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The Heiress’ Return: Six Brothers at Her Beck and Call

Chapter 963
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Chapter 963 Revenge Freedom to dress as one pleased cwith the responsibility of remembering the context and time.

No one had the right to forgive on behalf of the heroic spirit who sacrificed themselves for this land. Imagine if they had returned only to see young people dressed in traditional Foplyanese outfits while singing and dancing. What would they think? They would believe that their aspirations remained unfulfilled and that we were still being bullied, just like the confused Cody. However, debates were inevitable and vigilance would wane as more people failed to thoroughly learn that part of history.

It was not a new phenomenon for spies to be exposed every year. The opposition probably relied on their deceiving appearances to act so blatantly.

Wynter recently met a female friend who acted all arrogant. Her true nature was revealed when no one was around.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

Wynter's eyes darkened slightly as she followed the man. The man had a small, subtle tattoo on the back.

of his hand. It was something trendy that usually wouldn't attract much attention.

Wynter had observed earlier that almost all the men in black at the plaza had this tattoo. It seemed that identifying them wouldn't be too difficult.

"The car ahead is here to pick him up." Whitley was indeed quick-witted. He had noticed the subtle details.

even while eating his crepe.

Wynter hailed a taxi to follow the man's car. The drivers in Kingbourne relished in tasks like this. The driver got extremely excited after hearing that Wynter wanted to follow the car in front of them.

The driver couldn't be bothered by his audiobook any longer. As he drove, Wynther gave the driver a thumbs-up at his top-notch driving skills.

The driver said with a proud expression, "They can't outrun me." Whitley wore the purple sugilite pendant that Wynther had given him on his neck. The pendant seemed oddly familiar to him. It was as if he had seen it long ago. He could clearly feel it masking his aura when he touched it.

Wynter, the genius doctor, was right. The best path for Whitley was to follow her.

Wynter's gaze shifted slightly as the car drove onto the main road on the west side. She was very familiar with this road as she had cycled here many times.

It seemed the answer to the question she had pondered for so long was finally within reach.

Wynter had always been meticulous in her actions. She grabbed her phone and called Albert. "Albert, I need your help." Albert, who had just finished a shareholders' meeting, immediately lost all his anger. His stern face softened into an indulgent warmth which baffled his assistants who were following behind him.

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Just moments ago, Albert's gaze was cold and he seemed more than ready to fire someone due to the poor decision made by sof the stakeholders. Why did he seem like a different person now? "Wynter, what do you need from me? Just say the word," Albert said as he continued to walk. His gaze landed on his assistants, signaling for them to make preparations, His assistants instantly understood everything when they realized it was Ms. Quinnell.

Ms. Quinnell was worthy. Everything that she needed was worth putting in the effort.

After all, she was the She reason for their recent salary and benefit increases. "I need you to arrange a meeting with that first love of yours..." Albert stopped moving when he heard that. He knew Wynther was about to take action.

For days, Albert had been indulging Wyther's wishes and had not made a move on Jolene. However, this doesn't mean that he wasn't furious.

Albert had prided himself on being serious with all his relationships. He had helped Jolene genuinely when he met her overseas.

Albert had thought about Wynter's words more than once after learning about her dreams and @scovering Jolene's schemes that she had committed in his nafter she returned to the country.

Jolene hadn't honored Albert's will by giving the shares to Sebastian when she got remarried. Instead, she sold the shares off, forcing Sebastian into exile and leading to the downfall of the Quinnells. The regret Albert felt had been simmering for days. He was more than ready to get his revenge.