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The Great Ruler (Web Novel)

Chapter 1208: The Girl
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Luo God Clan, Small Western Kingdom, Western Sky Continent.

A lofty and rugged city stood tall within the core region of the Luo God Clan. It exuded ancient vibes and seemed to have its history written all over it, as the city had clearly been through many vicissitudes.

The city was split into two by a turbulent river. The river cut through the middle of the city, and as it reached the border, it seemed to take a sharp turn, creating a circle surrounding the city. The great river had a twisted complexity. It resembled the constellations, and occasionally, it shined more brilliantly than the starry skies. The great river roared as it nourished the city.

The bottom of the river was unseen, and no one was ever able to tell its depth. An Earthly Sovereign once dove into it, but after exploring for almost half a month, he was still unable to reach the bottom. In fact, he had exhausted all of his spiritual energy to the point where he almost sacrificed himself, becoming a nutrient to the great river.

It was truly unfathomable.

The mysterious great river was sacred to the Luo God Clan. Countless clan members would visit to pay their respects and worship the river on specific dates simply because the great river was named the Luo River.

The city was surrounded by the Luo River, hence the name Luo God City. It was the most essential and important city of the Luo God Clan. At the same time, to all the clan members, it was an inviolable sacred place.

On this very day, the Luo God City was the gathering point for the Luo God Clan. Who knew how many clan members had come from far away lands to gather around the city, each one with eyes full of anticipation. They gathered because on this day, their clan leader, Luo Tianshen, would hold a Luo God Ritual for the current queen!

The Luo God Clan was once prosperous, but it had gradually declined over the years. A few years back there were turbulent times filled with internal conflicts and foreign invasions. Many people from the clan were slaughtered, and some were even enslaved. Under these terrible circumstances, the people were completely in despair. However, before long, things took a favorable turn.

At the time, the ever-renowned princess returned to the clan. Within a few years, she had used all sorts of techniques and her charming personality to slowly stabilize the chaotic Luo God Clan.

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Since then, she led the Luo God Clan army and top powers to the battlefront of numerous tough wars against the aggressive Blood God Clan. In the end, they had prevailed. After defeating the enemy, the Luo God Clan members were able to enjoy peaceful times once again.

To protect her people, the girl had traveled to all four corners of the Luo God Clan borders, building her reputation as she went. Her charm was not only infectious towards the initially despairing clan members, it also attracted support from all the different aristocracies of the Luo God Clan, as more and more top powers gathered behind her.

Hence, in all those years, the crumbling Luo God Clan had revealed tenacious determination against the prowling enemies, casting away any signs of deterioration. Before they knew it, the whole of the Small Western Kingdom had learned for a fact that within the Luo God Clan, there was someone who would be the future queen and inherit the great tradition.

Meanwhile, among the Luo God Clan, the movement of supporting her as the future queen had surpassed those supporting her grandfather, Luo Tianshen. And now, whether it was the people or the aristocracies of the Luo God Clan, the call for her as the future queen was getting mightier.

That was why the Luo God Ritual this time around would be the most important ceremony yet! If all went well, then she would be officially crowned as the queen of the Luo God Clan. Any objections from the aristocracies would then be completely eliminated.

With all the clan members united by one purpose, even if the Luo God Clan could not return to its full glory days, they would still be as strong as an iron plate. Then, be it the Blood God Clan or the two other major God Clans, whoever wanted to take advantage of the Luo God Clan had better be prepared to get their teeth smashed.

Consequently, the Luo God Ritual this time was unusually important. It was the reason why countless clan members traveled all the way to the city to witness the crowning of the queen.

It would be the deciding factor of the Luo God Clan's fate.


Luo God City.

In the middle of the city, there was a majestic palace, respectable and untouchable. It was the Luo God Palace, where the royalty resided. At that moment, high up in the palace, a slender figure was standing tall. She was dressed in a moonlight-white gown with violet silk patterns on her sleeves that resembled a flying Cloud Phoenix exuding a highly exalted air.

She had an exceptionally perfect figure. Above her long slender legs was a perfect tiny waist followed by an alluring curve and a graceful, fair, swan-like neck. However, all this goodness paled in comparison to her face...

It was such a delicate face that it was pure enchantment. Her skin was snow white, and her brows were dark. Her eyes were so stunning that they had reached a pinnacle, and they were as clear as lazurite. As she looked up into the sky, the starry sky was completely reflected in them, showing the sky's true colors. Her beauty was just breathtaking.

With long, silver hair gently cascading down her back like a waterfall, she may have just walked out of a painting. This breathtakingly beautiful girl was looking peacefully at a far away place. The tinge of yearning for someone was in her gaze, causing her to frown slightly.

