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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 463 All Had Gathered
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At this time, hundreds of miles south of Sky Bless City, two mysterious figures silently appeared in the skies. These two were the ones bold enough to directly stare at Cloudsea with simmering killing intent.

Both mysterious figures wore elegant fire-red robes that shined with a luminous, star-like intensity. Their Divine Auras seemingly blended into the surrounding divine environment and World Source Laws.

No Divine Star cultivators would be able to detect their presence.

The slightly taller robe cultivator squinted his eyes as he curiously observed the entrance exam gathering. His tone was even as he said, "So another batch of talents foolishly stepping up to the plate, huh? From our intelligence, it's only been around half a year since their last entrance exams, right?"

The shorter cultivator nodded. "Indeed, it has. It's only been a year since ours and it's approaching rapidly soon. Sooner than I expected...but it seems Cloudsea is even more eager."

"Heh." The taller cultivator coldly snorted. "So it seems like some of those 'scary rumors' have some merit to them? I still call bullshit. But this way, with all talents already gathering over there, these others may start to think our Star Fire Holy Land is severely lacking."

The short cultivator sighed. "Haah, it would've been excellent if our own Divine Decree Lords took the chance to contact those Emperor Tier geniuses like that Wen Dao kid. At least under us, we wouldn't have another potential threat to fret over."

Shaking his head, the taller cultivator shrugged his shoulders. "That road was doomed from the start. Just the Fire Star prodigy alone despises not having complete control of those under him. Moreover, our top-tier geniuses are just too proud to consider an equal partnership. On this front, I can give that Wen Dao kid some credit."

The pridefulness and arrogance of Divine Decree Lords aren't exaggerated in the slightest.

If a Divine Decree Lord wasn't dealing with other Divine Decree Lords, their attitudes tend to be completely sure of themselves more than often not. These batches of geniuses genuinely believe they have destiny right in their palms.

But it wasn't that hard to see why Divine Decree Lords develop such radical personalities. It's not as if they weren't experienced or were narrowed minded. But rather, their pride stems from their incredibly determined Divine Wills.

All Divine Decree Lords need a heavily fortified mental state to continue achieving their monumental feats. No matter how glorious they look on the surface, a Divine Decree Lord would be fraught with more danger than the average cultivator.

Continually making through these situations develops and evolved the mind. Their confident, assured of themselves, and a touch bit arrogant because they all truly have the capabilities to behave this way.

Their mental state is integrated into their cultivation, allowing them to achieve fantastic results with their cultivation.

Thus, taking a step back to form a partnership with those of the same generation was a bit of an oddity that rare cases like Wen Dao end up doing.

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It was fine if the ones they were forging ties with were extremely powerful, ancient cultivators. But to those in their same generation and with lower cultivation, most Divine Decree Lords wouldn't be able to sit right.

With the prowess Cain and Amber continue to show, the two Fire Star cultivators knew that their own Divine Decree Lords would have tried to attempt something to alleviate their own worries.

At this moment, the taller cultivator's expression became unreadable. "With at least two extreme geniuses under their belts, I wonder how much our own reputation will be affected. Already, many consider us below Cloudsea. And it appears the gap is only widening."

After only a short moment of silence, the shorter cultivator scratched his chin in thought. "We only look different because we're going out of our way to overly hide it. But no matter about those rumors...let's see the skill of Emperor Tier geniuses..."


At this time, on the misty celestial mountain, nearly all of the eager challenges arrived.

It was mainly a large mix of varying Great Divine Sea cultivators. The majority were either in the Early or Middle Stages. While only several were at the Late or Peak Stages. Just a very select few were in the Extreme Stages and these geniuses had powerfully robust Divine Auras.

These youths' Inner World foundation was thickly dense by at least dozens of times more than the ordinary cultivators.

Because of how massive the celestial mountain was, it could easily hold hundreds of eager young cultivators. With this massive size, it was quite the chaotic situation as one would expect.

However, no matter how rowdy people got, nobody dared to cross over a certain threshold. Whispers spread as numerous people took brief glances toward their fronts.

"Already, I feel faintly suppressed by being in just their general presence. I wonder, did their cultivation improve?"

"If they're taking on the entrance exam, I'm not surprised they squeezed in last-minute cultivation. They're truly giving it their all."

At the front of the pack, and a few meters away from everyone else, stood three glorious youths.

