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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 499 Touching Lightning
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Cain and Jin Ya's conversation wasn't telepathic. Everyone could listen to them.

Hearing these two so causally speak with each other was a bit of a shock to the other disciples. Even more of a shock was the fact that none of them could actually deny Cain's words.

Some disciples there could recall their own first time ending miserably. They needed to repeatedly come back until their Spiritual Sea can just barely adjust to the severe pressure. Even now, some disciples still have trouble bearing the pressured atmosphere.

Cain's words alone caused a slight sway in the disciples' minds.

Jin Ya didn't care about other reactions, more so focusing on her comparison with other disciples.

After a moment of thought, she asked, "Even though I can perform better now, I can tell it will get difficult later on. Martial brother? A request, please? If you don't mind, would you be willing to show me how you flow your Laws? I can't hope to match up to you, but I believe I can grasp more principles from seeing your smooth control."

Her words caused a greater stir among the crowd. All eyes had varying emotions at Jin Ya's bold request.

"She just asked for that? Outright? Does she really think she's so important to receive such a benefit?"

"Her talent is even lower than people like Martial brother Yun or Yao. Just how can she persuade Martial brother Lee?"

It wasn't as if asking a cultivator's Law control flow was a taboo topic or anything forbidden. Many higher cultivation masters and Senior siblings used this way to teach the younglings.

In fact, it's the most popular method, seeing as it boasts the best results.

Witnessing higher cultivation mastery would actively help anyone's Spiritual Sea. They would experience first-hand energy principles beyond their comprehension abilities.

But instead of simply being a confusing mist sensation, the higher cultivator's energy principles would exude a trace of familiarity. The familiarity comes from the connection of one's soul energy controlling their Law principles. It was akin to a calling on an instinctual level.

Not all different from what bloodline monsters feel when meeting another from their own race.

Cain and Amber had just experienced this with Elder Heng's teaching. But while the process may seem easy, Elder Heng certainly wouldn't showcase her Law flow control to any average disciples.

The teacher needs to be greatly meticulous in their control, putting in an extra amount of work than if they were simply attacking a foe.

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Putting in extra work would showcase that the teacher values their student enough to where they believe considerable progress can be made.

It would make sense for talents like Cain or the Divine Decree Lords to go under such an experience.

But for only a slightly above-average talent like Jin Ya?

Most couldn't help but feel like it was too much effort for something worth so little.

However, contrary to everyone's expectations, Cain didn't become impatient or upset. He even gave a calm smile as his eyes danced with interest.

Nodding, Cain slowly opened his palm and said, "Alright. Pay attention now. You might miss your chance."

'He's really going to do it!' The other disciples' eyes began to sparkle.

They half felt it was worthless on Jin Ya, but also were excited to take this opportunity for themselves!

After all, who doesn't know about Cain's immense comprehension talent? He can already suppress half-step Divine Rulers Laws! A level of Laws infinitely close to the Supreme Divine Law level!

Without any shame, every other disciple focused up, condensing their Divine Sense to zero in on Cain's palm. This way, their Spiritual Sea would be even more sensitive than usual.

Only Jin Ya remained serenely calm. Her eyes closed with a relaxed expression. She didn't stress about focusing on Cain's Law control and let all sensations naturally flow into her Spiritual Sea.

In that moment, flickers of dark blue lightning flashed upon Cain's palm. His Draconic Lightning slowly surged.

Immediately, everyone can feel a difference in Cain's Draconic Lightning.

Most expected a violent, raging force that can threaten to wipe their existence from the face of the earth. And for sure, everyone there still felt that Cain could effortlessly slaughter them.

However, there was a sensation of peace within his lightning.

The energy principles were immensely confusing to everyone present. But one vague sensation they can just barely make out was the quiet calmness of Draconic Lightning.

Cain's expression was indifferent as he carefully surged his Draconic Lightning. What would need meticulous care in other peoples' hands was nothing but a light exercise for him.

Precisely flowing his Draconic Lightning also provided him with extra practice on controlling the serene side of his Lightning principles. He also didn't mind that everyone else was watching. Raising his prestige in the sect would do him a lot of good in the long run.

Unknowingly, several minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

Cain curiously spread his Divine Sense and felt faintly surprised. Not just Jin Ya, but nearly every other disciple fell into a slightly entranced state.

