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The Enticing CEO’s Chosen Bride

Chapter 1945
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“Why are you docking points? My answer was right.” Cicely frowned and pointed at the

last problem on her test, for which Seth had slashed her score by more than half.

Seth flipped the test over and scrawled an 89 at the top.

“Seth, I should have gotten a 95.”

“You didn’t show the calculation process. Leaving you with four points is already being

generous,” he replied.

Cicely pouted, “The process isn’t important. Isn’t it the final result that counts?”

Seth glanced at her coolly, “Maybe you can take it up with the teacher who grades your

exams. They might give you your points back.”d2

Seeing that Seth was not in a good mood, Cicely didn’t insist further. “Fine, I’ll just write it

out next time.”

Seth stood up and tossed the test back to her. “Write out the process ten times. No lunch

until it’s done.”


“Try to haggle and it’s double.”

Cicely glared at him, “Who’s haggling? I was just going to say I’m thirsty.”

Seth left the room without another word. He went downstairs to the dining room, poured a

glass of juice, and instructed the maid to bring it upstairs. Then, he walked towards the

kitchen and said indifferently, “Let’s have lunch in half an hour.”

The busy servants paused and then responded, “Mr. Seth, lunch is almost ready, and Ms.

Patty is home today.”

“Then let her eat first.”

“I’m not particularly hungry myself. Waiting a bit is no big deal.” As soon as Seth finished

speaking, Patty’s nonchalant voice came from behind him. “What about our little guest?

It’s not nice to let her go hungry, is it?”

“It’s all thanks to her.”

Patty’s brow twitched, “So it’s because of her that I have to starve a bit? I’ll have to

remember this. She’s brought her spoiled ways to our house.”

Seth’s brow furrowed slightly, “I never said you had to wait for her.”

Watching Seth walk past, Patty suddenly said, “Are you worried I’ll be prejudiced against


He paused, “Not at all.”

Patty wrapped her shawl tighter and walked out, “I thought that having Danielle join the

Ellis family would be easier for her if there was a child her age there. But it seems I was

too optimistic. Cicely skipped a grade, and now there’s a gap. Danielle must be feeling

quite upset.”

“She’s an Ellis. How she feels is none of our business. It’s not for you to worry about.”

Patty sat down on the sofa, straightened her clothes, and after a while, responded half-

heartedly, “Well, that’s true.”

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Seth watched her for a second, “Make sure to eat lunch on time. Don’t wait for us.” With

that, he went upstairs.

Cicely was sipping her juice, writing half-heartedly in her notebook. Sensing his foul mood,

she set down her glass, “Are you hangry? You could have punished me after lunch, you

know? How about joining me for a bite first?”

Seth gave her a frosty look.

Cicely pushed the remaining juice towards him with a smile, “You can have this to fill your

stomach first. Give me ten minutes, and I’ll join you for lunch.”

She handed him the juice without waiting for a reply and returned to her desk. “You’re

torturing yourself by not letting me eat. You won’t feel good eating alone, right? Isn’t this


“Want me to bring lunch up here and eat in front of you?”

Cicely made a face, “Eating in the bedroom? That’s just gross.”

“I don’t see that stopping you.” Seth ignored her, glanced at the juice in his hand, and

placed it beside her, “Finish it.”

She took it, sipping as she watched him, “Weren’t you supposed to drink it?”

He watched as she downed the juice and buried her head back in her work. He pursed his

lips and sat on the bed, returning to his book. But within ten minutes, Cicely heaved a sigh

and stood up. “Done!”

Seth looked at her, his eyes holding a trace of skepticism that made Cicely pout

immediately, “What’s with that look? I put in a Herculean effort so you wouldn’t go

hungry, okay?”

He inspected her notebook. The work was passable. “Let’s eat.”

Cicely responded to his indifference with a slight pout and followed behind him.

They didn’t see Patty; the servants said she had already eaten. Patty’s appetite had

always been small, and it hadn’t changed with age. It hadn’t done her any harm; she was

the picture of health.

The lunch spread was rich and nutritious, as Cicely had come to expect from her visits


“School starts tomorrow. How about we go out this afternoon for a proper date?”

Seth glanced at her, “If you’re not interested in studying, head home after lunch.”

“You are so boring.”

Seth’s lips tightened, and he gave her a chilly look. She quickly took a sip of her soup and

looked away.

“I have a test this afternoon.”

Unsurprisingly, on their last day, both ended up in the room, engaged with schoolwork.

During the tutoring sessions, Seth had introduced her to some sophomore material, so

when school started, Cicely found the classes easy rather than challenging.

