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The Innkeeper

Chapter 600: Hidden dangers
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Without the Host Attire to help him control himself, it took his entire being to stop himself from tumbling when he heard the lady's question. Was he married? He just used dragon aura to intimidate the hell out of them all, but instead of getting scared, the woman started head hunting a husband for her daughter? Hopefully her daughter.

Regardless of her intentions, Lex only replied with a smile and said nothing. He was not about to fall into this trap. If he engaged in this conversation, he was done for. Whether he accepted or denied it, he would have entered her web. The only way to avoid the whole situation was to just ignore the question, as many times as it came up. For if it had been mentioned once, he had a feeling it would be brought up again.

He led them into the private room and asked the triplets to bring them some food as they all sat down. Lex looked over the various brothers and admired the fact that all of them were earth immortals. Either whatever family they were from were incredibly talented, or had immense discipline and knowledge on cultivation. Regardless of whatever arrogance, or strange marital practices they may have, they deserved respect.

Moreover, coming from a family with such an impressive resume, Jasmine's potential was also probably incredible. Of course, Lex did not really care much for her or anyone else's potential right now. Instead, what he wanted was information on the Kraven.

Everyone took a seat, but said nothing as the triplets set down some snacks as well as several drinks. Although Lex did not hope to be able to intoxicate immortals, he had them bring out some of the better selection they had.

Once they were done and left the room, Lex finally sat down. Pvarti and Jasmine sat next to one another, with Jasmine's focus fixed solely on him. Whether Pvarti was uncomfortable with the situation or not, he did not let it show. Instead, he eagerly began sipping his drink. Regardless of the situation, his love for the Midnight tavern's drinks could not be affected.

Opposite to Lex sat Jasmine's mother, and her gaze was locked onto Lex. Though she was not alone in that regard, as all the brothers were focused on him as well.

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"Now," Lex finally began, flashing his most courteous smile. "I believe everyone got off on the wrong foot. Unless remedied, such circumstances can lead to completely deteriorating the situation for everyone involved. I believe it is in everyone's best interests if they get along. If my presence is serving as a barricade, I can leave you all to have your discussion, but I must strongly urge you all to remain civil. My tavern is not like others, which tolerate bar fights and needless scuffles."

"No no, how can your illustrious presence be anything but a blessing? Please stay, I believe your presence will… yes, will help keep everyone calm so that we don't end up falling into further misunderstandings."

The mother was quite insistent that Lex stay, and oddly, the brothers all seemed to nod along. Despite his sixth sense, he was not sure if they were just going along with their mother, or they genuinely believed that.

Pvarti, who was more familiar with the tavern and Lex, did not feel the need to fawn over him. Instead, he had to do his best to fight his own instincts and stop himself from something inappropriate. His thoughts were… unusual at the moment, to say the least. Even he himself could not predict what he might end up doing if he stopped restraining himself.

"What's there to talk about anyway?" He asked, the foam of his drink still bubbling on his upper lip. "I, the magnanimous Pvarti, will gift you this necklace. Consider it your 'compensation'. After that, you can be on your merry way, and we need not ever cross paths again."

He was clear that Jasmine's family still held a grudge against him, so playing on that was his best bet to get out of this situation. Unfortunately, he was the only person in the room without a hidden agenda, so his suggestion, as ridiculous as it was, was never bound to be accepted. Furthermore… it was at that moment everyone realized that the small pup wearing the necklace had disappeared!

When everyone was under the pressure of the dragon's aura, Fenrir ran off to play. He had not been targeted by the aura to begin with, so he had no problem taking advantage of the distraction it presented. Moreover, his stealth capabilities were top notch.

Before an awkward silence could develop, Jasmine spoke up.

"Oh darling, don't be so mean. Although our time apart may have been unpleasant for you, there was no real harm suffered. Besides, you've proved yourself to be a real man. Daddy will surely appreciate you for that. There's no need to sully our relationship with dirty things like business deals."

Lex looked at Jasmine oddly, as did Pvarti. It appeared as though… the young woman was completely oblivious to the actual situation. In her mind, the only reason Pvarti was upset was not because of the tiny little prank she played, but because he was so deeply in love with her that their separation had left him resentful.

"I think that's a wonderful idea," Jasmine's mother said. "In fact, such happy occasions should not be delayed. I have already sent news to your father, and he will hurry here with the rest of your 37 brothers, and 14 sisters. I think this tavern is a wonderful venue, why don't we have the wedding here?"

Before Pvarti could object, Jasmine shrieked in excitement, and leaped at him, knocking the both of them over again. Lex was too stunned at the size of Jasmine's family to object. He noticed that the mother… failed to mention her husband having other wives. Did that mean she gave birth to all those children!?!

Before he could decide on whether he was impressed or horrified, the 'opportunity' that his intuition had hinted at finally arrived, with the pleasant ting of a system notification. Lex froze. At the moment, he had a particular interest in completing system quests, so the moment he heard the familiar notification sound, he began checking his system.

New Quest: A distinguished family has decided to use a subsidiary establishment of the Inn, the Midnight tavern, as the venue for a family wedding. Host a wedding worthy of the special union about to take place.

Quest Reward: Subject to performance

Remarks: Since the chances of getting married yourself are slim, live vicariously and experience your fantasies

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For a brief moment, Lex struggled about which objective to prioritize. Should he try to get the SSS+ quest rating, or should he focus on getting information on the Kraven. The struggle lasted only a second, though. The Kraven were going nowhere, but achieving such a high rating on a quest on purpose would be incredibly difficult. He could not let a single opportunity pass him by.

"Marry, we have an emergency situation! Get everyone who is not doing anything important, and start watching Indian wedding movies! Get me a list of the most extravagant requirements for weddings that exist! Get Velma involved, tell her there's a love story on the line. Get Z to start watching wedding anime if they exist! I want all resources focused on this! This is the Inn's top priority! In fact, start scanning all the guests for potential wedding planners! I can't let a single opportunity pass me by!"

With the order passed, Lex looked at Pvarti sympathetically. Lex hated using him like this but… it was probably for his own good right? With such powerful in-laws, he would probably live a good life. Hopefully. Maybe.

Then he recalled the fact that Jasmine had 62 siblings. Well, if the family had any strange traditions about the number of kids, he might have to suffer a little. But such was life.

"It seems the bride and groom can't even keep their hands off of each other," Lex said with a gracious smile, as one of Jasmine's brothers pulled her off Pvarti again.

"Yes. No, I mean no, I'm not like that," stuttered the bewildered Pvarti. "No wait, I mean, I didn't agree to this."

"Yes, yes, honey-booboo is right. He probably wants to invite his family as well. Surely he's a little bitter about how they treated him before, but blood is thicker than water afterall," said Jasmine, her eyes practically turning into hearts as she looked at Pvarti.

"Yes, yes, a lot of planning is needed," the mother said. "Not to mention, your other sisters are getting along in age as well. We might as well use this opportunity to look for suitable husbands for them too. What do you think, Mr… oh look at that, we were so caught up in all the excitement that I completely forgot to catch your name."

Lex suddenly felt goosebumps all over his body. This quest… would be more dangerous than he anticipated.