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The Legacy System

Chapter 247 - 247: Infiltration & Information
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Even though they reached the shore before the sun going down, Eric didn't walk out as he waited for night to fall.

It sounded like a cliché, but everyone understood that during the night the probability to enter someplace unnoticed was higher.


As soon as the clock hit twelve, he and the ladies came out of the ocean, landed on shore, changed their clothes quickly, and then disappeared into the wilderness of Africa.

Nobody noticed them entering, and they had no complications on the way either. Since they didn't even need to approach settlements or towns for food, they immediately made their way towards the rendezvous point.

Eric had separated the 1000 men he had gathered into 10 groups of 100. Each group would settle in one country and create an intelligence network in there, as they even pinpointed their targets.

The ten countries in question were Libya, Egypt, Congo, the Republic of Congo, Angola, Sudan, South Sudan, Ethiopia, Central African Republic, Liberia, and Sierra Leone.

As a matter of fact, there were more than ten countries on his list, but since Liberia, Sierra Leone, and Cote D'Ivoire were close and small, he thought that one team would be enough to take care of them.

The reason he picked precisely these places was obvious, they were all war-stricken countries, where militias were fighting a civil war all the time, and they were rich.

Half of these countries had Diamonds reserves that he could plunder, while the rest had oil reserves, and had just gone through a dictatorship.

And the biggest reason for them all, the big and powerful countries didn't give much of an importance to these places.

Even though it was the beginning of a new millennium where people were supposed to be free, there still existed a lot of racism and stupid prejudices on this planet.

Eric didn't give a shit about this though, in his eyes, everyone was the same. In fact, he divided people only into two big categories, those that were with him, and those against him.

As long as someone was loyal to him, and helped him achieve his goals then they were part of his batch no matter the skin color, the origin, or their beliefs.

But that didn't mean that he wasn't going to use these things in order to achieve his goals faster. After all, this was such a great opportunity he couldn't lose.

Human morals were pretty good in theory, but nothing more than that. In the real living world, people would use those same white morals, and beliefs to wage wars, and kill people.

There were a lot of cold-blooded killers, rapers, or violent guys who used the same morals as a defense.

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Did this change the fact that they had killed, raped, robbed, or hurt other human beings!? No, it didn't!

But still, the masses would believe that stupid shit in order to feel better for themselves. Well, Eric didn't consider himself a sheep, he didn't give a fuck about those pathetic and one-sided morals.

He would do everything he had to do in order to be at the top of the food chain so that nobody even dared to think of pointing those twisted morals towards him.

There was no right or wrong in this world, there were only interests. As long as the interest was big enough, or tempting enough, even a father of a church would turn into a killer or a rapper.

Eric was no hero, nor Samaritan. He was just a human being that acted according to his selfish motives nothing more, nothing less.

Even his actions at the moment for him were nothing more than a necessary step towards his goal, and he wouldn't hesitate to do the same in Asia, Europe, America, Australia, or wherever.

He only started from here since he was too weak to go somewhere else, and he first needed to get stronger.

The first destination was Libya. The rendezvous point was outside a small town on the western border, and the team of 100 seeds had been sent here 3 days ago.

Eric would meet here the captain of the team that was sent here in this place, who would hand him over the necessary formation they had collected.

The town, or to be more exact the ruins of the town left behind were really pitiful. Houses, schools, hospitals, turned into nothing more than half buildings.

Even though Eric and the ladies were quite a bit far away from the town they could feel the desolation, and pain of that town with their eyes.

It was nothing short of a graveyard, and it didn't seem like it would change anytime soon. Armies, militia, foreign powers were still fighting everywhere.

The poor, and innocent people caught in there could do nothing else but try to escape as soon as possible, gathering only their most valuable possessions.

Which were most of the time robbed, or taken by force by some dude with a gun that called himself a soldier, or a liberator.

In Eric's eyes, both sides were the same, they just used different reasons, and twisted logic, to take control of this country its riches, and its people.

Just some pretentious pricks who forced logic for their benefit. So, he didn't have any intention of holding back on whomever he targeted.

Before going to the meeting with the squad captain, Eric checked the surroundings and even prepared a few traps if they were needed in the approximate future.

Then leaving the four ladies in a safe location, and telling them to not make a move, he went to meet the guy.

He didn't know much about him, besides the fact that this was one of Fujiwara Hatake's trusted men, and that he was a level 23 fighter according to the system.

Certainly, he had a pic of this guy in order to recognize him, as to not meet the wrong dude. Even though it would be hard for some unknown guy to appear in this place right now.

Eric, on the other hand, was wearing a full black special force suit, and a mask that covered his face, and head.

If he had to compare himself to someone, perhaps he would look like some modern version of Zorro or something.

He approached the guy without being noticed, and getting behind him, he said,

"The stars are colorful today!"

That was the password they had decided upon. The guy in question had a startle, as he immediately jumped behind, and took a defensive position.

But then remembering the words that the new scary intruder said, he realized that he was the one who he had been waiting in the middle of nowhere for.

So, he immediately made a sign for the others in the vicinity to not make any careless decision, before they regretted it.

Quickly recomposing himself, even though there was some pressure weighing above him, he responded to the code,

"The Moon seems brighter too!"

Having the confirmation, Eric didn't want to lose much time, as he was in a marathon here, so he quickly said,

"Tell me what you got!"

In these three days, we have found 5 small local militia groups who have from 100 to 200 people in their rows, with simple firearms and low fighting levels.

Only their heads are a bit more trained than them, as most probably they have been either merchants' bodyguards or local armed forces commanders.

These guys only plunder, and steal as they recruit the young men, and teenagers while adding the women to their harems or gifting them to their subordinates."

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That guy stopped speaking for a moment, as to waiting for some sort of reaction from Eric, but he was disappointed to not see a thing.

In fact, he felt like Eric was getting impatient, and didn't like to be provoked, so he immediately continued,

"There are also 3 medium camps not far away from here, composed of mercenaries, and local militia, considered to be the strength of some small organizations.

These guys are most probably here to try their luck, but they have more than 400-500 people in their camps.

They aren't much different from the other small fries in terms of organization, and conduct, as they also do the same.

But since they have mercenaries, and ex-soldiers mixed with them, their discipline is better, and they act more like some kind of small personal army.

Their firepower is greater than the local militias, as, besides the normal firearms, they also have grenades, RPGs, and some armored vehicles.

They will be a bit difficult to deal with, but I think we can win against them."

Saying up to here, he took out an USB drive from his military suit, and said,

"Here is the detailed information about their locations, firepower, and organizations."

With that said he stopped and was waiting for other orders from Eric, it was time they went for a hunt, or so he thought, as Eric blew up his dreams, by saying with an altered voice,

"Very well done, continue setting up the formation network, and notify me if you have any other findings.

Lay low in order to not attract much attention!"

Eric's words clearly startled the guy, as he said without noticing,

"We won't be following you to fight those guys!?"

  "No, I will take care of them myself this time, in the meantime, you train hard, and wait for more instructions!"

With that said Eric disappeared from that guy's eyes, as even the snipers couldn't follow, or find him anymore, making them think that it was a good idea they didn't try to provoke him.

As for Eric, he was now far away from there, thinking about the bloodshed that would start tonight…