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The Day I Kissed An Older Man by Cher the Cherished

Chapter 93
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Chapter 93

There were two artificial cherry trees and some green plants on the terrace, and in the middle of the

cherry trees was a small stage for guests to play and sing.

The sound insulation on the floor where all the students were was not that good, and the environment

was noisy. Even if they turned off any music, the noise from the room next door could still penetrate

through the walls. The students therefore suggested that Ivanka and Corinne’s performance be held on

the terrace upstairs.

As soon as they went upstairs, Ivanka handed the score to Corinne with a bright smile and said, ” Here,

Corinne. This is my original piece. I trust you’ll be able to play it!”

Corinne took it and looked at the score. It was undoubtedly a well-written piece, but it was hardly a

simple one. Those who lacked the basic skills would never be able to play it smoothly.

When Ivanka saw Corinne staring at the score, she smiled smugly and pretended to show concern for

her. “What’s wrong, Corinne? Is it too difficult for you?”

Corinne looked up at her, then lowered her gaze to look at the score. Finally, she sighed and said,” It’s

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a bit difficult, but I’ll give it a try and try my best to help you out.”

Ivanka smiled on the surface but snorted in secret. As far as Corinne’s amateur skills are concerned, I

wonder where she got the confidence to say that she’ll try her best. She’s overestimating herself!”

Ivanka had devoted a year to writing that piece, which had been incorporated with all the skills she had

learned throughout her life. If she had difficulty playing it well, then an amateur like Corinne would

certainly be terrible at it!

In any case, that had been Ivanka’s plan all along-she wanted to see Corinne make a fool of herself in

public! Corinne had availed herself of her ‘top student’ character to outshine Ivanka for four full years,

so Ivanka wanted to reclaim that glory by destroying everyone’s good impression of Corinne on her last


That would let all the students know that Corinne’s title of a ‘top student’ was nothing but a mere

gimmick, and in truth, she had always been inferior to Ivanka in terms of charm!

10 minutes later, Ivanka led Corinne to the small stage on the terrace as they prepared for their

performance in front of the students.

Corinne found a comfortable place to sit down, placed the score on the sheet music stand, and took out

the instrument to play the accompaniment.

As soon as she opened the guitar case that Ivanka gave her, however, her expression froze and she

had a frown.

When Ivanka saw that Corinne was not ready, she turned around and asked concernedly, “What’s the

matter? Need more time to get ready?”

Corinne looked up at her and said regretfully, “Come and see for yourself.”

Ivanka walked over, glanced at the situation, and feigned surprise. “Oh! My bad! I seem to have placed

the ukulele in the guitar case by mistake!“

At this time, the students are a little impatient.

“Why aren’t they starting their performance?”

“Yeah! We’ve been waiting a long time already!”

“String instruments are pretty much the same, right? Well, whatever it is, just start playing!” came a

nonsensical statement from one of the students.

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Ivanka, however, used it to her advantage and said, “He’s right. A score meant for guitars can also be

played with a ukulele Why don’t you give it a try?”

Corinne cocked her eyebrow, and she was sure that Ivanka gave her the wrong instrument on purpose

after seeing her goading expression

Ivanka then deliberately asked, “Could it be that you don’t know how to play the ukulele?”

Corinne did not answer.

Ivanka hurriedly expressed her apology with a shocked face and said. “Oh no This is my fault! I thought

that an all-round top student like you should at least know how to play a few instruments. Guess I was


Ivanka’s clique started to chime in from below as they folded their arms one after another and began to

taunt them

“You should just leave the stage if you don’t know how to play the ukulele, Corinne! It’d be better for

you to let Ivanka play and sing all by herself. At least you won’t ruin the score that the music

department’s best student went to such great lengths to write”

“Yeah! Come down and stop wasting our time! We want to see Ivanka perform!”

“Really now, I thought the legendary all-round top student knows everything! Guess it’s all fake?”