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The Legacy System

Chapter 344 - 344: Eric’s Path
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"It seems like I have found another Empress, and it's another Heavens toppling beauty, lucky me!"

That made the entity inside the Dragon Egg which was most probably an honorable Dragon totally enraged and embarrassed.

The poor thing would have never imagined that Eric would suddenly change from his depressive and stagnating move to such a mood, which made her startle.

But more than anything, it was the fact that Eric called her another Heavens toppling beauty, that threw her totally in confusion, as it couldn't help but scream in embarrassment,

"You, you… How did you see me!? Uwwuu~! Now I can't get married anymore! I have been sullied!"

Eric was caught by surprise as well, as he got to that conclusion just by hearing its voice. He thought that there was no way for a creature with that voice not to be a beauty among beauties.


To think that he had truly hit Jackpot at that moment without even trying much. But then an evil thought was born in his mind, as he said,

"Well, our lives are tied together anyway! Since you can't separate from me, where will you find someone else to get married to?

But don't worry I am not a bad guy, I promise to take responsibility for you, and marry you! I won't let you suffer!"

"For real!?"

"Yes, of course, for real!"

"Does that mean that you will always protect me, and help me deal with my enemies, no matter how many they are!?"

"Yes, yes, I will help you!"

"You swear!?"

"Yes, yes, I swear!"

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It was only at that moment that Eric managed to wake up from his evil though and finally understood what he had said and what he had accepted.

During the whole conversation, the voice of the Dragoness inside seemed to be getting more and more feeble, weak, and delicate, until he promised, and she exploded in a peal of heartful laughter.

The weak, feeble, and delicate completely disappeared as it was replaced by the same chirp and beautiful voice, but now it contained slight evilness to it. like someone who had succeeded a scheme.

At that moment, Eric felt completely defeated, as his face went gloomy, and for some reason, he felt like he had just signed an extremely bad deal.


As if that wasn't enough that damn Dragoness even started placing her finger over his wound, as she said,

"Well, you have to work hard from now on, otherwise I am afraid that you will send us both to death!"

Hearing that Eric's face started contorting even more as he asked,

"My Empress, why does it look like you don't care about your life and death!? Could it be that you fell so in love with my handsomeness, that you can't help but wish to accompany me to the Yellow River?"

His voice was more like mocking and teasing, but contrary to his expectations, or according to his expectations the Dragoness started laughing out loud as it said,

"Hahahaha~! You poor delusional soul, I already didn't have hope of living, to begin with! This is just like a drop of happiness before death for me!

You are extremely pathetic for me to have a hope of living after all! Someone who falls into the heart demons even before it has started to see the world, completely useless!"

The Dragoness thought that her words would send Eric over the edge, and he would start screaming, and cursing at her, but suddenly Eric started laughing out loud.

"Hhahahahah~! You don't have to entice me anymore darling! It seems like I have just found my second reason to reach the top and fight the whole world!

You just have to be ready for me, when you finally get out of that egg. It might be painful at first, but I promise you that you will enjoy it later!


With those words, Eric's Soul Avatar seemed to not have any more wish of talking to her, as it sat on the ground, closed all connection to his Conscience Sea or outside, and then sat in mind cultivation.

The Dragoness seemed to have been extremely angered for some time, but then seeing that no matter how much it cursed, and insulted him it got no answer, a smile bloomed in her face.

Who would have thought that he would be a descendant of that clan, that would make the whole world tremble in fear, and he even had that Legacy Divine Artifact to help him grow?

He seemed envious of those sons and daughters of luck, without understanding that he had three things that would make the whole world envious.

She didn't seem bothered by the fact that she was going to be his woman, in fact, she had a look of expectation on her face, even though her face was extremely hazy, and illusory.

In the meantime, Eric had completely cut his senses with his Conscience Sea and the outside world, as he knew that as long as he had that Dragoness and the Legacy System he wouldn't die easily.

It should be easy for them to wake him up quickly should something happen outside, or should his life be in danger.

Right now, he seemed to be in space, in front of many stars, planets, moons, galaxies, black holes, and the whole universe.

Everything felt extremely ethereal and illusory, and he had to concentrate a whole lot if he wanted to make them look a bit more real.

But even though he was trying his best there wasn't much of a difference as he could only accept that this was his current situation.

This didn't bring him disappointment and anger though, quite on the contrary it made him desire this view more, he wanted to look more and deeper into this image in front of him.

But looking at this view alone didn't seem worth it, was too bleak, too lonely. He didn't like that. Then as if creating magic out of nothing, many beautiful sparkles appeared by his side.

Each sparkle turned into an illusory beauty that stood by his side like they were glued to him. There were too many beauties, more than 1000, which made him feel extremely happy inside.

Since time memorial men liked the company of women, and Eric was no different. He loved beauties, and he had decided to have a great number of them by his side in the future.

After all, if he cultivated and reached the peak, he was bound to live a life much longer than others, so it was more than normal in his eyes to have beauties to spend his years, and nights with.

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Eric understood perfectly that this was going to be his path towards the peak from now on, and also his mental engine towards the peak, so he placed everything he wanted inside it.

He didn't know how much time had passed when he felt like he couldn't keep going anymore, as the view in front of him was still illusory, as were the beauties around him.

But now he felt like he had a deeper resolve and determination to go towards the peak. He placed everything he could in his path, wealth, beauties, skills, but most importantly strength.

He knew that if he wanted to reach the top and accomplish his dreams, he didn't need only wealth, but strength. Inner Strength that belonged to him, and not external help.

Even though everything seemed far from being perfect, he felt like he had already taken his first step towards his ambition.

For that reason, even though he was extremely tired, he still laughed happily, as he lost all connection and ability.

Eric had no idea for how long he had been sleeping like a rock, but when he woke up, he felt like his whole body was extremely sore, and painful.

It felt like he had been staying in that position for too long, and many parts of his body didn't seem to be working well, so he had to get up and stretch a bit.

When he got up his eyes fell on that box of diamonds once again, but this time the reaction wasn't the same as when he almost lost himself to the wealth.

This time these diamonds looked extremely bore and useless like he was watching some normal rocks that could only help him in paving his way.

He felt extremely glad about it, as he had never thought he would change so much so quickly as for him no more than a moment had passed, but when he saw the time in his system interface he almost gawked.

He had spent more than 7 days inside that state, where he had no idea of time or space, and he built his path.

It was truly unexpected, if he hadn't thought things through before entering the tunnel and leaving enough food to Ren Jia to stay there for more than a week, then she would have died of hunger.

Since he had ordered her to not get out of this place no matter what, he didn't know why but he had a feeling that she wouldn't leave.

Thinking like that, he quickly started creating a weak blood-clone and sent it to go and pick up Ren Jia under the protection of his puppets and bring her to the City Lord Mansion.

After dealing with that small matter, he immediately left the third room and went towards the fourth which was filled with a lot of different ores and materials used for puppetry.

The fifth and the sixth were the same, only the seventh was different, as it was completely empty, and there was only one line engraved on the wall of that room…