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The Chaos Dragon Prince

Chapter 63 - Disparity Of Results
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"Such concentrated Fire Energy! It far surpasses what any ordinary cultivator can achieve! He didn't even perform, yet he already showed off something special."

"Not only that, his Qi is quite dense."

Many murmurs erupted within the Crimson Sea Academy students and the examinees.

Each and every one of them could clearly sense a great deal of power radiating from Zhao Tan. Despite it only being a single strand of Fire Energy, it could emit such power!

All Spirit Opening youths within the line felt significantly threaten. This was a power they could only dream of obtaining.

While the Nascent Formations examines all felt similarly worried. Most obviously, because of Zhao Tan's background, he would have a great advantage.

But isn't this power just too vast?

Many Nascent Formations examines felt slightly inferior to the sheer disparity between them and a true talent like Zhao Tan.

All the while people burst into talks, Cain and Kali stayed indifferent.

Their brows only curled for a brief moment when sensing Zhao Tan's energy. To them, this was nothing more than a light breeze.

Kali had even lightly chuckled, whispering to Cain, "So much hype only for it to get broken later."

Cain didn't offer any sort of comment, remaining silent to observe Zhao Tan's performance.

At this moment, Zhao Tan finally moved.

He swiftly swung his palm out, smashing his strand of Fire energy right onto the totem pole. With a faint metallic sound, Zhao Tan's Fire energy drilled into the beast totem pole.

As Zhao Tan's energy cleared away, everyone watched with rapt attention on what his results would be.

For a few moments, the beast totem pole slightly rumbles. Then afterward, an incredible scene amazed all those watching.

The beast totem pole quickly ignited into a profound dark yellow glow!

Its profoundly harshed glow lit like a slow-burning candle, immediately entrancing many examinees and students.

"This-this, he skipped all other levels and gotten peak Profound Soul Talent!" One student loudly called out, leading to a burst of cheers echoed out in the courtyard.

"With this kind of talent, he has a chance to making close to the high ranks of Core Students!"

"Not only that, but he also-wait….look! The totem pole is shifting color!"

As students and other examines brought attention to it, they were shocked into silence once again.

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Indeed, Zhao Tan's beast totem pole didn't merely stop at dark yellow Talent. Slowly the dark candle-like color transition into a brighter and lighter glow.

Seconds trickled by with students and examinees alike waiting in bated breath.

Then, after a full thirty seconds passed, the beast totem pole fully transitioned into a light blue glow!

"That level!"

Inner and outer students alike raised great cries of shock.

The blue level of the beast totem pole was no mistake. When considering youths who weren't born into Sect-like organizations, it is very rare to this result.

And this level means one amazing thing.

"Zhao Tan has the chance to even become an Innate Lord?! How amazing!"

"Hell, this far surpasses his previous generations' result! Now, this is Talent!"

The Innate Lord realm. The realm right after the Profound Soul Realm. This level is what separates the average geniuses from true geniuses.

Many even within the Crimson Sea Academy could only hope to achieve this realm. And many know it is only a far-off dream. Unless they have a great lucky chance, achieving this realm is essentially impossible.

So seeing that someone who isn't even a part of a Sect organization shows the potential to obtain this legendary realm, how could students not be in awe?

His future will most likely set a massive name for himself!

At the totem pole, even Elder Mo threw a curious-filled gaze towards Zhao Tan. This was the first time he showed any change of expression for this annual exam.

Zhao Tan's Innate Lord talent isn't anything to scoff at.

Furthermore, Elder Mo could appreciate the temperament of this Zhao Family boy. He did see an air of pride within his eyes. But not to an overwhelming degree as he saw in many other uprising youths.

Slightly nodding his head towards him, Elder Mo said, "A very high results. Your achievement is certain to go far."

"Thank you for the praise, Senior."

Zhao Tan gave a respectful bow of his head. Even now, his tone was still calm, with only a faint hint of his ego lacing within it.

And like that, Zhao Tan walked off to the waiting section where all other examinees had similarly passed.

"Well then, that was certainly….something." Cain casually remarked. As he looked around, nearly everyone quickly turned their eyes off the exam line.

Listening in on their conversation, students and examinees alike were all discussing the meaning of an Innate Lord Talent.

For a moment, Cain similarly recalled the specialness about the Innate Lord realm.

Compared to the Profound Soul realm, Innate Lord is said to grasps power that is simply impossible to understand by anyone weaker.

This exclusive power was known as the 'Mysteries of the World.'

These so-called mysteries of the world allow any cultivator to achieve profound enlightenment on both Qi energy and at least one other specific type of energy.

