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The Lucky Wife Reborn In the 90s Era Has A Spatial Ability

Chapter 94
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94 Chapter 93, Ambition

“In the first year, plant some cucumbers, eggplants, and tomatoes. Our family has planted these things before. You guys have experience, so there shouldn’t be any mistakes,” Li Xu continued, “After planting a few crops, we’ll consider planting other valuable vegetables.”

Li Zhiming raised his pipe and wanted to take a puff. Seeing Ji Yuanyuan by the side, he forcefully held it back.

He knocked the pipe on the ground and knocked out all the ash inside. Then, he said, “Okay, let’s try it for the first year first. We’ll see how it goes in the next year.”

After delaying for a few days, Li Xu was also thinking about her own business. That afternoon, she returned to the county town.

Li Miao stayed at home. There was so much land at home. In previous years, it was still okay. It was all wheat and corn. Her parents could also handle it.

This year, they planned to plant vegetables. The vegetables were delicate and needed constant watering, and they often caught insects.

It was not easy to find a job in the county, so it was better to stay at home and help their parents take care of these few acres of land.

On the second day after returning to the county, Li Xu was ready to set up her stall.

Ever since she changed the seeds, the quality of the vegetables produced by the space was higher than before.

Therefore, Li Xu’s business was getting better and better, and many people recognized her.

After her mouth was spoiled by her vegetables, she would rather not eat vegetables than eat other people’s vegetables.

Even the business of the entire vegetable market was getting better.

Therefore, the entire vegetable market was much more enthusiastic about Li Xu.

As soon as she came over in the morning, Ji Yuanyuan’s pockets were stuffed with a lot of delicious food.

She covered her pockets and followed behind Li Xu with her two short legs all the way to the stall.

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Zhang Kun did not know that they had returned yesterday, so he did not come this morning. Meanwhile, Ji Zixuan and Ji Zi’ang had gone crazy playing in the countryside these few days and hadn’t woken up in the morning.

Only Li Xu and Ji Yuanyuan came over, so they did not bring many vegetables.

Before Li Xu could put down the dishes, a few housewives came over, “Big Sister, give me ten catties of tomatoes and five catties of cucumbers.”

“Boss, I want ten catties of cucumbers.”

“I want five catties of tomatoes!”


Each voice was louder than the other, afraid that the vegetables Li Xu brought would not be enough.

Li Xu was a little flustered. Ji Yuanyuan shouted from the side, “Uncles and Aunties, please line up and come one by one. Don’t worry, we still have some at home, everyone can buy them.”

Ji Yuanyuan was small, but she was full of energy. When the customers heard this, they were embarrassed to lose face in front of a little girl, so they all lined up obediently.

Ji Yuanyuan nodded in satisfaction and ran to Li Xu’s side to cooperate with her.

Li Xu weighed the dishes for the customers and filled them up. Ji Yuanyuan calculated the price, then collected the money and give the changes.

It was all addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division within a hundred. For Ji Yuanyuan, it was very simple. She did not miss a single calculation.

“Boss, your daughter is really amazing. She is so amazing doing the calculation at such a young age.” The customer saw that Ji Yuanyuan was cute and could not help but praise her.

Ji Yuanyuan smiled at the Auntie in front of her very friendly, “Auntie, I am not amazing at all, practice makes perfect.”

Her childish voice made everyone laugh.

Li Xu raised her head and looked at her daughter. She pursed her lips proudly.

They were customers from seven o’clock until ten o’clock, then the customer gradually dispersed.

Li Xu and Ji Yuanyuan went home four or five times. When they went back for the second time, Ji Zixuan and Ji Zi’ang had also woken up. The two brothers also helped carry the things.

The family of four was exhausted. When they got home, Ji Zi’ang lay on the bed and did not want to get up.

In Li Xu’s bedroom, except for Ji Zi’ang, the mother and child were excitedly counting the money.

They were all small changes and needed to be sorted out first. The 50s were put together, and the 20s were put together...

After they were sorted out, they counted out and finally added up all the money.

“One hundred and ninety-eight Yuan and fifty cents!” Ji Zixuan looked at the numbers on the paper and looked up at Li Xu.

His eyes sparkled as he said excitedly, “Mom, we’ve earned so much money!”

Li Xu also smiled, “In the afternoon, we’ll go to the bank together and deposit the money.”

Ji Yuanyuan looked at the piles of money on the bed sheet and blinked.

“Mom, let’s rent a storefront. It’ll be easier for you to sell things in the shop,” Ji Yuanyuan suggested.

Li Xu paused when she heard that.

“Isn’t it pretty good now? In the market, it’s only 18 Yuan a month. Other than that, there’s no extra cost. But if you rent a storefront, the monthly rent would be more than 100 yuan. plus the electricity and water bills, it’s not worth it.” Li Xu calculated the bill for Ji Yuanyuan carefully.

Ji Yuanyuan stood up and hugged Li Xu’s neck, she said in a coquettish tone, “But in the market, Mom, you work too hard. The storefront is much better. In the winter, you can light a stove to keep warm, and in the summer, you can turn on the fan. How good is that?”

Seeing that Li Xu was still unmoved, Ji Yuanyuan continued, “Most importantly, if you have a storefront Mom, you can extend the opening hours.”

At the market now, the vendors would basically leave by 11 o’clock at the latest. Naturally, there would be no customers. No matter how good the business was, it could only last for a few hours.

However, it would be different if there was a store. They could open for business from 7 am to 7 pm.

When she heard Ji Yuanyuan say this, Li Xu was obviously tempted.

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“Mom, don’t we have a lot of money? We can buy a storefront. This way, we won’t have to pay rent. Won’t we save money then?”

Hearing Ji Yuanyuan’s words, Li Xu could not help but laugh.

Children were children, they always said things that were out of tune.

Yes, buying a storefront could save the rent. Then the money to buy a storefront was not money?


The money to buy a storefront could pay rent for many years.

Ji Yuanyuan hugged Li Xu’s neck and shook it, “Mom, you can see if there are any suitable ones. It’s best if they are close to the market. This way, you can attract all the previous customers.”

People who came to the market to buy vegetables lived nearby. If they were far away, they might lose a portion of their customers.

Therefore, it was the best choice to choose the storefront nearby.

Li Xu nodded, “I know, I will be paying attention in the near future.”

She definitely could not afford to buy anything, but she could still rent it.

Yuanyuan was right, you have to pay a certain price to achieve a certain goal.

Perhaps she could earn more money by renting a storefront.

Seeing that Li Xu had listened to her words, Ji Yuanyuan let go of Li Xu’s neck in satisfaction.

The financial crisis would soon engulf Asia. When that time came, house prices would fall again and again. It was a good time to buy a house.

Investing at this time would only make a profit, not a loss.


Moreover, with a storefront, she would be able to display her own brand. When that time came, her reputation would rise. While opening a second branch, a third branch...

Keep opening new branches to be a nationwide chain of vegetable supermarkets!

Thinking of this, Ji Yuanyuan felt her blood boil.