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The Duke's Passion

Chapter 655 Fabian's gut feeling
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Chapter 655  Fabian's gut feeling

Four months later...


Four months. That was how long it took for Law, Tilly, and Leo — a member of the La Crox clan on the mainland — to reach Grimsbanne. It took them that long because they barely knew about the Heart's Kingdom. Law only knew about the general details but was only familiar with Minowa.

Therefore, they first arrived in Minowa to Grimsbanne. They didn't idle, but without the proper knowledge of traveling, they still struggled. If Leo wasn't with them, Law was certain they would take longer. Tilly was terrible in directions and it was all thanks to Law and Leo they arrived in Samael's dwelling.

"Hello, Fabian."

Fabian tilted his head to the side, blinking cluelessly. Just now, these three landed in the middle of the garden of the Duke's mansion. That alone should be alarming, but Fabian remained civil as if they weren't intruders.

"And who might you be? Are you perhaps a victim's family?" he inquired, still holding the watering can on his left before planting his other hand across his chest. "My apologies. I'm a changed man now."

Law let out a shallow breath. Was that all Fabian had to say to all the people he victimized?

"Forgiven." Tilly nodded in understanding. "Where is Samael?"

Fabian furrowed his brows. "He is sleeping, my lady."

"Let me see him."

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"Oh..." Fabian rocked his head, keeping a demure smile. "And may I know who you might be?"



"Nice to meet you, Lady Tilly," he greeted casually, eyes landing on Law and then at the man with them. They looked like a family of three, although the child didn't look much like them. Tilly and Law's only similarities were the color of their hair, which was also the same as Samael.

"Mister Fabian, we need to see Father." Fabian's brows furrowed as the child spoke. "I know you don't remember us and it doesn't make sense, but... please believe us."

Law squeezed Tilly's hand lightly, eyes at the butler, who also raised him. But deep down, he didn't have much hope. No one recognized them in this land. Whatever they would say, even if it was the truth, would sound ridiculous to others.

Even if that was the case, Law and Tilly still wanted to try to do it in a peaceful way. If not, then... they had no option but to force their way in. They had already wasted four months. They couldn't prolong it further.

"Father?" Fabian raised a brow as he narrowed his eyes, studying Law from head to toe.

"Fabian." He snapped his eyes when Tilly spoke in her usual serene tone. "We all returned ten years prior to the original time. I need to wake up Samael earlier before it's too late."

"Oh... sure." Law furrowed his brows when Fabian nodded, watching the latter put down the watering can before standing in his stature. "Follow me. I'll lead the way to His Grace."

"Tilly..." Law gazed up at Tilly, waiting for her to look down at him. "Is this alright? Or was this a trap?"

Tilly smiled reassuringly. "Fabian doesn't trap people."

With that being said, Law, Tilly, and Leo followed Fabian inside the mansion. Law and Leo kept glancing at Tilly, as she was the only one who wasn't alarmed by Fabian's quick agreement. To Fabian, the three of them were strangers whom he couldn't trust. Much less show where Samael's body was lying.

They only sighed in relief when they reached the underground dungeon where a coffin was at. Law gazed up at Fabian, who was lighting up the torches on the wall.

"If you're wondering why I agreed, that is because... my gut feeling," Fabian spoke after his long silence, his attention on the sconce before heading to light another one. "My gut feeling never failed me. Since the day Rufus woke up like a madman, I had always known something was wrong... very wrong."

"Mister Fabian..." Law called softly, staring at the butler's back.

Although Fabian doesn't reek of red flags like how he remembered him, he was still the same in making judgments. Fabian's instinct was the scariest about him, after all.

"You make me proud, Fabian." Tilly gazed at the closed coffin in front of her. "Be it ten years later or before, you're the same."

Fabian smiled. "Are we perhaps close?"

"You... believe her that easily?" Leo, who kept silent throughout, doubt about all this, right?

"Why not?" Fabian tilted his head to the side. "I don't dislike her or could not help but look at Fabian in dismay. He knew Fabian and was aware of his eccentric personality, but there should be a little doubt about all this, right?

"Why not?" Fabian tilted his head to the side. "I don't dislike her or that child or you. If I did, you wouldn't step foot in the mansion."

"Don't make it sound like you own the house." Her eyes didn't leave the coffin, studying it.

"But I clean it. Hence, I'm sort of the co-owner."

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"Mister Fabian, if I am not aware of the situation, I will think you're simply toying with us." Law sighed as believing Fabian was more challenging than believing their ridiculous claim about the reversal of time.

"In any case, it seems Rufus retained his memories. Where is he now?" Tilly inquired, walking towards the coffin and placing her palm to caress its rough edges.

 "He went out. He will return later in the evening, like usual."

Tilly remained silent as she didn't dwell on the news about Rufus's for now. She held the edge of the lid covering the coffin, pushing it that produced a loud crashing noise of both concrete grazing against each other.


Law held his breath as he caught the figure of his father inside the coffin. Even with Samael having his eyes closed, they felt his strong aura the second the coffin was slid open. Tilly pushed the lid to the side until Samael's upper body was exposed.

"Are you really going to wake up His Grace?" asked Fabian out of plain curiosity, but Tilly remained silent while staring at Samael.

After a moment of silence and studying Samael's body, Tilly raised a finger and slashed across her palm. She clutched her hand into a fist, letting drops of blood land on Samael's lips. After she was satisfied knowing that was enough to satisfy Samael's thirst, Tilly used the same hands and her nails grew sharper like claws.

"I won't kill him, Fabian," she uttered, sensing Fabian caressing Maleficent. "However, Samael is angry. I'll paralyze him for a few hours until he calms down."

As soon as those words left her lips, Tilly plunged her hand right into Samael's chest. At the same time, Fabian unleashed his spear, which he pointed at her neck. She didn't move, nor was she fazed by the spear pointing at the side of her neck.

"Samael," she whispered, moving her fingers inside his chest. "Wake up."

Silence descended upon them as everyone could not help but hold their breaths except Tilly. She calmly withdrew her hands from his chest, using the blood dripping from her fingertips that looked like string to close him up.

"Tilly," called Law in worry as Samael wasn't waking up. Meanwhile, Fabian narrowed his eyes as he studied Samael. He could still feel Samael's life force, but he wasn't opening his eyes.

"What did you…" Fabian trailed off when a chill ran down his spine upon hearing Samael's familiar voice.

"Tilly," Samael spoke calmly while opening his eyes ever so slowly. "Forget about Lilou. She's in good hands. We have a bigger problem. They're after us... the Grimsbanne."