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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 475 Living Quarters
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,m Nobody in Kei Long's group, including Kei Long himself, could detect an overwhelming Divine Aura. Nor did they experience the presence world stopping Laws.

But with just a single look, Kei Long and his friends all felt completely helpless.

It wasn't as if they were meeting people from the same generation. But rather, monstrous experts who can easily sweep them away! They all felt this through Cain and Amber's natural presence.

At this point, the duo's Martial cultivation mastery can produce a sensation of pure awe in weaker cultivators.

Just like how Jiang Ling can control the atmosphere wherever he goes, Cain and Amber's natural presence held the slightest portion of their Martial cultivation.

Unless Cain and Amber actively concealed themselves, this phenomenon couldn't be stopped. They both have the natural breadth of a King.

In this brief moment, nobody in Kei Long's group could speak up. All of them were left in a slight daze.

Suddenly, one of Kei Long's friends transmitted to Kei Long a guttural reaction. 'Brother Long, this-even when I'm faced with our Decree Lord, I never felt so pressure! These two-these two are just Great Divine Sea warriors, right?'

Another one transmitted, 'Too terrifying...really far too similar to facing off against Decree Lord Dao. Feels like his gaze can twist our souls apart!'

As Kei Long heard his friends' seemingly exaggerated responses, he stayed quiet.

Reality and what you see on a screen simply can't compare. To have cultivation mastery this high in this realm would only equal an immense future.

In this one moment, Kei Long's group had a better first impression of Cain and Amber than they did of Jiang Ling.

Jiang Ling's eyes briefly glinted at this scene. But he didn't comment on it as he causally said, "Ah, it seems you all have an interest in Martial brother Lee and Martial sister Xun? They had just joined our sect not too long ago and I am bringing them to their living quarters. Now I don't mean to be hasty, but I rather quickly show them over now. I'm sure they'll be plenty of time to meet in the future."

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Though they all were in a brief daze, Kei Long showcased his bearing of an experienced genius as he recovered on the snap of a dime.

He nodded and said, "Then let's not get in your way then. It will be a pleasure to exchange pointers with both Martial siblings in the future."

Jiang Ling didn't delay their stop any longer. He and the duo all burst forth in streams of lights, rapidly dashing to the far horizon.

As they left, Kei Long fell into deep contemplation.

With a serious expression crossing his face, one of Kei Long's friends asked, "Brother Long? Is something the matter? Although, I can probably guess what. Those two truly were shocking! I feel that in the future, we'll be able to completely suppress the Fire Star Holy Land with them!"

"Those two seem more exaggerated in person than in their recordings. They're not only going to raze hell in the Inner and Core rankings, but they'll also be gunning for the Supreme Elders' direct disciples!"

The other disciples had taken in a slow, cold breath at this thought. Mentioning those direct disciples would be enough to intimidate even high-ranking core disciples. They have a status seemingly untouchable by all and only second to the Divine Decree Lords.

But after just one meeting, these disciples were already comparing Cain and Amber to those high and mighty disciples.

"I wonder, just who did they challenge during the entrance exam? I wish I was there to witness that. I mean, they just had to fight with another high-ranking inner disciple, right? That would be the only thing that can give them any sense of challenge."

As his friends were eagerly discussing, Kei Long's head suddenly jerked.

The attention shifted to him and Kei Long calmly said, "Really is more than I expected. No less than the Eldest Martial Seniors and close to the Supreme direct disciples. Haah...things are going to greatly change around here."


After that small interruption, the rest of Jiang Ling's flight went along smoothly.

A surprising thing the duo took notice of was the fact that within the clouds laid hidden transmission arrays. Through their badges, these transmission arrays would be activated and teleport them toward the set destination.

With only one transmission array, the trio had ended up in the prime geniuses living quarters.

There was no flat ground in this area. Everything was held in the clouds and supported by Divine spiritual veins to stay afloat.

On top of these clouds were luxurious, royal houses, all several times greater than the size of normal manors.

Cain and Amber swept their Divine Sense across the area and detected numerous unique sensations in a moment. These royal houses were all marked with the unique Divine Auras of that genius living within them.

