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The Luna Choosing Game by Jane Above Story

Chatper 354
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Chapter 0354


“It should be me,” Nicholas said, just as I told him once more, “I should be the one to do it.”

We glared at each other.

“Jane and I have the history,” I said, impassioned. “She is my sister. It is my not just my right to be the

one to bring her down, but it is my obligation.”

“That obligation does not circumvent my responsibilities as a prince of this kingdom to see justice

brought,” Nicholas said, matching my fiery tone. “Need I remind you that Jane nearly had me

kidnapped, and possibly killed

“No, I don’t need a reminder of something that I think about whenever my mind begins to wander.

Every free moment I have from now to eternity is forever ruined by that particular


“Then you understand why I have the right to take action.”

I crossed my arms. “She only went after you because of me. I’m the one she wants to hurt

“All the more reason for you to stay out of the way before she actually does hurt you =

“She can only hurt me by hurting the people I care about -”

“We know that’s not true, or the underground organization never would have gone after you in the first


“Alright,” Julian said. He stepped forward, hands up, palms forward in a placating gesture.” We get it.

You both have your reasons-

Nicholas inhaled a huffy breath. “If Piper would listen to reason –

“Reason?” I threw up my arms. “What reason do you want me to listen to, Nick? Because all I hear is

you continuing to take the path of self-sacrifice!” I couldn’t help it, my voice raised. Suddenly it didn’t

feel like we were talking about trapping Jane anymore.

I should have probably taken it back as soon as I said it, but the longer it sat there between us, the

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more weight it seemed to gain, until it was too heavy for me to retrieve.

Truth was, I wanted him to know how I felt about him not talking to me. About him choosing to protect

the kingdom on his own without at least consulting me.

I would have stepped away if he thought it best, but that should have been a decision that we made


He didn’t have to be the bad guy. He didn’t have to carry the burden alone.

If I couldn’t be a partner to him in this relationship, I at least wanted to be a partner in the


Slowly, the longer we were quiet, the air between us changed. The spark of anger slowly melted away

until it felt muted and distance. In its place, a solemn sort of sadness began to swell.

“Better me than you,” Nicholas said, a whisper.

I lightly shook my head. “Better two carry the weight than none.”

“Great!” Julian clapped his hands and whatever spell that had been brewing between Nicholas and I

snapped like a popped balloon. “Then you two should do it together.”

My gaze snapped to Julian. Nichola s’s did too.

“What?” I said.

“Who said anyone should have to do this alone?” Julian said with a shrug. “We’ve been a team from

the start. We’re all going to be at the event. We should continue working as a team.”

“I should be the one who puts the cuff on her,” I said firmly.

Nicholas opened his mouth, likely to argue.

Julian made a dramatic gesture of rolling his eyes. Then, smoothly, he stepped toward me and slipped

his arm around my shoulders. He smirked at me, and I knew instantly he was up to something.

“I’ll be at your side all night, Piper. Maybe you and I can catch Jane together. If we aren’t too busy

with… other activities, that is.” Julian’s smirk grew.

Nichol a s’s glare deepened. “Julian, you -” He took a threatening step forward.

Julian shifted his gaze to him languidly, as if he hadn’t a care in the world. “Yes, brother?”

Nicholas looked for all the world like he wanted to say something. Argue, maybe, or yell. Knowing

Nicholas, he had to be jealous from what Julian was up to.

Instead, he pressed his lips hard together. His eyes dropped to the ground.

Looking at Veronica, he asked, “Are we done?”

Veronica shrugged. That was enough of an answer for Nicholas. He turned toward the door

and stormed out of it.

I knew we weren’t together anymore, and he clearly had a reaction. It wasn’t as if he lacked jealousy.

But that he hadn’t intervened with Julian’s flirting. That he’d simply exited himself.

It hurt.

It shouldn’t have. But it still did, all the same.


Julian’s smirk slipped away with Nichola s’s quick departure. He looked at me again.

“What in the world is going on with you two?” he asked.

I thought of maybe keeping it a secret, but with my hurt, I just wanted to confide in some. Julian,

Veronica, and I had already shared so many secrets with each other. They knew I had been in

something of a relationship with Nicholas.

I could trust them. They were safe.

So I told them, “The King caught Nicholas and me kissing.”

That was all Julian needed to piece together the full story. “Oh, s hit.”

Veronica was a little more confused. She didn’t have previous knowledge of Nichola s’s history of self-

sacrifice to protect those he cared about. So she gave me a curious look.

Julian, fortunately, filled her in when words failed me. “My brother is enamored with Piper. But he’s also

under my father’s thumb. If father somehow convinced Nicholas leaving Piper would be good for the


“Oh,” Veronica said at once. She stepped closer to me. “I’m sorry, Piper.”

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“It’s fine,” I lied.

Veronica let me off the h ook by speaking to Julian again. “But… Nicholas being so obviously unhappy

is not going to inspire the kingdom.”

Julian shrugged. “The crown hardly cares about Nichola s’s happiness.”

I slumped into myself, falling more and more into despair. Nicholas made his choice, but if

he was coerced…

No. I couldn’t follow this path.

Julian watched me closely. “Eh, you don’t need him, do you, Piper?”

My dire thoughts stopped. “What do you mean?”

That sly smirk returned to Julian’s lips. It warned of encroaching danger.

I still was unprepared for when Julian’s arm slipped down to my waist, and his lips came so

near my ear.

“Just say the word,” he cooed, “And I can slide right into the hole he’s made in your life. Any role you

need me to be.”

I laughed as I shoved him away. The laugh didn’t last long, but it felt good for a moment. Julian was like

that sometimes. He could startle the depression straight out of me.

“Be serious,” I said.



“Who’s not serious?” he asked, but his smile remained wide. He had to be kidding.

Veronica watched us both with a bemused expression on her face. As our antics dwindled, she moved

closer. She touched my arm.

“You truly care about him, don’t you?” she asked me.

I didn’t know what to say right away. Things were certainly complicated. Much of the time, I ran from my


But I couldn’t deny those feelings existed. Even if I didn’t truly understand their full depth. Sometimes

my admiration for him felt like a bottomless trench that might go on forever.

I couldn’t face that now.

The best I could say, and it still hurt to say it, was, “I do.”

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!