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The Fox Goddess

Chapter 77 Repeat Your Words
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"That is the spirit!" Yuki then patted Yumie's back and went inside to have a rest after having a crazy battle.

Thus Yuki went to sleep quickly without anyone disturbing her, so she then had a nice and quiet sleep.

While Yuki was sleeping a lot of time had already passed but Ayame still hasn't got the time to talk to her daughter because of some problems.

"Ayame, it's alright someday you'll be able to talk to Yuki but now is not just the time." Serene consoled her because she was on the verge of crying already.

"Sob… I know but sob…" Ayame didn't finish her words when Serene hugged her.

"It's okay, maybe now it's not the right time to talk to Yuk. Because for now, you must deal with this problem first."

Before they can call Yuki just a few days ago, a problem suddenly came up that needed her attention so Ayame can only delay her with her talk to Yuki to deal with the problem.

But what Ayame didn't expect was that the problem was big and needed a lot of time to finish.

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Her "husband" who was supposed to be dead was alive and he wanted to take Yuki and make her his heiress to the throne of the kingdom that he had built. He had now accepted the fact that he has a child with Ayame, so he wanted to take Yuki because he thought of Yuki being a genius because of her mother.

"Ayame gives me my child back and I promise you that I will love her." He said as he looked down at Ayame's palace.

His name was Andrew, he was the King of his current nation in the God Real. It's called the Jade Dragon Kingdom.

He used a secret life-saving treasure that saved his life from death at the hands of Ayame, that's how he survived, but he was extremely wounded and was on the verge of dying. Luckily he met a kind woman who he thinks was better than Ayame and was more beautiful than her

While he was standing in front of her arrogantly, there was also a beautiful woman next to her. She was his current wife, Natalie. She was the one who saved him when he was about to die and it was love at first sight for Natalie when she saw Andrew so she decided to give it a shot and be his wife.

Andrew also fell in love with her in the months that came so they got married and built their Kingdom which is now at the top of the God Realm.

"Is this where your ex-wife lives, Andrew?" Natalie asked as she looked at Ayame from top to bottom.

"Yes, she was also the one who carried my first child," Andrew answered as he looked at the castle in front of him.

Because Natalie was infertile, he decided to take his child from Ayame and make it his heir. Naturally, Natalie accepted it because she too wants a child to have one and because of her situation she was desperate.

So they had an agreement to take the child from Ayame and make it their own.

Andrew had thought that his child was still a baby because he thinks that Ayame has lengthened the time before her pregnancy due to the war that was happening at that time.

"Make your choice Ayame, I will give her a good life with me and Natalie," Andrew said to Ayame who was frozen inside her castle.

Ayame still hasn't left her castle because Serene had warned her that it might be a trap, but now that she heard that Andrew wanted to take Yuki away from her, she was extremely mad at Andrew for being shameless.

Serene also got mad but kept it cool, "Let's go out and see this man."

But when she got out tears suddenly fell out of her eyes when she saw Natalie who was clinging to Andrew.

Even though he tried to kill her, she was still in love with him but buried it inside her heart. But now when she was witnessing another woman who was his current wife, she was deeply hurt but she tried to control her emotions.

Serene was shocked when he saw Ayame crying, so she immediately hugged her and whispered something into her ear.

"Just forget that guy and live a happy life with Yuki," Serene said.

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She then looked at Andrew who was looking at them, what she just wanted to do right was to kill that guy right now but she knows that she cannot do it or she will be enemies with his kingdom.

And even though she is the strongest Goddess in the God Realm, she still will not be able to fight an entire Kingdom on her own. She tightly clutched her hands and unknowingly released Bloodlust toward Andrew.

When Andrew saw Ayame again after a long time, he was stunned to see how beautiful she currently is. He then suddenly got an idea and blurted it out loud which caused him to almost die.

"Bring me back my child and be my concubine." He said. He was now stunned to see how beautiful Ayame was and he thought how good it would be if she became his wife so he asked her to be his concubine.

Under the stunned look of his wife and the two, he continued, "I promise to take care of her and you as w…"

He didn't get to finish his words when he was suddenly pinned to the ground by Serene.

"Can you repeat that? Sorry, because I think I misheard you." Serene asked as she withdrew her Scythe and pointed it into his neck.

Her Bloodlust exploded and she didn't control her strength when she kicked Andrew to the ground, so Andrew received a few broken bones in his chest.

Luckily for him, he has reached God Hood so he survived the attack from Serene if he wasn't a God he would probably die from that attack.

"Andrew!" Natalie shouted as she rushed towards Andrew but was stopped by Serene.

"Don't move, little girl," Serene said as she glanced at Natalie for a second before looking back at Andrew who was coughing blood.

"So, can you repeat that for me, Andrew?" Serene said as she touched the tip of her scythe at Andrew.