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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 117
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Chapter 117

“Yes, Williams. They are.”

He squints, unable to understand or comprehend why the Beta made the situation sound so life


“So… you called us all the way here to discuss their date?”

Noah nods.


No one says anything for a few minutes. The majority of them finding the situation so st upid that they

were actually rendered speechless. Of course, Noah didn’t know that. As far as he was concerned,

everyone was just as worried about it as he was. It’s Elizabeth that decides to break the tension with a

small laugh. Pressing her lips together, she scotches her chair closer to the desk and gives her

husband a tight smile.

A smile that said “what the hell is going on in this kids mind”. She steadily shifts her attention to Noah.

“And… we’re supposed to do something about that?”

Everyone turns their heads to look at Noah. He nods feverishly, a look of disbelief washing over his

face at the fact that no one else seemed to grasp the gravity of the situation. Throwing his hands in the

air, he moves closer to the table and flattens his hands on the wood before leaning forward.

“Don’t you guys get it? If their date goes wrong- their first date, they might decide not to see each other


Meredith gasps, shooting out of her seat with her hands clasped to her mouth. Her face riddles with

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“No grandpups?”

She asked mortified.

Noah hangs his head solemnly.

“No grandpups.”

“Okay, okay, but the date can’t get that bad. The two are obviously meant to be.”

Elizabeth pitches in, sounding a lot like she was convincing herself more than anyone else. She too

wanted her grandpups. Noah lifts his gaze to her and nods. Taking his hands off the table, he begins

walking toward her and makes a stop right when he’s directly behind. Meredith, though the shell shock

of having no grandpup still lingers in her mind, slumps into her seat.

Placing both hands on Elizabeth’s shoulders, he bends down until his head is leveled with the side of


“Yes, they are. Anyone with eyes see that…. however, there’s one thing we aren’t thinking of.”

He looks to Mailia and gives her a nod. Like an unspoken understanding, she returns his gesture

before getting up to the powerpoint projector and turning it on. The rest of the group don’t even have

the time to question whats happening because Mailia claps three times and suddenly, the lights

dimmed at her command. The focus being put on the powerpoint slide titled:

Things That Can Go Wrong In Their Date Because Why Wouldn’t It?

Researched by: Noah Jones

Written by: Noah Jones

Pictures by: Noah Jones

Sponsored by: Mailia Jones and Paul Anka

Still Hating: Weston Creed

Noah takes the powerpoint remote out of his pocket and clicks to the next slide which had bolded

letters at the top reading out: Ex’s that Seriously Won’t F ucking Stop. Giving Elizabeth a firm squeeze

on the shoulder, he shakes his head at the words.

“That right there, ladies and gentlemen, is problem number one. An ex could possibly make an

appearance and ruin everything.”

Elizabeth whips her head around and looks at Noah in alert. The sudden look of stress out lining her



She gasps.

“Not the ex’s!”

“Oh, but yes, dear Elizabeth. The ex’s. They always find a way to ruin everything. I’ve watched a lot of

Drama’s and Teleas for research and listed out a few reasons as to what they could do.”

As if by cue, Mailia goes around handing out packets of papers. All of them were thick and bound

together by sturdy strings.


Noah says, pulling back and walking around the table. Elizabeth flips through the pages as everyone

does and sees a list written out from the section he called out.

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“Pregnancy pin-up, long lost love, thought to be dead but actually is alive, ex-boyfriend/girlfriend, one-

night stand with delusions about starting a relationship, bat-sh it crazy stalker that won’t leave them

alone after breaking up…”

Elizabeth looks defeated as she grabs onto Williams’ bicep.

“Oh no, James! We can’t let these bitc hes get in the way of Selene’s happiness!”

His eyebrows shoot up as he stared at his mate. Her sudden outburst shocking him into a daze.

Everyone stares at Elizabeth who notices the attention and give them a dry look.


“…Anyway, yes! An ex can appear and ruin everything! But you know what can be worse? This!”

He flips to the next slide which showcases an image of the beach.

“He can bring her to the beach.”

Williams’ eyebrows scrunches up. The ex part, he understood, but the beach?

“The beach? What can be so bad about the beach?”

He vocalizes the question everyone had. Noah laughs, putting his hands at his hips and grins.

Oh foolish, foolish wolves.

“Everything, Chancellor. Everything is bad about the beach.”

Noah’s face twists in disgust just from merely thinking of it.

“Imagine all of the people that’ll be there. It’s gonna be squished, hot, sunburn prone, filled with per vs

that will look at the Alpha the wrong way and possibly awaken the Bloodlust Alpha who will destroy

them all, germ-y with all those bodies dipping in the water and I can assure you! Someone. Will. Pee. In

the water.”