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The Invincible Warlord’s Vengeful Awakening by Adam Jonson

Chapter 6
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Chapter 6 Protection

The Vanderbilt family’s villa was filled with joy.

As the second generation of the Vanderbilt family, Leopold joyfully welcomed a precious child.

Everyone in the Vanderbilt family was all smiles.

However, due to the child’s mother’s complications during childbirth, resulting in her passing, there was

a lingering layer of gloom over the hearts of the members of the Vanderbilt family.

So, Samuel Vanderbilt, the head of the Vanderbilt family, decided to hold a sip-and-see party earlier to

bring joy and blessings.

At this moment, Samuel was seated at the head of the table, giving it a light tap and sporting a wide

grin as he said, “Leopold, is everything arranged?”

Upon hearing that, Leopold nodded and said, “Dad, everything has been arranged. The venue is

Galaxy Hotel, and the celebration will be in three days.

“Also, I’ve sent out invitations. All the wealthy families in Oceanheim will be there to support and

celebrate with the Vanderbilt family.”

“Alright,” Samuel said. “Great.”

Upon hearing that, Samuel’s smile became even more pronounced.

The Vanderbilt family, the foremost family in Oceanheim, had assets exceeding 20 billion dollars.

Samuel, the current head of the family, had three sons and one daughter.

His eldest son, Wesley Vanderbilt, served as the deputy mayor of Oceanheim.

Beatrix, his daughter who ranked second among his four children, married into the Smith family, which

was also a wealthy family of Oceanheim.

Leopold, his son who ranked third among the four children, took up his position to take charge of the

Vanderbilt family’s business empire.

Jarvis Vanderbilt, his son who ranked fourth among the four children, joined the Skystorm Legion of

Avaloria three years ago. Just a month ago, he was conferred the military rank of a general.

A family with four children, each extraordinary in their own right. This was the essence and foundation

that enabled the Vanderbilt family to become the foremost family in Oceanheim.

At Galaxy Hotel, Xavier’s expression turned grim as he set aside the documents related to the

Vanderbilt family.

Across from him, Yara reached out to fiddle with a strand of hair falling onto her forehead in a serious

demeanor. She said, “Xavier, when would you act against the Vanderbilt family? I’m ready.”

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Just now, the siblings had a heart-to-heart discussion, but Xavier chose to keep his other identities


“Yara, I’ll handle the matters concerning the Vanderbilt family myself,” Xavier said. “As for returning to

the Cavanaugh family’s home…

“Pass on a message to Grandpa for me. From the day I left the Cavanaugh family’s home, there has

been no relationship between the Cavanaugh family and me.”

After hearing this, a misty layer filled Yara’s eyes. “Xavier, please forgive Grandpa,” she said. “He…

also had his reasons.”

Xavier’s sharp gaze flickered with a hint of coldness as he said, “Back then, in his eyes, I was merely a

wastrel. He hid from me the fact that he got Brenda into the Darkflame Legion. To this day… her fate

remains unknown.

“Later on, I made a mistake, and in a fit of anger, he broke my legs and expelled me from the

Cavanaugh family.

“What I resent isn’t him breaking my legs or expelling me from the Cavanaugh family’s home. It’s him

bringing Brenda into the Darkflame Legion. Yara, I’m sure you know what kind of place the Darkflame

Legion is, right?”

Upon hearing this, Yara bit her lip, her fingertips trembling. She kept her head lowered while remaining


She thought, ‘Indeed, the Darkflame Legion is a horrifying place. That is a place in Avaloria which is

known to be akin to hell. As the most exceptional and mysterious legion in Avaloria, the Darkflame

Legion’s mission is to guard Koruame. And Koruame… It’s rumored to be the darkest, bloodthirsty, and

most chaotic forbidden territory in Avaloria. For people who enter Koruame, death is pretty much


Yara’s long eyelashes covered the desolation in her eyes. She made an effort to cheer up and said,

“Xavier, Brenda will surely be fine.”

After that, Yara shifted the conversation’s focus and began talking to Xavier about everyday family


Half an hour later, after Xavier left, a man dressed in a black suit emerged from behind the curtains.

Yara’s gaze reverted to being cold. She said, “How do you feel?”

“He… he’s too formidable!” the man in black clothes said in a trembling voice. His forehead was

covered in cold sweat.