Harnessing both these powers and absorbing them into one's bodies would have any cultivator experience several quantitative leaps in their entire being.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say a cultivator gets completely reformed at the Innate Lord realm.

And for every proceeding realm, the Innate Lord realm would be the foundation for whether or not a cultivator's future journey would be smooth.

Thinking about all of this, Cain understood the crazed commotion Zhao Tan managed to cause.

Any youth who can cultivate this realm while solely relying on their Martial Talent has a high chance of growing into an incredible figure.

Suddenly, Cain was broken from his musing. He felt a slight nudged in his gut from Kali.

Turning over to her, he saw her trademark cocky grin and her eyes gesturing to look behind her. Wordlessly doing so, Cain narrowed his eyes a bit.

It seems like Kali was up next to the plate. And when glancing all around the area, it also appears as nobody has an interest in her.

"Oh my Cain. It seems with my mere fifth-level aura, nobody dares to believe I can get anything above average. So, to help broaden their horizon a bit, I'll stretch my arms a bit."

Kali confidently crossed her arms as she spoke. And then, without even giving Cain a chance to respond, she swiftly strolled right up to the beast totem pole.

Left behind like that, Cain could only wryly smile. He just kept his attention intent as he waited for Kali's inevitable results.

Up at the beast totem pole, Kali briefly glanced at Elder Mo and to the surrounding crowds.

'Really making it seem like I'm just common fodder, huh….?' Kali's eyes glinted with a decisively harsh light.

In one second, everyone else didn't pay Kali any attention. She was simply some mid-rank Nascent, after all.

However, in the very next second, they all froze dead in their tracks. All conversation dropped dead, briefly turning the courtyard eerily silent.

Completely out of nowhere, a sudden gush of powerful energy gathered from Kali! No matter who they were, everyone instinctively tossed their eyes on her.

At that moment, Kali unfolded only one of her arms, brought her palm up, and surged her densely powerful Nascent Qi. Her Qi Sea brightly shimmered and frantically rushed Nascent Qi through her arm like a wild tidal wave.

In an instant, a streak of dark blue flashed in the area as a tremendous discharge of power cut apart the air!

Visible ripples of Nascent Qi tore in the air for dozens of meters, and Kali's authentic Nascent Aura blared out.

Her dense pressure descended upon everyone in the courtyard!

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"This-This?! What kind of power is this?!"

"Isn't this girl just in the Nascent realm?? It's so strong! It feels stronger than even Zhao Tan!"

The whole audience was shocked silly. Kali's Nascent Aura was too dense and too powerful!

Spirit Opening examinee was gasping for air. Lower rank Nascent youths were drenched with sweat, and even the few mid-rank Nascent youths clenched down on their palms.

Not only them but also the outer and inner students couldn't sit still.

This especially went true for Zhao Tan. His eyes were like a hawk, intently observing Kali's every movement.

Absolutely nobody could believe this type of density was coming from some no-name, seemingly common young girl!

Having this type of dense Nascent Aura only meant one thing. Her comprehension of Qi energy is at an extraordinarily high degree!

It was said that if one can truly comprehend the hidden deep Martial properties of Qi energy, then they can permanently enhance their entire Qi Seas.

The ones who are only known to do this are great geniuses.

So could this possibly mean this young girl isn't ordinary at all? But actually a dark horse genius?!

This thought was simply bewildering to the crowd.

At that moment, a broad and satisfied smirk graced upon Kali's face. As it should be, these mortals truly realize the immensity of Heaven and Earth.

Then, without delaying any longer, Kali summoned a strand of the tiniest portion of pure Nascent Qi.

Upon bringing the strand of Nascent Qi out, Kali's power exponentially increased. Her heavily dense Nascent Aura crazily amplified, further shocking everyone into a silent stupor.

Under all prying eyes, Kali then slammed her strand of Nascent Qi right onto the beast totem pole!


A more ear-piercing, metallic ring drilled into everyone's ears.

As Kali's Nascent Qi drilled into the beast totem pole, it immediately started to quiver at a violent intensity. The beast totem pole crazily shook as if it was going to break apart any second.

At that moment, nobody knew what was going to happen. After that stunning display of power, just what score could this young girl possibly achieve?

As this thought split into people's minds, they didn't have to wait for even a second for it.


A harsh dark purple glow discharged from the beast totem pole, engulfing the entire area!

And as the purple glow stretched in for several meters, the whole courtyard turned deathly silent.

They all completely froze.

From Crimson Academy students, examinees, Zhao Tan, and even Elder Mo.. Their eyes practically bugged out of their skulls, staring unblinkingly at the harsh dark purple beast totem pole.