is monstrous!

It was nearly similar to how long he used to reach the Sky Ruler Realm. 

And what Cain truly needs now is Martial strength. 

On the surface, his unfathomable grandmother is closely protecting him.

Perhaps truly due to luck, he was born with one of the highest golden spoons in his mouth. He didn't need to deal with political schemes or ploys from rivaling Holy Lands. 

But this kind of absolute protection obviously won't last forever. 

Who knows just how much lifespan Shi Wei has left. And constantly staying under someone's wing will make him much weaker than other geniuses.

Beyond pragmatic reasons, on a personal note, Cain simply didn't want to want to stay under the protection of his own life. 

To reach higher boundaries, he needs the most amount of Martial strength. Without it, he will never be able to explore their massive universe. 

In Cain's opinion, the faster he could reach the Sacred Sage Realm with zero negative effects, the better. 

He was honestly tempted.

As Cain was indulging in his fantasies, the voice suddenly spoke again. 

And this time, an odd, chilling tone slithered into Cain's ears. "By the way, if you don't do this, I have another very compelling reason."

A second black portal instantly formed. The black portal showcased only two scenes this time. 

Cain squinted his eyes to focus, and the next moment, his eyes widened to unparalleled sizes!

His fists subconsciously tightly clenched as Cain said, "Se-Senior…this is my sister and my girlfriend. What do you mean by this?" 

Indeed, the two scenes in the black portal were Kali and Amber.

Both girls were briefly meditating as they stared into their black portals, contemplating their next moves. Determination engulfed both of their faces. They were blissfully unaware. 

"Hm? With that look in your eye, you should already know where this leads to. Simply capture these three and accept your rewards.. Or…these little girls will die."