These three cultivators were the very cream of the top. Faint Law sensation naturally exuded from their Divine Auras, causing anyone who comes close to feel a faint suppression.

These three youths' thickly dense Divine Auras were easily superior to the select few Extreme Great Divine Sea cultivators.

Of course, cultivators with this kind of dense energy and Law mastery could only be Divine Star cultivators!

These young Divine Star cultivators all held distinct appearances.

The young man in the center of them all had a very average, practically lean build. His face carried several exotic battle scars, and his long brown hair flow all the way down to his ankles. His clothes consisted of a plain-looking brown robe.

A faint smile, filled with confidence, pride, and arrogance, danced on the man's lips. He was Divine Star genius, Ren Bao.

Without even turning around to look at anyone, he casually said, "I've waited for this for far too long. Hopefully, it's interesting, as they say, it is."

"Heh. What confidence..." A sarcastic voice sounded out.

To Ren Bao's left stood a sleazy-looking young man. One can practically see grease oozing out of his pores. Most of his body was covered with a mysterious black cloak, allowing one to just faintly spot the fake smile plastering his face. It was an expression filled with mockery and disdain toward whoever he gazed upon.

He was Divine Star genius, Fan Fu.

After snorting, he started to say, "The results are practically determined. Too many wastes around here in my eyes. I almost see no va-"

"Just shut up already. Both of you." A feminine, yet powerful voice cut through the area.

To the right of the two young men was a sharp, fierce-looking maiden. Her very presence naturally exuded a chilling aura that could frighten man or woman to their cores.

The beauty of her face was evident, but her death-like gaze would dissuade anyone from making even a slight attempt to peer into her eyes. It is all exemplified by the mix of red and blue robes that perfectly wrapped around her seductive body.

She was Divine Star genius, Ji Yan.

Her arms crossed as she haughtily huffed out, "As expected, you two just want to talk complete shit than let your action do all the talking."

A sneer hung on Fan Fu's lips. A venomous presence subtly leaked out of his Divine Aura as he intently focused on Ji Yan. "And you have zero elegance, zero charm, and zero allure as usual. One day, you really should take out a page from my book."

All of a sudden, a mocking chortle leaked from Ren Bao. "Oh, that's rich. If anyone were to follow in your footsteps, I'm afraid they'll need to abandon their identity immediately."

,m With only an indignant snort, Fan Fu didn't bother to reply.

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Behind the trios, the rest of the eager youths didn't dare to come close. Triple Divine Star pressure is too much for any one of them to handle.

But at the same time, this weird, bantering scene wasn't unusual to those who know of the Divine Star geniuses. More often than not, these three ends interact, despite their clash of personalities.

In that moment, just when Ren Bao appeared as if he was going to continue speaking, he, Jin Ya, Fan Fu, and all the other youths suddenly froze up.

Their heartbeats hasten as an inexplicable pressure engulfed their souls.

Everyone simultaneously looked up to witness an unfordable scene. A flash of blue light sparkled within everyone's eyes.

Space didn't simply distort under the presence of the blue light, it actually cracked apart, fully tearing open! Chilling energy that can freeze over souls poured out into the celestial mountain.

Countless youths, including the Divine Star geniuses, shivered against this sudden onslaught.

At the same time, two Divine Auras' presences streamed into the atmosphere. Dense Divine Qi and profoundly complex Law presence drilled into everyone's Spiritual Sea.

Just from a faint detection, everyone there could already tell the massive chasm that exists between them and these two sudden guests.

Out from the torn Void Space came two ordinary-looking youths. Neither could stand out amongst the crowds. But there wasn't a single young genius there that wasn't swept by these ordinary youth's momentum.

With only a single look, everyone knew the identity of these youths. And with only one look, every youth fell into a brief daze.

Competing against these youths was impossible. All attempts to do so will end up in utter failure!

It was very subtle, but many felt as if these ordinary youths held the domineering presence of a true king and queen!

Compared to the Great Divine Sea geniuses who couldn't instantly snap out of their daze, the Divine Star geniuses fared better.

Their souls jolted them back to reality. Calming down their tense nerves, the Divine Star geniuses calmly analyzed these ordinary youths again.

Ren Bao, Fan Fu, and Jin Ya all narrowed their eyes, solemn expressions crossing their faces.

They all shared one line of thought. 'With just their mere presence, their Inner World mastery is that high?'