"Mu Chen… are you doing alright?" she muttered softly. In the eyes of all the Luo God Clan members she would be forever strong, and yet, she was showing a rare hint of softness and missing someone.

"You can't be still thinking about that kid?" said an elderly voice from behind her.

Hearing that, all the emotions in her clear eyes evaporated, and her frown was gone. Instantly, she exuded an unspeakably dignified and magnificent vibe. She turned slightly, looked at the old person who stood behind her, and said lightly, "Grandfather, are you going to take away this privilege of mine?"

As the old man heard this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. Helpless yet relieved, he said, "Your reputation among the Luo God Clan is way higher than this old man's now. I wouldn't dare. But… Luo Li, after all these years, there hasn't been any news from him. Why do you keep on waiting aimlessly like this?"

The girl was none other than Luo Li, who had been separated from Mu Chen for many years. However, the girl that she used to be had undergone quite a transformation after all the years of struggle. Her then youthful beauty had now fully blossomed into one that would overthrow a kingdom.

Her character had changed a lot, too. She was no longer the quiet, graceful young girl that used to by Mu Chen's side. Instead, she had developed the grace of a queen that invoked awe and respect.

The old man behind her was the clan leader of the Luo God Clan, Luo Tianshen. Faced with Luo Tianshen's question, Luo Li just smiled lazily. Her meaning was clear even without words, telling her grandfather to not ask such meaningless questions.

Seeing her like this, Luo Tianshen was getting anxious, so he said, "So many years have gone by, maybe something happened to him…"

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Just as he had spoken those words, he saw the girl's eyebrow straighten immediately and felt the raging glare directed his way, making him swallow the remaining words he wanted to say. After all these years, the aura she possessed now was able to prevent him from occasionally agitating her.

Luo Tianshen shook his head and smiled wryly. As the years had gone by, Luo Li had managed to stabilize the Luo God Clan. Her reputation had spread along with her beauty. As of today, her name had not only dispersed throughout the Small Western Kingdom, but had reached as far as the Great Western Continent.

If it went on like this, who knew how many knights in shining armor would come forward to gain her interest. Perhaps there may be a chance that a person from a clan that was stronger than the Luo God Clan would propose a marriage arrangement, establishing an allied relationship between the two. It would be extremely beneficial to the Luo God Clan, enough to frighten the prowling Blood God Clan.

In fact, even if it was the Blood God Clan, it would also turn out to be a favorable situation. To have their youngest and brightest top power come forward with a marriage proposal would end all the resentment among them. Nevertheless, Luo Li would strongly object to all of this.

She used to say that the only way to be powerful was to depend on oneself. Any external help would dissipate eventually. If the Luo God Clan couldn't grow stronger on its own two feet, whatever marital alliance they made would never last...

Her reasoning was accepted by the majority of the the clan members, especially the younger generation of elites who supported her completely. However, only Luo Tianshen knew that her reasoning was just an excuse, simply because there was already someone in her heart… Knowing her way of doing things, some things would never change in this lifetime.

"That bastard!" Luo Tianshen clenched his jaw as he thought about this. Initially he thought that by taking Luo Li away, Mu Chen would eventually be a stranger she used to know. He simply couldn't figure out how a guy who was training in a Spiritual Academy would ever be qualified to force his way into the Great Thousand World for Luo Li.

He had clearly underestimated the stubbornness and determination of his granddaughter. After all these years, she was still waiting foolishly...

Despite feeling unsatisfied, Luo Tianshen had nothing else to say on this matter. Instead, he let out a long sigh. His looked at her with a slight dullness and said lightly, "Luo Li, this Luo God Ritual, if it goes well, you will step into the Earthly Sovereign-level and become the worthy queen of the Luo God Clan. But you ought to know, our enemies, no matter if they are within or outside of the clan, won't be happy to witness this, so the Luo God Ritual this time around will not be a peaceful one."

"Grandfather… this time… even I… don't have too much faith." Luo Li looked at his lackluster, old face and was slightly touched. She held out a slender arm to hold onto his rough old hand and said quietly, "No matter what, I will live or die together with the Luo God Clan!"

Upon hearing this, Luo Tianshen nodded solemnly. A tinge of ruthlessness appeared on his face as he said, "Don't you worry. As long as I'm here, I won't let those bastards get to you! Let's go, the Luo God Ritual is about to begin!"

Luo Li nodded, then she turned to look at a faraway point, as if trying to penetrate the space, looking for a young figure nowhere to be found. Then, she turned around decidedly and left. At that instant, a small but firm voice rang in her heart.

"Mu Chen, no matter what… I'll be waiting for you!"