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The Invincible Mercenary King (Haylan Jaber)

Chapter 444
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Chapter 444

The crowd, including Xander, Sybil, Reign, and the rest, were struck with shock and disbelief upon hearing Buckminster’s words, their faces contorting with a mix of surprise and concern.

Reign, in particular, grew deathly pale, her complexion resembling a sheet of paper as she trembled with shock and disbelief

Her fingers clenched onto the edge of Xander’s coat, her grip firm and desperate. “Mr. Zoran, what’s my next move?”

Approaching Buckminster to engage in a game would undoubtedly lead to an inevitable demise.

Avoiding participation in the game wouldn’t guarantee her escape from the imminent danger either.

There appeared to be no way out but death, regardless of her choices.

Xander’s gaze darkened, reflecting his inner conflict. He whispered, ‘Our current hiding place is secure for now. We’ll bide our time and observe the situation”

They found refuge behind a remarkably concealed hiding spot, with a formidable black iron mesh in front of them, effectively blocking their line of sight.

The perspective from where they hid afforded them a complete and unobstructed view of the events unfolding outside.

Yet, their presence remained elusive from an external perspective, concealed from view and beyond detection.

“Is Reign, or rather, Ms. Labenz, in attendance?”

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Buckminster’s sharp eyes swept over the scene, searching for any sign of Reign, but came up empty. His gaze snapped toward Fletcher, a glimmer of concern flickering. “Did anyone slip away before we had this place surrounded?” Fletcher shook his head. “No one escaped.”

In a sudden revelation, his voice softened to a whispered tone. “However, it has come to my knowledge that Haylan, who accompanies Reign, is an exceptional individual with considerable strength, shrouded in an air of mystery.”

“Maybe that fella done made off with Reign.”

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“No chance!” Buckminster shook his head in disbelief.

With a team of experts strategically positioned to block every avenue of escape, there was no sign of Reign and Haylan slipppang away.

Furthermore, he had just received word that Haylan had already departed from the casino with Christine before their intervention

In the midst of it all, Reign had vanished without a trace. She could either have slipped away on her own or be lurking somewhere nearby.

Their men had staked their claim and scoured every inch, leaving no stone unturned, but still, there was no trace of Reign to be found.

However, he boldly insisted that Reign remained cloaked within the heart of the casino, perhaps concealed in a realm unbeknownst to them.

Buckminster’s lips curled into a frosty smile as he spoke, “If Ms. Labenz wants to play a game of hide and seek, well then. we’ll oblige her and play till the bitter end.”

While uttering those words, he reached out his hand, demanding. “Pass me the gun.”

Fletcher caught on quickly and swiftly passed the revolver to Buckminster.

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With his fingers wrapped tightly around the grip, Buckminster leveled the gun at a figure in the crowd below and with a quick squeeze of the trigger.


Amongst the crowd, a stunning casino dealer took a fatal shot to the forehead, collapsing onto the ground in a pool of blood.

The sound of terrified screams reverberated through the air, instantly capturing the attention of the startled onlookers. Buckminster’s eyes narrowed like a deadly weapon, but his face remained adorned with a smile as he raised his voice, “If Ms. Labenz desires a game of hide and seek, I am more than willing to oblige her until the bitter end.”

“From this moment onward, if you refuse to reveal yourself, I shall take a life every three minutes!”

“Ms. Labenz, we’ve got plenty of time. We can take our sweet time playing.”

A twisted smile crept across his face as his voice boomed like thunder, resonating with an ear-splitting intensity, delivering his message with chilling accuracy into the ears of all who heard it.

The sight of the casino dealer sprawled in a pool of blood struck the onlookers with a jolt of terror, causing the entire casino to fall into a peaceful silence, their faces drained of color.

“Fletcher, commence the countdown. Once every three minutes, we shall take life at random.” Buckminster chuckled.

Fletcher produced an hourglass from an unseen source and promptly inverted it, placing it on the gambling table for all to see.

“Once the sand runs out, it’ll be three minutes. Ms. Labenz, if you’re hoping for someone else to take your place in death, keep hiding. Fletcher remarked.

Upon completing his statement, all eyes in the vicinity locked onto the hourglass, the air thick with nervous tension as every breath seemed to cease in the room.

