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The Famous Detective of the Red Mansion

Chapter 205: Aftermath Matters
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Chapter 205: Aftermath Matters

"Master, the place with the lantern in front is Shuiyue Temple!"

The night was deep, and the wind and snow were raging. Even though he was shouting at his throat, Jia Zheng waited for the servant to repeat it, and then he squinted to look up the hillside.

He saw that in the boundless darkness, two wind lamps struggled like duckweeds, even the plaque a few feet away couldn’t be seen.

"Come on, hurry up."

Jia Zheng muttered to himself, regardless of whether Jia Baoyu and Jia Lian behind him heard him or not. He asked the servant to help him out of the carriage and roared up the stone steps.

When Jia Baoyu and Jia Lian saw this, they jumped out of the carriage and followed them up. While climbing the stone steps, they could not help wrapping up their fur robes.


Jia Lian had already slept, but now he was hit by the storm and couldn't help sneezing twice in a row. He touched his nose and scolded angrily, "Jia Qin, I didn't expect that he would dare to eat people when he usually puts up a fake self!"

Obviously, it was Jia Qin's case that made several wealthy and noble idlers come all night in the wind and snow.

In front of the Shuiyue Temple, a servant rushed forward to knock on the temple door, but it took a long time for two Yamen servants to come forward and open the door.

In the past, if they were hung outside the door for a long time, these slaves in Rongguo Mansion would have to slap the blind Yamen in the face to let them learn their lesson.

However, this was different from the past. Even the two Masters were anxious all the way, so the servants were naturally less confident.

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So a group of people walked into the temple and hurried to the back hall under the leadership of the Yamen.

Sun Shaozong had been waiting in the hall for a long time. When he saw the three people enter, he hurried forward to salute, "Uncle, Brother Lian, Brother Bao."

"Dear nephew."

While greeting him, Jia Zheng secretly looked at the situation in the hall. He was trying to find several prostitutes and the little bastard, Jia Qin. However, the first thing that came into sight was a few fat monks.


Jia Zheng was shocked and said, "How can there be so many monks in the Shuiyue Temple?"

Jia Lian recognized some of them and said hurriedly, "Uncle, these seem to be monks in the Tielan Temple."


Sun Shaozong said positively, "These evil monks from the Tielan Temple, together with Jia Qin, have been rapping the nuns in the Shuiyue Nunnery who refused to listen to them, so even if they didn't participate in the case of killing and throwing bodies, they are also the most guilty people!"

"Evil animals! These are really a group of evil animals!"

When Jia Zheng heard this, his beard trembled with anger. Jia Baoyu rushed forward to hold him and asked, "Brother Sun, what about Jia Qin?"

Without waiting for Sun Shaozong to reply, he couldn’t help sighing and saying with remorse, "When I checked the accounts, I also found that the temple seemed to be a bit fishy, but I pity Jia Qin for his disability, so I deliberately avoided it. Who could have thought that the benevolence of this thought would cause such a disaster today?"

"I broke Jia Qin's arm again. Now, together with Jia Yun, Zhao Wuwei has sent them to the doctor." Sun Shaozong said calmly, "But for your Mansion, dealing with the aftermath is not the most important thing at the moment. The visit of the imperial concubine to her parents is just in a few days."

This was also the biggest reason why everyone in Jia's family rushed to come after getting the news.

The murder of Jia Qin alone wouldn’t affect Jia Yuanchun's parentage, but the temple harbored filthy men, thieves, and prostitutes and was pregnant with a bunch of young nuns and monks!

This was going to be a big deal. If Jia Yuanchun would like to return, wouldn't it ruin her reputation?

Jia Zheng had a good idea on the way, but to raise it with Sun Shaozong, a younger generation, it was challenging to say it, so he hurriedly pushed his nephew Jia Lian out to speak.

Jia Lian was not willing to shoulder this matter, but he had no choice because he was of the younger generation too.

Sun Shaozong could only be pulled aside and said in a low voice, "What my Second Uncle means is that the case should be judged as it should be. We Rongguo Mansion will never shield these bastards from forgetting the laws!"

Sun Shaozong knew that he must have the following, so he didn't respond at all.

Sure enough, Jia Lian paused for a moment and then softened his voice. "But the matter of the visiting of the Imperial Concubine is also a matter that can't be delayed. So I also would like to ask you a favor to restrain your men. Don't spread these miscellaneous dirty things outside."

"Even if Second Brother doesn't say, I will do the same, otherwise, I won't send someone to inform you first."

Sun Shaozon’s words were not false. He thought that he had slept in a daze first, and under the pressure of his Big Brother Cheap, he was likely to…

In short, he felt that he was sorry for the Jia family, so he informed the Rongguo Mansion right away and didn’t let any people involved in the Shuiyue Nunnery off to prevent the information from leaking out in advance.

However, although he didn't ask for anything, it didn't mean that the following people would be willing to help Rongguo Mansion in keeping their secret.

So Sun Shaozong said, "It's just that it’s the end of the year now, and the brothers are working hard for this case and can’t even get time to spend with their families. It's hard to avoid some complaints..."

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Jia Lian was used to taking the crooked way and immediately understood this. Knowing that Sun Shaozong wanted to ask for some benefits, he quickly agreed, "Erlang, rest assured, we at Rongguo Mansion also follow the rules. We will never let many officials work in vain!"

"That would be the best."

Sun Shaozong nodded with satisfaction, then added, "There are Jia Yucun and Liu Chongshan in the government office, and there is no fear of making mistakes when judging the case. There is only one person who needs your effort to beg for help."



Sun Shaozong pointed at the door with his chin and said, "Inspector Qiu."

Inspection Qiu?

Jia Lian frowned when he looked at the little official in the soap robe. How could a small official be treated so seriously?


At this time, Jia Baoyu was surprised and said, "Brother, is he not the son of Commander Qiu's family in Huben Camp?"

Is it Commander Qiu's son?!

How could Commander Qiu's son work as a Patrol Inspector under Sun Shaozong?!

Jia Lian was a little confused at that time, but when he saw that guy's defiant reply, he knew that there was no mistake, so he rushed forward to flatter Qiu Yunfei. All kinds of flattery came for free when he opened his mouth.

Now Qiu Yunfei was head over heels. After all, the flatterer was not someone else, but the legitimate son of Jia's family. In terms of identity, the effect was naturally different from others.

So when Jia Lian asked Qiu Yunfei to keep the matter secret, he immediately agreed, but he was short on the promise of vows.

Jia Lian was relieved and invited Qiu Yunfei to come to Rongguo Mansion for a gathering two days later. Then he gathered with Jia Zheng and Sun Shaozong to discuss the specific aftermath of the case.