Most houses only had one youth, while there were a considerable amount of others with two more youths.

From just a general scan, the duo didn't detect any genius that exuded overly powerful Divine Auras. The general range was Early Stage Divine Star to Late Stage. There were some Peak Stages, but they were in the minority.

But the duo didn't take those Peak Stages as a threat at all. Only a half-step Divine Ruler or an Early Stage Divine Ruler can arouse their intrigue.

Following Jiang Ling, the duo quickly approached a royal house that didn't hold any unique Divine Aura.

But right as they neared the house, Cain abruptly swiveled his head around. His Divine Sense just faintly detected a familiar presence.

Then, with his Chaos Sense, this Divine Aura was clear to Cain's Spiritual Sea. A burst of killing intent flashed within his eyes.

That Demon aura wasn't a mistake. Miles ahead laid the residence of Demon Tao and presumably his partner.

Now that they were in the same place, those who got lucky before, won't be so lucky this time around.

Subconsciously, Cain's lips nearly broke out into a grin. But his thoughts were interrupted when Jiang Ling called out to him.

"Ah, Martial brother Lee? Is everything alright? We've already made it."

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Turning around, Cain indeed see that they floated directly above the free royal house.

The atmosphere simply exuded from around the house was densely potent with Divine Essence. Superior to what they could sense from the general area of the Holy Land.

Cultivating here will cause anyone to experience a quicker rate of absorption and higher possibilities to convert a portion of their Inner World energies with dense principles.

Nodding at the quality of the royal house, Cain's gaze then matched Amber's indifferent face.

Despite the fact that neither of their expressions said anything, Cain could tell she instantly picked up on his sudden change.

But this short interaction went unnoticed by Jiang Ling.

Cain simply smiled at Jiang Ling and said, "Ah, it was nothing. Just taking in the scenery here. So? Do we get our badges for this house?"

"Indeed." Jiang Ling took out a small cloud shape badge, tossed it to Cain, and explained, "Simply pour your soul energy into this and the house will forever be yours."

The next moment, Jiang Ling suddenly took out another item, this time a contact ring, and tossed to it, Cain. "Since we already exchange contact, this contact ring comes from Elder Heng. Feel free to call on her anytime if you need guidance with cultivation. Elder Heng is always willing to help the younger generation."

"I see..." As Cain put the contact ring away, his eyes glinted. At this time, Cain would've sent off Jiang Ling and settled down for pleasurable activities with Amber.

But before relaxation, Cain still had some questions to ask. He started off with, "Before you go, Martial brother, I have only a few questions to ask. For starters, are there certain sections to these resting areas? I'm assuming so, since there is a ranking of Inner and Core disciples."

"Mn. Indeed there is." Jiang Ling nodded. "Currently, we're in the ranking area only belonging to the top 30 Inner Ranking disciples. Even as you sense there are geniuses here in the Early Stages, nobody can be underestimated. The arts they cultivated, their Star Orbs, and the weapons they cultivated are all at the very peak of the upper tier. Some of them can even completely dominate one minor boundary above their realms."

Though obviously not as impressive as Cain's or the Divine Decree Lord's feats, upper-tier combat prowess is still greatly valuable. They contribute to the foundation of sect, making sure even without the higher-ups, everything would still be fine.

Cain was a little intrigued as he continue to ask, "So? What about the Core-Ranking? How much are there?"

"Believe it or not, we don't actually have many Core disciples. The standards are simply too rigorous and strict. All Core is at least Late Stage Divine Star experts and the top ranking are half-step Divine Rulers. More impressive is the fact that these disciples are either invincible in the same minor boundary, can fight one stage above, and can even fight two stages above! Naturally, none of them can cross the threshold of Divine Rulers. But against other Divine Star experts, even the Senior Divine Star experts, they will never lose." Jiang Ling explained.

"Oh? That is quite the standard." The intent of battle briefly flashed in Cain's eyes. He's fully aware that even those invincible Core disciples wouldn't be able to touch him, but he still finds it a good workout to do battle with them.

But beyond these geniuses, Cain put greater attention on those Supreme direct disciples and the Divine Decree Lords.