Reign observed the unfolding spectacle in a hidden corner, their countenance shifting abruptly. With a sudden surge of resolve, they sprang to their feet, ready to take action.

“Stay calm, don’t be hasty!” Nandler quickly grabbed Reign, preventing her from making a rash move.

Buckminster, the deceptive predator with a mask of smiles, was a man of unfathomable cunning. If Reign were to step out, it would be akin to a helpless lamb willingly entering the clutches of a ferocious tiger with dire and unimaginable consequences.

“Mr. Zoran, do you expect me to witness others sacrificing themselves for my sake?” Reign clenched her teeth.

Even though she had an icy exterior, Reign harbored a kind heart and loathed the idea of causing harm to others. Witnessing innocent lives lost on her behalf filled her with overwhelming guilt.

Xander urged her to remain patient, emphasizing that if Fletcher and Buckminster were to claim more lives. As a result, it would be on her conscience.

How could she endure the sight of sacrificing more lives for her sake?

They’re intentionally pushing you to go out and meet your death. Whose life holds greater value, yours or theirs?” Xander’s voice carried a deep, somber tone as he spoke.

“But…” Reign’s voice choked, her eyes red as tears threatened to spill over.

Were they asking her to witness the deaths of others helplessly?

How could she find it herself to carry out such a cruel act?

Xander’s voice resonated with a solemn tone. I understand your hesitation, but have you truly pondered the potential regrets? Is there anything left unfinished in your life?”

“If you have no regrets, I can let you face your fate. But if things are left unfinished, I suggest you swallow your pride, hide like a timid tortoise, and fight for survival. Nothing is more valuable than staying alive.”

Reign’s face betrayed a mix of conflicting emotions, her expression alternating between shadows of gloom and flickers of indecision.

True, there were lingering regrets in her life. Her father was yet to be found, and her brother awaited salvation

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If she were to meet her demise here, it would also seal her brother’s fate.

“Then what am I supposed to do?” Reign murmured in a hushed tone.

“Stay put right here. Let’s watch and see how things unfold,” Xander suggested.

“But what if someone loses their life because of me?”

“Then you can’t go out either. Your life holds more value than anyone else’s.”


“This is no longer a simple social conflict. We’re on a battlefield now, where hesitation, mercy, and sympathy are weaknesses. If you possess these traits, others will use them against you, and your fate will be sealed. Excessive compassion will only cause harm to yourself and others.”

Xander’s eyes grew heavy as if haunted by painful memories, his countenance twisting into a visage of profound sorrow. Five years ago, he had found himself in the same predicament as Reign.

Back then, he was but a greenhorn, tagging along with a group of seasoned mercenaries on a mission. They found themselves ambushed and forced to seek refuge while the enemy callously massacred innocent villagers desperately to draw them out

During that time, the seasoned veterans showed remarkable composure, refraining from uttering words.

With the fire of youth burning within him, driven by a deep sense of justice and duty, he could no longer stand idly by as innocent villagers perished for their sake. Unable to contain himself any longer, he gave a resounding shout and dashed forward, unleashing his fury upon the enemy.

His decisive move thrust their mercenary group into a fierce battle for survival against the enemy.

The brutal clash took a toll on their mercenary group, claiming the lives of ten seasoned veterans and leaving three others maimed and scarred.

Every single one of them perished for his sake!

That was a lesson paid in blood!

Ever since that day, he became acquainted with the cold, unforgiving nature of the world.

No matter how many innocent lives were lost, he would no longer let his compassionate nature drive him to intervene recklessly. Instead, he would face the grim reality with a cold and calculated approach.

With time, the three minutes flew by in a heartbeat.

As Buckminster observed Reign’s continued absence, his gaze turned frigid, and he spoke in a low, chilling voice, “If Ms. Labenz won’t show herself, then it’s time to start the killing!”

Fletcher’s eyes turned icy as he retrieved his revolver, leveling it at a figure amidst the crowd.

“Hold your fire!”

When Fletcher was about to squeeze the trigger, Reign could no longer conceal herself. Rising from her hiding spot, she boldly declared, “Tin here. I’ll play a game of Blackjack with you. No more killing!”