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The Love of a Lycan

Chapter 474 - THIS GIRL!
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Chapter 474 - THIS GIRL!

Neck was the sensitive spot for werewolf and Lycan. Their enemy could kill them the moment they got a hold of their neck, they could snap or slit their neck and there was no chance to heal.

Therefore, after so many years Kace lived in pursuit by Jedrek's people and many creatures that wanted him to be dead, he used to not lower his guard even when he was sleeping.

Hope's touch on his face was something that his subconscious didn't read as a threat, but when she touched Kace's neck, it was another thing entirely.

"Did you hurt?" Kace's brows furrowed as he rubbed the place where Hope touched before. "Is it hurt?"

"A little bit." Hope murmured and let Kace eased the pain by rubbing her head gently. They were so close.

While Kace's focus was on Hope's head, Hope's focus was on how fragrant he smelled.

"I am sorry Hope." Kace's brows creased in concern.

"It's alright." It was hurt, after all her head hit the concrete floor all of sudden, but it was still bearable.

"Do we need to go to the hospital?" Kace stared at the girl in front of him, but Hope's grimace expression broke into a small laugh.

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"There is nothing serious, why we need to go to the hospital? They will laugh at me." Hope beamed with a big smile while staring at Kace as if saying that his idea was ridiculous.

However, Kace didn't laugh with her. He couldn't find anything about that ridiculous. One wrong move and he was not in his right mind in time, Hope could be death.

Kace shuddered by that thought.

"I am sorry Hope." He apologized very sincere and this made Hope a little bit puzzled.

She had never seen Kace like this before, "What happened to you? I am okay." Hope grinned to lighten Kace's mood. "Rather than my head, I am more concern with my class. I think I am late. If I get yelled at then it's your fault." Hope pouted.

"Whose class?" Kace sighed in relief when he saw Hope was fine.

"Ms. Jessica."

"Don't worry." Kace smiled and rubbed her head as he stood up and extended his hand to help Hope. "I will walk you to your class."

"What will you do?" Hope received his helping hand and stood up.

"I will use my charm." Kace gave the girl his devilish smirk that made Hope rolled her eyes and laughed.

"What happened with your neck?" Hope spotted a small on his neck that she was about to touch before. "Is that a wound? Where did you get that?"

"This?" Kace touched his neck and rubbed it. "From fighting."



Hope was waiting Ethan and Rossie at the entrance gate when Oliver called her and this automatically made Ian, beside her, threw a disgusting look to the boy.

"Why don't you break up with him? You date him just because you were upset with Kace, right?" Ian hissed at Hope while staring dagger at Oliver, who was coming closer toward them.

"I can't break up with him out of the blue." Hope grimaced. This time, this was her fault.

"Just say it. Simple." Ian rolled his eyes.

"I will." Hope replied before Oliver stopped in front of her. "Hai."

"Hope, are you alright? What Mr. Wolfe did to you?" Oliver looked at her with concern.

The corner of Hope's lips twitched slightly when she heard that name. Kace was really tacky by choosing that name as his last name.

When Hope asked about that, he said it was cute. Really, a grown up man like Kace, who was able to turn into a beast was talking about something cute, that was hilarious.

"I am alright, he did nothing. He just asked me to help him to count the inventories in the indoor basketball court." Hope replied truthfully, took a glance at Ian, who seemed boring.

"I am glad." Oliver sighed in relief and this made Ian opened his mouth to throw one or two of his opinion like usual, but he swallowed it after he caught Hope's angry stare.

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"Are you going home?" Hope asked him. Usually, Ian practiced soccer after school.

"Yes, there is no practice for today." Oliver then stared at her expectantly. "Walking home with me?"

Hope contemplated for a while before she nodded. "Sure."

"Hope, your mother will be very angry at you if she sees you with him." Ian immediately rejected the idea.

"Excuse me? Who are you to forbid her from going home with me?" Oliver narrowed his eyes at Ian. This guy was being noisy on his relationship with Hope since the beginning.

"She is my twin sister." Ian blurted out nonsense.

"Alright, enough." Hope waved her hand to both of them. "I will walk home with him, bye Ian."

With that, before there was more argument occurred, Hope pulled Oliver's arm and waved Ian goodbye.

On the other hand, Ian could only watch both of them disappeared among the crowd of students. But, that was the last thing that he had to worry about.

Because at this time, he caught 'his' scent, coming closer toward him along with his other two siblings. As if on cue, kace's figure appeared before his eyes when Ian turned his body.

Ethan and Rossie were walking slightly ahead of Kace while he set his eyes on Ian.

"Where is Hope, the two of them said she is waiting here with you." Kace's eyes scanned his surrounding, he caught her scent, but it was faint, meaning she had gone before he came.

"She is… going home." Ian gulped, exchanging look with Ethan, who asked him silently about Hope too. historical

Kace was squinted his eyes. "She is going home alone?" He knew Hope would go home with the siblings, yet the three of them were still here.

"No, she is going home with… Oliver." Ian grimaced when he watched Kace's expression turned unsightly.

"This girl…" Kace let out a low growl.