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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 626  Start over
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Chapter 626  Start over

When Lilou and Samael bid their new friend farewell, Penny had a lot of thinking that night. Samael got through her as if he understood her circumstance. That was why she knew she had to decide earlier. This was not something she could prolong as it would decide the fate of the guild.

So, after careful consideration, Penny gathered everyone the next morning. Sitting on top of the bar counter, feet on the stool, she gazed at everyone solemnly. Since this was a family meeting, everyone was present except Claude. She took a deep breath and cleared her throat. "I know some of you are also bothered by Third's words the other night. Some are surely worried about him." Penny set her eyes to Gai and then to the young Betty. "I am too. That is why I gathered everyone in here."

"Don't get me wrong. I didn't call for a meeting to start a search party for him. We should respect his space," she continued, along with a deep breath.

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"I called for this meeting because... I want to tell you all something. For many years, the Owl's Guild always had one goal. That is to take down the Nightwalkers and stop their atrocities. Many of you here who only joined the guild in recent years had lost their loved ones because of them. I know and understand your pain." Penny took another deep breath as she cast Peter and others a look.

She talked to them last night about what she was about to say to the others. Since this pain was also these people's pain and nightmare, she didn't want to share it with others without them knowing. Peter and those who were enslaved with Penny nodded encouragingly. "There's something I didn't tell you." When she raised her head once again, her eyes were full of mixed emotions. "It is true that we lost our loved ones in the hands of the Nightwalkers. But... there is a different story about how this guild is formed."

Penny clenched her hand, shaking her feet. But instead of words, she thought everything would be better to understand if she showed them. She carefully jumped out of the bar counter, pulling her upper garment. Her action baffled everyone, but no one stopped her.

What soon came to their sight shocked them into silence. There, on the side of Penny's belly, was a mark only gotten by a piping hot iron. Every member of the Owl Guild knew that mark well since they were following the Nightwalkers for years. It was a branding mark only seen in those enslaved by the crime organization. Since Penny always covered her body and often wore a man's clothes, no one had seen this. How did she get this mark?

That one question in their head was instantly answered the more they stare at that mark. Slowly, all eyes raised to her as she put down the hem of her shirt. Penny smiled bitterly, glancing at Peter and the rest. "You are all aware of this mark. To have something like this... there's only one way. Yes. I was enslaved by the Nightwalkers for years. Not just me, but those who were with me in the beginning." Since she kept looking in Peter and their other comrade's direction, everyone's attention shifted to them. They only forced a smile before they all gazed at their leader once again. All they could think about right now was Penny's sufferings and agony being a slave. They were certain she was tortured, raped, starved, work to the bone, and anything but good. That was how the slaves in the said organization suffered before meeting their untimely death. They were treated no more than an animal. So for Penny to come forth and confess was more like opening all the deep wounds once again. Staring at her, some balled their hands into a fist to contain their anger. While others covered their mouth with their eyes sweltering. "When we escaped the Nightwalkers because of a fire incident, I and others decided we would settle scores with them. Therefore, we formed a small group that would sabotage them every step of the way. On our journey to take them down, this small group gradually grew big." Penny's eyes glossed over at everyone with a smile. "I didn't expect that small group will be this big and it will become a proper guild."

Once again, she took a deep breath while her smile remained. "You and me, every one of us in here lost a loved one because of them. We suffered because of them. However, because of that, we found each other. We aren't related by blood, but we had good times — countless good days. There were even days we forget about those Nightwalkers."

"I'm not saying our experiences and pain aren't worth fighting for. But... I don't want to lose my family again," she continued in an incomprehensible tone, eyes full of sincerity. "And your life weighs heavier than that pain in the past. I may sound selfish right now, but... I value our good times and bad times together than those painful years living with this mark. You, every single one of you, made me forget about this mark."

Penny placed her palm on her mark and forced a smile, gazing down. "So... I want to break free from the invisible shackles of the past. I want to move on, to live, to smile and laugh, to drink until I pass out with my family. Can we... start over? By starting over, I mean, instead of chasing after those felons to exact revenge. Can we live happier as means of revenge? Some of you might find this ridiculous, but I really hope we can all move on together."

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Silence enveloped the guild after pouring her heart out. Penny kept her head low, ashamed of going back to her words. She told them before that she would help them exact their revenge, but now she was backing away. She would understand if some of them would leave; she expected the worse.

To her surprise, what she heard wasn't an angry complaint. But instead, waves of laughter and light reply.

"Leader, if that is what you want, you could've said it!" someone in the crowd chuckled, wiping the tears on the corner of his eyes with his fist. "Damn it! Who is cutting onions!?"

"I also valued everyone here and I don't want to lose them."

"We're family and we've been living a dangerous life. Although I am not afraid of the dangers, I can't help but worry if one of us can return home or not."

"Leader, you know we love you, right? Don't frown anymore! Whatever your decisions, we will understand. You don't have to be sorry about that!" "Everyone..." Penny's eyes softened as she listened to them one after another. Her heart warmed up, touching her eyes as they burned. She was scared until now. That the guild would break apart once their objectives changed. But to her realization, while everyone had their hundred percent faith in her, she had none for herself. Hence, she doubted they would understand a scam like her. "You..." Just as Penny was about to speak, she trailed off when she heard claps. Everyone looked up as the noise subsided, gazing at the source of the clap. As soon as Penny set her eyes on the man, sitting on the railing on the second floor, her eyes dilated. The man was clad in a black cloak, but the markings covering his left hand and arms were enough for her to recognize him. "Well said, Penelope," came out a cocky voice of a man laced with mockery. "Too bad. It seemed this annoying guild will have to end even before it starts over."

That second, Penny's eyes dilated even more before she yelled in panic. "Everyone, run!"