His name was Ryan Cavanaugh, a guard secretly trained by the Cavanaugh family. He was

responsible for protecting the core members of the Cavanaugh family.

Seeing this, a glint flashed in Yara’s eyes, and she quirked her lips slightly, saying, “Oh… it seems this

brother of mine keeps many things from me.”

After hearing that, Ryan hesitated for a moment before adding, “Miss Yara, I believe he might have

already noticed me just now but pretended not to see me.”

Yara was suddenly taken aback. Upon recovering from her daze, she gripped the palm forcefully,

lowering her head with a faint smile. “I’m so foolish,” she said. “It turns out that my brother has already

given me the answer. I’m really so foolish…”

Immediately, she picked up her phone and dialed a secret number.

Soon, the call was connected, and a friendly voice came from the other end of the line, saying, “Yara,

what made you think of calling me?”

After a momentary pause, Yara smiled and said, “Grandpa, Xavier… no longer needs your protection.”

There was a long silence on the other end of the line. This was then followed by a sigh. “My dear,

starting next month, the Cavanaugh family… will be entirely in your hands.”

As Xavier walked out of the hotel, he glanced back at the room where Yara was.

He said, “Silly girl, you actually dare to test me. Do you think I’m unaware of Grandpa’s intentions?

“Hmph. I’m no longer the idle wastrel from back then. Those who have done the Cavanaugh family

wrong as well as those who have done me wrong, I’ll settle the score one by one when I reign in


At the Pemberley Mansion, Jenson was playing with mud by the front gate.

Upon seeing Xavier return, his eyes lit up instantly. “Daddy, come and play with me!” he said.

Upon bending down, Xavier saw a small cat drawn on the ground.

He then asked, “Jenson, why doesn’t the cat you drew have whiskers?”

As Xavier spoke, he dipped his hand in the excess water stains and added whiskers to the cat that was

missing them.

The little one took a deep breath. He then looked at Xavier and said earnestly, “Daddy, I didn’t pee just


Xavier was left speechless.

In the evening, perhaps tired from playing during the day, the little one fell asleep early.

In the living room, Xavier looked at Lucretia, who was still busy with something.

Ever since returning from Anna’s birthday celebration, he noticed that Lucretia kept avoiding him. Her

action could be intentional, or it could be unintentional.

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Thinking about this, he walked up and immediately lifted Lucretia from behind.

“What are you doing?” Lucretia said. “Let go of me. Let go of me right now!”

Lucretia struggled vigorously, but her strength was no match for Xavier.

As they were at home, she was only wearing a thin set of pajamas. A large area of her flawless skin

was exposed. On her shapely and slender legs, she wore a pair of black pantyhose.

That slender waist, which could be held with a single hand, had not changed in the slightest due to

childbirth. On the contrary, the already ample bosom appeared even more prominent.

Coupled with the fact that they kept moving in a disorderly manner, the sudden exposure of her body

caused Xavier’s mind to wander as he looked at it.

Even though he became the live-in son-in-law of the Pemberley family in a bit of a daze a year ago, in

this past year, there had not been a substantial breakthrough in his relationship with Lucretia.

“Smack.” In a moment of heightened emotion, Xavier involuntarily landed a slap on Lucretia’s raised



Lucretia whimpered, her legs trembling. She was frightened, so much so that she immediately dared

not move.

At the same time, that flawless face flushed with such intensity that it appeared as though it could drip


Suppressing his turbulent emotions, Xavier spoke earnestly. “Tell me. Why have you been deliberately

avoiding me recently?”

Following that, he lifted Lucretia at the waist and settled her sideways on his lap.

Then, he placed both hands behind her back, clasping her like a pair of iron tongs, rendering her

unable to move.

Then, the two of them assumed the posture of a woman on top and a man on bottom.

Lucretia turned her head, not daring to look into Xavier’s eyes. She stuttered, “Y-you… please put me

down first. My legs… are numb.”

“As long as you tell me why you’ve been avoiding me, I’ll put you down,” Xavier said.

With that said, Xavier gently shifted his body a little.

Sitting in Xavier’s embrace, Lucretia immediately felt that something was off due to the posture

between the two of them which had a romantic undertone.

She said, “That is…”