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The Consortium’s Heir by Benjamin_Jnr

Chapter 121
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The Consortium's Heir by Benjaminjnr Chapter

121 Chapter 121 "Sterling Corporations are being investigated for tax evasion worth over

$150million." Hector's face became pale at the headline on the TV station.

His eyes widened in shock at the news Tax evasion!

This was why the bank and loan companies suddenly demanded him to pay backhis loans in twenty

four hours time! "You're completely incompetent, Mr. Hector." The bigwig said, displeasure lacing his

tone. "I can explain!" Hector said frantically, but the bigwig cut him short. "It was a pleasure doing

business with you Mr. Hector. Sadly, our deal is off now." The bigwig announced in a tone of finality

before disconnecting the phone call abruptly. Hector looked at the phone in disbelief. He dialed the

bigwig's number the next minute. It rang only once before it disconnected again. The next time Hector

called the number, it didn't go through. He didn't have to be a genius to realize he'd been blocked.

"F*ck!" Hector yelled angrily and scattered everything on his desk, before slumping back to his chair.

His eyes were bloodshot, and veins from agitation could be seen clearly on his head. He looked to

have aged ten years suddenly. Hector's mind was a mess at the moment. His company was already

facing a huge decline, so it was normal for him to try and evade tax; otherwise he wouldn't have been

able to keep the company running this long. Nonetheless, he was aware of how grave a crime tax

evasion was in S country. As such, he made sure that the records of the tax evasion were hidden away

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in his personal safe. He had ensured that the entire process was flawless, so how did anyone discover

that he had evaded tax? Moreover, the TV station that broadcasted his tax evasion case was the same

one he used to tarnish the reputation of West Atlantics Int'l. The culprit was basically telling him

'anything you can do, I can do better.' Wasn't this the same as slapping him in the face? There was no

use calling the bigwig to help him out now. He now saw him as completely incompetent and useless,

and therefore discarded him already. There was nothing he could do to gain his attention, much less

ask for help. In the end, both West Atlantics Int'l and the bigwig didn't lose anything from this episode.

He was the sore loser in the end. While he was contemplating about the drastic turn of events, his

phone rang. He checked the caller ID quickly thinking that it was the bigwig who had a change of mind,

but when he saw it was an unknown number; a wave of disappointment came over him. Nevertheless,

he accepted the phone call. "Hello?" Hector asked uncertainly. "Mr. Hector." A voice replied. Hector

tensed up the moment he heard the voice. Although the voice sounded like it belonged to a very young

person, there was an undertone of dominance and authority laced in it. It subconsciously made Hector

tense up. "Who are you?" Hector asked warily. "I'm Darius Reid, the chairman of West Atlantics Int'l."

Darius answered calmly. Hector's eyes widened at the revelation. The last thing he expected was for

the chairman of West Atlantics Int'l, the company he attacked to call him. One could imagine the turmoil

of emotions he was feeling at the moment. "Mr. Reid." Hector said in a surprised tone. "I'm sure you

have seen the news by now, Mr. Hector." Darius interjected abruptly. Hector subconsciously glanced at

the TV station and sighed. Reporters were already finding their way to his company, and so were

several news outlets. The police were most probably on their way to his company too. Millions of

citizens in S country had already heard about Sterling Corporation's tax evasion case by this point. In

comparison to the nonsense he spread about the chairman of West Atlantics Int'l, this was a far severe

blow. He'd be finished by the time the police finished their investigations and found him guilty. Although

Hector was slightly incompetent, he wasn't a fool. The fact that Darius called him even after gaining the

upper hand meant that Darius still had a need for him. "What do you want?" Hector asked in an

unyielding tone. Since he had already lost everything at this point, there was no need for him to be so

reserved anymore. "Who's behind you?" Darius asked straightforwardly. Hector expected the question.

After all, anyone would find out after a bit of investigation that Sterling Corporations did not have the

influence to move BNC news station to report negatively on them. There had to be a more influential

and powerful person behind them. "What will I gain from this?" Hector enquired.

There was no way he wouldn't take advantage of this chance now that it had come to this. Using

this as leverage, he could talk to Darius and work out a compromise. Nevertheless, his hopes

were dashed by Darius' subsequent words. "I don't think you understand your situation now, Mr.

Hector." Darius started. "I'm not here to negotiate with you. I'm here to demand answers from

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you. Do you think I can't find out myself if I don't get the answers from you?" Darius asked coldly.

Hector gritted his teeth in anger, but there was no denying the truth in his words. After all, he had

indeed managed to discover his tax evasion crime, and bring it to light. If he truly wanted to find

the company behind him, he would surely be able to do so. Yet, Hector was unwilling to disclose

the identity of the bigwig to Darius so easily; as once he did, he would lose the only initiative he

held against Darius. While Hector was contemplating whether to disclose the identity or not,

Darius' voice sounded again. "Tax evasion is a bold crime for one to commit in S country. I have

already submitted most of the records and evidence to the police, but I kept some with me. If you

tell me the company behind you, I will not disclose the last documents to the police." "That way,

you will only spend five to ten years in prison, and I will destroy the documents; but if you refuse

to cooperate, then be ready to spend the rest of your years behind bars." "Don't blame me for

being inconsiderate then. The choice is yours." Darius concluded coldly. Darius' words hit Hector

like a train wreck. Even though his heart was reeling with shock on how Darius managed to

discover the documents and evidence of his tax evasion, his mind was quickly weighing the pros

and cons of each decision. "How am I sure that you're not lying to me?" Hector asked

unconvinced. "I have no reason to lie to you." Darius replied calmly. After thinking hard for five

minutes, Hector let out a defeated sigh. The choice he had to make was already clear. He was

no match for Darius Reid and West Atlantics Int'l. Besides, the bigwig had already abandoned

him. What was he hesitating for? "Alright. I'll tell you." Hector said in a defeated tone. "The

person behind me is the head of the third largest business group in Capital City, The Gold
