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The Female Alpha’s Sanctuary

Chapter 84
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Chapter 84

“But anyway, it’s a sh ame we’ll miss you there, Alpha Locksworth. Do enjoy whatever plans you


Warily, I look over to Raizel. She was pinning for a reaction. It was obvious in her taunts she was trying

to get something from him. So when I looked over to the raven head and felt his aura prickle me in

discomfort, I knew she had succeeded. The intense pressure coming off him making Opal move back a

few steps until she stood near the doorway. His eyebrows were scrunched together, the fork in his hand

bending with his knuckles whitening quickly.

I was half expecting him to shift and half expecting him to abruptly stand and storm away, but he does

neither of those things. He instead just calms himself, screwing his eyes sh ut for a few seconds before

his grip on the fork lessened and the scowl on his face disappeared.

“I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to go.”

He says finally, his voice an octave deeper than before. The evident irritation in his voice was so

blatantly obvious even Opal coughed in awkwardness. I couldn’t help but look surprised. He never

once attended a Gala. He was always sent an invitation but he never took the time to actual go to one

before. Much less, send a response or explanation as to why he didn’t want to go. Everyone knew he

just didn’t want to. Simple as that.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

The fact that he was coming brought alive the nerves Elizabeth was talking about. Th nerves that were

never there to begin with was now spiraling out of control and it was all his fault.

I felt nervous when I didn’t have any reason to at first.

Wiliams and Elizabeth give each other looks that said even they couldn’t believe what had just

happened. I wondered what changed his mind. Although the vain part of me wanted to believe it was

because he was jealous, the more humble part of me -the bigger part- tried convincing me it was

because he wanted to show me respect as an Alpha.

The vain part of me was more convincing.

“I see. I guess this year’s Gala will be unforgettable.”

Williams murmurs, looking between Raizel and I. Now he was definitely questioning our relationship. I

merely nod in agreement, not trusting myself from overreacting and making a fo ol of myself. His

announcement in attending has already scrambled my thoughts all over the place.

“I suppose so.”

Raizel huffs out, equally quiet.

Well f*uck me if this isn’t uncomfortable.

“Anyway, since you’re attending, I’m sure you need to get yourself a suit and maybe-”

Elizabeth cuts herself off at the sound of someone’s phone ringing. Raizel silently curses to himself,

digging his hand in his suit pocket before sending Williams a look when reading the caller ID. He gives

him a hard nod, eyes not giving anything away. From my peripheral vision, I see Williams stiffen with a

hard look glazing over his face. The two look at each other in silent understanding as the ringing

echoes in the mansion.

Neither Elizabeth or I do anything but look on.

Just when I though the phone would just go to voice mail, Raizel answers and puts it to his ear.

Excusing himself, he gets up and walks from the dining table in a hurry but not before saying

something in a language I couldn’t recognize.

“Freumale, costa drendenea.”

I make a face. It sounded like something between Spanish and French, if that was even possible.

Possibly even a little bit of Latin? I watch as his broad back disappears into the living room. Williams

too was watching over him with a less than pleased expression on his face. His earlier comment long

forgotten about. I wanted to ask what was wrong or why the sudden cold tension but a frustrated shout

stopped me.

“Grendenium! Brothernu sinvikter ladnum!”

Raizel’s harsh voice rang down the hall, filling me up with more curiosity as I look over to Williams. He

ignores my gaze, knowing that I was staring but decided to keep watching the doorway from which

Raizel left. A few minutes and shouts later followed by a crash, Raizel walks back in with his wh ite

button shirt unbuttoned from the first three. His hair was slightly ruffled, strands of black locks falling

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over his face before he rakes his hand through them, to push it back into place. With a tightened jaw

and a tense structure, he gives Williams a thin lipped look.

“I’m heading back. I won’t be needing that week after all.”

Raizel scans his steely eyes over to Elizabeth and gives her a curt nod before turning to look at me. His

gaze softened and his tightened jaw relaxed.

“I’ll be seeing you.”

He says softly.

“Is that a promise?”

I pale from my own words. My wolf yipping in excitement because to her, that was our attempt at

seducing him. I don’t know how I managed to say those words because frankly, I wanted to dig myself

up in a ditch and just lay there until I di e. I sounded eager, infatuated, hopeful.

All of which, were somewhat a gist of what I was feeling but didnt want him to know.

The look of shock on his face was enough to make me want to crawl up into bed and scream into the

pillows. The heat slowly coming over me making me feel like an utter embarrassment on this Earth.

Williams’ and Elizabeth’s silence didn’t help make the situation any better for me. It just made the

whole ordeal a lot more realer than I would’ve wanted. At this point, I was tempted to just bust out

laughing before telling him it was a joke, to save myself from further humiliation. And I was just about to

do that when Raizel’s shocked expression slipped away and he looked at me fondly.