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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1678
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Chapter 1678

Ava clenched her teeth bitterly. The princess‘ coronation hadn’t even taken place yet, and she was already

considering passing the throne to Chloe?

Her eyes were filled with evilness as she furrowed her brow in deep thought. After a moment, her eyes widened,

and she suddenly looked up at Queen Julia

Could it be… Was her mother planning to pass the throne to Chloe during the princess coronation?!

Chloe stood beside Queen Julia, her peripheral vision capturing Ava’s expression. A small smile curled at the corner

of her lips.c2

“Alright, I understand.” Chloe responded.

Queen Julia smiled satisfactorily Duke Dubonnet is the highest–ranking duke in our Y Country Talk to him more

during the event. I believe he would be happy to share some things with you However, remember to respect him as

he is an important figure in our country. Don’t neglect him”

Chloe nodded Yes, I will be careful.”

“Good That’s settled then

From beginning to end. Ava, Barbara, and Becky remained on one side, unnoticed. Barbara’s face turned pale with


At a moment when Ava was not paying attention, Becky charged forward, arguing loudly. “Grandma, what about

us? It was always my sister who was invited before. Why is Chloe the only one invited now? Duke Dubonnet’s

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residence is an important place. She’s so ignorant. What if she annoys him? We can’t afford to get ambarrassed”

Ava couldn’t stop Becky in time, and her face turned pale as soon as the words were spoken.

This troublemaker!

Queen Julia’s expression indeed darkened Her gaze on Becky was stern and grim. “Do you think you haven’t

embarrassed yourself enough?”

“1 “Becky’s face turned pale, and she realized that Queen Julia was not pleased. She shrank her neck and

instinctively moved backward

Ever since the last state dinner, her grandmother’s attitude towards her had sharply declined

Talk about embarrassment, even thinking about the state dinner made her wish she could crawl into a hole.

But but why does Chloe get to go alone? She’s just a commoner. What gives her the right to represent the royal

family at the duke’s granddaughter’s birthday party?

“On what grounds? On the grounds that she’s my granddaughter! You’re asking on what grounds?! Have I spoiled

you too much with your luxurious lifestyle that you’ve forgotten your place?!

Queen Julia rarely gets angry, usually maintaining a calm composure even during serious discussions. It was evident

by her current appearance how furious she was this time

“But grandmother, don’t you think you’re being too biased? We’ve grown up by your side all these years, dutifully

serving you. What has Chloe done to deserve your favoritism? Don’t you realize what kind of position this puts us

in? Aren’t you afraid of hurting us?”

“You Queen Julia’s complexion stiffened, and for once, she found herself at a loss for words.

Becky was spoiled and concerted, known for her loud and arrogant ways. She was quite transparent, lacking the

ability to hide her true thoughts or emotions Straight forward to a fault, her words often incited anger in others.

But, it was because she was like this, that when she furiously voiced her complaints with teary eyes, no one could

accuse her of being insincere She was clearly unhappy about the favor the Queen had shown to Chice

As her granddaughter who she had watched grow up, Becky’s complaints instilled in her a sense of guilt. But if guilt

was in question, she owed Chloe and her mother so much more

“How long have you been in the royal family? What kind of life have I given you? How long have Chloe been in this

palace? As soon as I do something nice for her, you become consumed with jealousy. So does that mean I can only

dote on you in the future? Whenever I want to do something for my biological granddaughter, do I have to consider

your feelings first? Is she the unworthy one because she’s just a wild girl and you’re the regal princesses? Good.

very good indeed

Queen Julia’s words were harsh, and Ava felt so scared as if her heart was going to stop She was the adopted

daughter brought from outside by the queen Bringing this up now was like reminding the queen who gave her the

wealth and status she has now.

Her real daughter and Ava, the substitute, were incomparable in the eyes of their biological mother

Seeing Queen Julia’s increasingly furious expression, Ava quickly said, “Mother Becky doesn’t understand. She just

speaks her mind. Please don’t take her words to heart She’s just not used to the change yet, Chloe, you don’t hold it

against her

Queen Julia had just reacted to Becky’s words, and Chloe had noticed, but she also understood that Ava, Barbara,

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and Becky’s companionship over the years was an unbreakable bond She and her mother had missed out on too


Don’t hold it against her? Chice slowly began looking straight into Ava’s eyes “When have i ever truly held anything

against her? But even with the biggest heart, I cant tolerate her making my life miserable every day with side

comments. She’s right, compared to you, who were born with a silver spoon in your mouth, i am indeed a


Becky saw Chloe admitting it and couldn’t help but mumble. At least she knows

Chloe chuckled coldly If Ms Ava had some self awareness, you would keep her daughter in check) Otherwise why

would I become the commoner your daughter speaks of and why was your daughter born into the luxurious life of a

princess? This completely reversed life of ours, i don’t mind having a good talk with you or grandma about it!”

Ava’s face changed dramatically, and her body shivered with cold She glanced at Queen Julia, whom she had

tearfully apologized to after the banquet had ended Her mother didn’t say she wouldn’t forgive her, but there was

an undeniably cold detachment in her



You’re right. Today it was Becky who spoke out of turn, and I apologize on her behalf.”

I don’t forgive anyone for any mistakes.” Chloe stated bluntly, leaving Ava at a loss for words.

You… you’re just too arrogant, Ava stuttered. “You’ve only been back in the palace for a few days, and you’re

already stepping out of line…”