The less talented disciples couldn't go into the same state but were still intently focused on broadening the borders of their Spiritual Sea.

Focusing on Jin Ya specifically, Cain could see bright flickers of Water Laws spewing from her eyes. Every light of Divine Water Law came out as a calm stream. What would be sporadic and random in the past is now like a peaceful river stream.

It was a small step of progress, but in such a short amount of time, it was staggering to see that she could increase her comprehension abilities.

When Cain casually glanced at the other disciples, the traces of Law principles within their eyes weren't as pronounced as Jin Ya. There were even disciples with Water Laws as well, yet, their progress wasn't anywhere near as fast.

Cain thought to himself, 'I know the Yin side of Lightning has similar calming principles to Water Laws. But, she really is going beyond. Maybe I stimulated her for a small breakthrough.'

Either way, Cain was a bit impressed. But his time here wasn't to teach others.

Cain slowly dispersed his streams of Draconic Lightning streams, causing everyone else to awaken from their stupor.

Brilliance flashed across the disciples' faces. They all simultaneously bowed at Cain and respectfully said, "Many thanks for Martial brother for this guidance."

Jin Ya stood up and went a further step beyond, saying, "As I said before, Martial brother, any favor you need from me, you can simply ask."

Without a single care if her words would be misinterpreted, Jin Ya spoke them with great boldness.

Cain as well ignored others' reactions as he nodded. "I hope you can keep your word by then."

Turning back around, Cain sauntered back over to the Lightning Law Field. He said without looking back, "I'll be seeing you around, Martial Sister."

When he finished speaking, Cain already entered the Lightning Law Field.

At the same time, Jin Ya also didn't wait until Cain left. She directly flew right into the Water Law Field.

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Their sudden departure left all the other disciples bewildered. They all simply had to guess what could Cain possibly mean.


Taking the first steps on the Lightning Law Field path, Cain instantly felt the sensation of space twist and pull him. The next moment, he was in an oddly breathtaking area.

There was only one extremely long dirt path that led up to the lightning mountain peaks. And on the side of roads and the road itself, lightning still continued to rain down from the heavens.

Thunderous booms rattled the entire area nonstop. Every strike of lightning caused a flash that could potentially be blinding to weaker cultivators. Such an area almost seems like a purgatory filled with lightning.

But to Cain, every strike of lightning, the way lightning flowed down from the skies, it all felt serene. His perfect affinity with Lightning Laws made him feel as if he entered a second home.

Even the blood flowing through Cain's veins stirred with excitement.

During the few seconds Cain basked in the scenery, he suddenly sensed a presence locked onto him. His expression was impassive while gazing up at a blinding lightning strike that hurled straight toward him!

The speed of the lightning strike could surpass some Divine Star's Spiritual Sea reactions. Small distortions of space could be seen as its speed was far beyond normal lightning.

At the same time, its power was nothing to look down upon as well. It was strong enough to lock the surrounding space of whatever target it locked onto. Only Late Stage Divine Star experts can achieve this with a casual attack.

In the face of the lightning strike, Cain casually smiled.

He raised his hand and stimulated his Inner World. His Divine Sense flowed into the area as Draconic Lightning flickered out of his body and disappear into space, directly forming a connection to the atmosphere.

The sensation of extremely potent lightning principles swarmed Cain's Spiritual Sea. The essence of both Yin and Yang was chaotic in this batch of lightning principles, completely different from the control he could exert over Draconic Lightning.

Any overly eager disciples in Cain's position wouldn't be able to stand the Spiritual Sea pressure. If that disciples truly didn't have enough comprehension ability, their Spiritual Sea would've collapsed upon contact!

And naturally, Cloudsea disciples, even the average ones, were far above special geniuses in the first-rate sects. Yet, none of them have this kind of freakish talent to perform Cain's current action.

In fact, there wasn't even a slight strain on Cain's face. He appeared completely in his element, almost in a strange form of peace.

Only one second was needed.

His soul energy flowed into his Spirit Sea, expanding out instantly to grasp the overflow of invading lightning energy principles.

There wasn't any hint of resistance.

Cain had instantly comprehended the invading Lightning principles, which allowed his soul energy to penetrate deep within it. He already gained control over a small portion of this grade field of the Lightning Law field!