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The Crown's Entrapment

Chapter 522 To Get Reckless
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Pouting, Bella sat with them and mumbled out her reason to be there. "I want to ask if I can go with you… I mean, I just want to accompany you on your way to Ebodia to keep you safe, but Brother is against it," she admitted. "Can you help me convince him, please? I don't know when you'll come back, so I at least want to spend as much time with you during the journey to Ebodia as possible."

"Is it because Osman will handle the convoy?" Jayra directly pointed out.

Xenia fought the urge to chuckle once she saw how red Bella's face was becoming.

"Of course not!" Bella quickly denied it. Her tone then quickly deflated as she added, "That's not the main reason, but I won't hide the fact that it's one factor…"

"I'll help you then," Xenia interrupted, winking at Bella as she watched the woman's face brighten up. Well, it was the least she could do for her friend Osman after everything he had done for her.

Osman deserved to be happy, and she more than trusted Jayra to be right about Bella.

"Oh, thank you so much, Your Grace," Bella beamed. "You're very kind."

"You really like the Admiral, huh," Xenia boldly commented, making Bella blush hard in front of them. From that alone, she could tell that the woman was really into Osman.

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"Indeed, it is. It's quite obvious. Right, Your Grace?" Jayra chuckled. "Well, all in our family currently approve of the Admiral for our Bella. It's just that Bella herself fears that the Mate Pull might change things since she's yet to pass her twenty-eighth birthday…"

"I already told him that I'll marry him in two years," Bella suddenly confessed.

Xenia was caught off guard. Well, she and Bella weren't really that close for the latter to just confess in front of her like that.

Having probably noticed her reaction, Jayra scoffed. "Bella likes and adores you much already, Your Grace," she pointed out. "She watched you go through your trials, and she mentioned to me how she hoped you and her could get along well once things settled down…"

Xenia then looked at Bella, who simply gave her a timid smile. "It's quite late for it, but I apologize for getting on your nerves before," Bella apologized. "It's a hobby I just can't resist sometimes…"

Xenia chuckled. "That's fine, Bella. The past is the past," she waved her off. "We'll surely get along fine as long as you won't do that again."

Bella quickly raised her hand, waving it side to side signaling that she wouldn't do such a thing again. "I won't. I promise you that, Your Grace. King Darius is really just like a brother to me, and I only acted like I'm interested in him since I wanted to annoy Clara. Well, that and…"

"And you wanted to play a good prank on me?" Xenia continued, finishing Bella's thought for her.

Bella had an awkward smile and mumbled, "I heard some rumors, so I got curious if you really like our King…"

Jayra laughed. "Oh, please, Your Grace. That's enough. Let my sister-in-law breathe now…"

The three of them laughed, and they all shared a moment of levity when Jayra suddenly asked, "Hmm… Since you and Osman seem to already have an understanding between you two, does that mean that we will no longer proceed to have that Masquerade Ball on your twenty-sixth birthday?"

"Oh, that's a good question…" Xenia commented.

"Hmm… I would love to experience the Masquerade Ball though, Sister… Maybe we can still let it happen?" Bella proposed. "But instead of inviting prospective males… Let's also invite females in along with everyone close to the family so they can simply enjoy the event as a birthday party instead."

"Hmm, that's a good idea," Jayra hummed in approval. "I'll try to make some adjustments to the plan as soon as I come back, Bella."

With that, the three of them went on to have a productive and fun conversation before they went on separate ways. Bartos had arrived, which meant that Jayra had to get some rest.


Bella inwardly hummed as she walked back to her assigned bedchamber. The Queen had already given the order for her to join the convoy, and she really enjoyed the helpless expression her brother gave when he heard of the news.

"Hah, I shouldn't get on the Queen's bad side," she murmured with a grin, only for it to quickly turn into a sweet smile the moment she saw Osman waiting by her doorstep.

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"Milord…" she greeted with a smile as she excitedly approached him. These days, she felt so happy whenever she saw him. Her eyes then suddenly darted to his lips, her mind making her recall the first ever kiss she shared with him yesterday.

[You're so in love!] Poona teased, making Bella's face turn deep red in embarrassment.

"My little vixen, are you alright?" Osman asked with a frown, his worry evident as he felt for her cheek. "Your temperature seems normal though…"

"I'm fine, milord…" she awkwardly replied. "I just remembered something, is all…"

"I hope it's about me then," he shamelessly uttered, his smile making her heart skip a beat even as she noticed him intently watching her for a reaction.

In the end, Bella ended up pouting. She wasn't really good at acting or hiding her emotions in front of the man, which meant that she was practically an open book for him to read.

"Why are you here anyway?" she scoffed at him with a frown.

Osman chuckled. "Hmm… I just wanted to tell you that I'll be gone in two days to lead the convoy," he remarked. "Don't worry though. I'll be back soon."

Bella didn't know how to react. Osman was acting like a husband telling his wife about his whereabouts, and she loved it to bits. She fought the urge to giggle. Instead, she tried to keep a serious face as she simply commented, "Oh, that? Apparently, our Queen also wants me to be a part of that convoy to help keep an eye on my sister-in-law…"

Osman blinked at her before his lips stretched wider for a bright smile. "That's great then! I'll have the opportunity to tour you around on our way back to Cordon!" he excitedly grinned. "I mean, I want to show you so many things out there, Bella. Will that be alright with you?"

[Ah… Look at him getting so excited,] Poona snorted in amusement. [If only he knew that you planned this all from the start by being a part of that convoy! I'm sure he'll die of so much happiness!] Poona was giggling and squealing hard.

Bella smiled at him as she nodded. "I would love that, Osman."

She definitely loved it and she was already anticipating it. She just couldn't help herself. She couldn't wait to spend more time with him, and she was starting to get reckless to the point that she was starting to wonder if this was really alright. Before meeting Osman, she was so excited and hoping to experience the Mate Pull, but now… She was honestly hoping for the opposite to happen.