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The Love that Never Really Dies (Sasha and Sebastian)

Chapter 1227
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Chapter 1227 Becoming A Saint


The loud shout came from the man who had been admiring the gun a moment ago, and it made Sasha

jump in fright. When she came back to her senses, she realized her hand, which had been reaching out

for the box, was grabbed by him.

What is he doing?

“Don’t move. This is a bomb. What kind of place is this? Why is this here? Who is the old monk? Why

would he put things like these here?”


Sasha’s mind went blank.

For a moment, she was confused; she did not know why he was mentioning the old monk and why he

was asking those questions. Why is he so sure that the old monk is the one to put these things here?

Sasha remained stupefied for a long while.

Then, she slowly gathered her wits, and as she did that, the colors on her face gradually drained away.

Right. Why didn’t I think about the old monk?

Anyone with a brain would have think about him.

She was avoiding it. From the moment she fell down, she was avoiding the topic. Perhaps it was

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because of the fear in her heart, or perhaps it was because she did not want to dwell on the thought

that they were trapped.

Sasha’s hands began shaking.

Edmund immediately noticed it, and he snapped his head upward. “What’s wrong? Are you scared?

Don’t worry. This bomb won’t go off unless you touch it.”

Sasha shut her eyes tightly.

“Nothing. I’m just thinking if we should use this bomb to get out of here.”

“What?” Edmund blurted out.

Blow our way out of here?

Has she gone mad?

It seemed like that was the case. Right as she voiced the thought, she jumped to her feet and grabbed

the box from the ground.

Edmund blinked.

“What the f*ck?” was all he could say before running toward the woman and the child like a madman to

push them onto the ground.


As expected, the thundering sound of an explosion echoed in the cave.

After the rain of pebbles and the shaking of the ground, they saw the large hole on the wall once the

dust settled.

“Look! There’s a way out now!” Sabrina cried out as she tightened her grip on her crying daughter.

A hint of hope flickered past Edmund’s eyes as well.

Right then, while they were still sprawled on the ground, the woman who had thrown the bomb had

clambered to her feet and headed toward the hole.

“Get back here, Sasha!” Sabrina called out when she saw Sasha running off.

It was pointless shouting though, for it was as if Sasha was possessed. She paid no attention to the

shattered rocks still falling from above as she disappeared behind the hole.

This d*mned woman!

Sabrina was livid, and she clambered to her feet with her daughter before they rushed after her.

It was a sight that frightened the living daylights out of them.

Nevertheless, they managed to crawl out of the cave. When they found their balance, they saw the

billowing smoke coming out from the millennium-old temple.

At the same time, they could hear the screams of the monks.

That animal!

Sasha’s eyes reddened as she continued running down the mountain.

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“Shin, I’m giving you one last chance! If you don’t hand your daughter-in-law over, I’ll kill all the monks

in this temple so that you and your son will have some company in the afterlife!” came a booming voice

that reverberated through the space, scaring the creatures of the forest away and making Sasha skid to

a stop.


Her face paled further, and tears sprang to her eyes.

She picked up her pace. She could not hear anything other than the wind that blew past her ears.

There was only one thought left in her head—she could not let anything happen to that man.

That night, Sebastian lay by her side, silent, but she noticed that he had been holding the medal

against his chest, and he did not move the entire night.

That was why she could not let anything happen to him.

“Stop now, Eddie. God will never let a person whose hands are tainted with blood conquer the world. If

you don’t want to be sent to hell, it’s high time for you to cease your murderous acts now,” said a

familiar deep voice that came from the entrance of the temple.

The old monk was completely fearless, and he was even trying to persuade the devil-like man to stop.

Eddie let out a shrill laugh. “You’re talking about God with me? Shin, have you forgotten who you are?

Or have you been living as a monk for far too long that you think that you’re now a saint? I hope you

still remember that I was the one who made this arrangement for you!” he said, spitting out the last few
