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The Luna’s Choice by Kat Silver

Chapter 163
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Chapter 11: Theo

“Ayla, I told you not to worry about it,” I said, helping her take a casserole dish out of the

oven. “You didn’t need to cook.”

I had told her we were having someone over for dinner, and she kind of started to panic.

She insisted on making dinner despite me telling her I’d order something from the

packhouse café. But she wouldn’t have it. Now, she was running around the kitchen

stressing about everything.

“This is the first time we’ve actually had someone over,” she said. “And since you won’t

tell me who it is, I had no idea what was appropriate to make.”

“Baby,” I said, grabbing her shoulders, “relax, sweetheart. It’s really not a big deal. It’s just

a casual meal. The casserole will be perfect and delicious. It certainly smells fantastic. So,

just breathe.”

Her shoulders relaxed a little. “Okay,” she said, looking completely adorable with a

worried pout.

I brushed her bottom lip with my thumb. “You better put that away, or you’ll be the only

dinner I’ll be having tonight.”

A laugh burst from her, a broad smile brightening her features.

“There’s my girl,” I said, kissing her nose.

“Alright,” she said, pushing me away. “Let me get this in the fridge, or it will never be


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I grabbed her waist. “I think we both know my favorite dessert is


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always ready for me,” I teased.

“Theo,” she exclaimed. “You need to behave. We’ll have company here any minute.”

I chuckled as I kissed my mark on her neck just as there was a knock on the door.

“Go,” Ayla insisted. “You get that and I’ll be right there.”

“I got it. I got it,” I said, kissing her cheek before heading through the living room.

I opened the door for Maggie, inviting her in. She was still maintaining a formal posture,

coming across a little rigid. I couldn’t blame her. This was a serious job for her. But I

needed her to blend in with Ayla. She would need to relax as well. We’d work on it before I

sent her out on her own.

I led her into the dining room, where Ayla was setting the meal on the table.

“Ayla, love,” I said, moving to her side, “this is Maggie Walton. Maggie, this is Luna Ayla.”

“It’s an honor to meet you, Luna,” Maggie said with a smile and a bow.

“It’s lovely to meet you as well, Maggie,” Ayla replied.

“Babe, I’ve assigned Maggie to be your new bodyguard,” I told her. “We want her to blend

in on campus with you, so I thought it would be a good idea for you two to get to know

each other a little before she starts.”

“Oh, well, why didn’t you just tell me that,” she said, punching my shoulder playfully.


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I laughed. “I figured you would fight me less if she was standing in front of you,” I teased.

“Maggie, please have a seat,” Ayla said, directing her to the seat across from her. “And

forgive me for being a little out of the loop. Your

Alpha likes to think he’s so smart.”

Maggie actually smiled genuinely. “It’s okay, Luna. I guess that means we’re both a little

surprised about me being here.”

“Please tell me he told you what this was all about, at least?” Ayla said as she readied a

plate for Maggie.

“Yes, he did,” Maggie replied. “I was more surprised that he offered me the job in the first


“Maggie is a great candidate,” I said, helping Ayla plate the meal. “She was trained in

security with the warrior teams, and she is one of their top fighters. I was even thinking

about letting her train you some days.”

“That sounds great,” Ayla said, finally sitting down to eat.

I let the two of them lead the conversation. Maggie was a little shy at first, but Ayla did

such a good job making everyone feel comfortable that she opened up quickly. I was glad

to hear that they had some things in common and didn’t run out of things to discuss.

I knew it was a questionable move, putting them in a situation where they would get close

to each other emotionally. It wasn’t what they were trained to do for private security. But

Maggie wouldn’t be her sole protector, and I wanted someone who would make Ayla feel

more at ease with the situation. Jimmy told me she had been anxious about him following

her around campus the last few days. It would be easier for them to look like friends if

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they actually were.

I also thought it would give Maggie a different perspective on campus.


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I needed her to listen for any more rumors or discontent surrounding Ayla. We obviously

had members of the Waar Pak within our pack. The male who attacked her couldn’t have

been the only one. College campuses are among the top places organizations like theirs

like to recruit. With any luck, Maggie will catch a lead.

Now that I knew she and Ayla would get along, I would tell her about the Waar Pak


When we were finished eating, Ayla took Maggie to the living room while I cleared the


“Okay, Maggie,” I said when I joined them. I sat beside Ayla on the couch, resting a hand

on her leg. “There’s more to the situation you need to know about. I’m aware this kind of

security arrangement isn’t standard practice, even for the pack Luna. But Ayla isn’t your

typical Luna.”

Maggie smiled. “I’m sure any mate would feel that, Alpha.”

“Yes, well, in this case, I have a bit more to back me up than my own loving devotion,” I

said with a smile.

Ayla squeezed my hand. I rubbed the back of hers with my thumb.

‘Are you okay with this?‘ I asked her through the mind–link.

‘She should know what she’s getting into,‘ Ayla insisted.

“Maggie, have you ever heard of the Waar Pak Society?”