Seth’s high school life was tightly scheduled. Although Cicely craved more time with Seth,

he wasn’t willing to spare much.

Weekends were no different. At most, Cicely would impose herself on his study time at his

house. Apart from academics, they seldom discussed anything else.

Cicely had never been one to restrain herself, except with Seth.

It wasn’t just her. Even those around her found it baffling. The carefree, often

inconsiderate heiress of the Ellis family was now making concessions for someone else.

Creighton always carried a soft spot for his daughter Cicely, but whenever he saw her

lounging around the house, listless and bored, a frown would crease his forehead. He had

suggested more than once that she should get out and clear her head, but she seemed

disinterested in everything.

Day in, day out, if she wasn’t glued to her smartphone, she was sprawled on the couch

channel surfing, a picture of pure ennui.

The weekends, however, did inject her with a bit of vim, for reasons Creighton was well

aware of.

As the semester drew to a close, he noticed that even the weekends stopped sparking any

joy in his precious girl. He had tried to talk to her about it. She just gave him a look of

boredom mixed with resignation. “Is college really that hard to get into? Does Seth really

need to study so much? He’s so bright, getting into college should be a cinch, right? But it

seems like he never has a spare moment.”

Cicely couldn’t stop talking about Seth, and Creighton began to ponder deeply.

“Dad, even if he didn’t study this hard, he could still get into college, right? Worst comes

to worst, he could just…”Books Chapters Are Daily Updated Join & Stay Updated for All

Books Updates…

Cicely’s voice trailed off, shaking her head as she dismissed her own suggestion. “Forget

it, he’d never accept that kind of arrangement.”

Creighton gently patted her head, “Yes. Besides, he does need to work a bit harder than

others.” That way, he could rest assured, entrusting both his darling daughter and the

future of the company to him.

“Mmm.” Cicely hugged her knees, resting her chin on them, seemingly indifferent to

Creighton’s words. “I hate high school.”

Creighton chuckled, “How about we go shopping this afternoon? I’ll find someone to go

with you.”

Cicely shook her head, “I don’t really feel like going out.”

Not long after she spoke, Danielle came downstairs, clad in a cozy sweater, clutching her

backpack. She always managed to keep a composed expression, and Cicely could rarely

read anything on her face.

Danielle carried herself with an air of aloofness that suited the Ellis family’s stature.

Having lived with them for half a year, she had grown accustomed to their ways, her

mannerisms and style adopting a touch of the rich girl flair.

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However, no matter how well she knew the Ellis family, her relationship with Cicely

remained lukewarm.

Upon seeing Creighton and Cicely in the living room, Danielle paused, greeted Creighton,

and mentioned she had a study date at the library.

Creighton never restricted Danielle’s freedom. Besides the deeper bond he shared with his

daughter, he treated Danielle with the same care he showed Cicely.

Cicely had nothing much to say to Danielle either, giving her a brief glance before looking


Lately, Danielle had been nailing the Ellis family heiress look, at least in the fashion

department, dressing with much more attention to detail.

However, perhaps some poeple just didn’t get along. Despite being of the same age, the

two people who should have been the closest as friends seemed to naturally dislike each


After Danielle left, Cicely sat on the couch for a while before heading upstairs, her day’s

homework still unfinished.

Her room had been specially fitted with a desk, arranged almost identically to Seth’s. As

her interactions with Seth dwindled over the semester, so did her mood and,

consequently, her academic performance.

She rested her head on the table for a while, then habitually picked up her phone and

called Seth about a math problem. She had done this too many times. When Seth

answered her call, his tone was noticeably impatient.



“These formulaic questions—you sure you want to ask me over and over?”

“Yeah. It’s not like you can’t tell what I’m really asking.”

Cicely’s eyes drooped, “I’m actually struggling. Lately, everything feels so difficult, Mr.

Seth, I need your help.”

“I don’t have time. You can ask your classmates or teachers if you have questions.”

“Seth, you know I don’t want to ask them.”

“Cicely,” Seth’s voice turned chilly, “whether you want to or not is your problem. I already

told you I don’t have time for games.”

Seth’s attitude sparked a flicker of anger in Cicely, which she quickly suppressed.

“Are you really that busy?”

“I don’t have time to joke around with you.”

“I see.” Cicely paused for a moment, sighed disappointedly, and said, “Well, when you’re

not busy then.”

There was a brief silence on the other end before Seth’s tone softened slightly, “Yeah,”

followed by a few seconds of silence before the call ended.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!