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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin by Moonlight Muse

Chapter 139
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The Lycan Princess and the Temptation of Sin by Moonlight Muse Chapter 139
Blood & Poison
I scream internally as I try to stop myself from tilting my hand to spill the poison. I can feel my body becoming tense as I fight
against myself.
I won’t kill my father!
I won’t!
It’s like I’m possessed. My body has a mind of its own and it’s terrifying.
A part of me is trying to keep my arm straight and the other part of me is hell-
bent on spilling the poison into the incisions. my nails have made on Dad’s back.
No. I will never hurt anyone.
I’m not a monster!
I’m stronger than this! Fuck!
A sickening crunch fills the room and Dad instantly pulls me back as a scream leaves my lips.
I broke my wrist. 2
The power that is holding my body captive, clearly ready to go to any lengths to succeed, agony rips up my arm as the door flies
“What the...” Dad says as Royce and Leo

stand there in the doorway, ice encases the poison vial that I hold in my hand as I stare at my wrist.
“Sky!” Royce says, and he’s by my side
instantly as Dad gently snaps my wrist back into place.
I gasp, the pain vanishing but it’s no victory
... even if I delayed it... even if I tried.
The hold he has on me is strong enough to go to any lengths. Even if that means
breaking me to accomplish what Aleric wants of me...
My eyes blaze plum as I feel the hold growing, and I glare at them.
“Unfreeze me!” I scream as it clicks that
they have thwarted my plan.
I need the potion! What have I done! I failed!
“She fought it.” Leo murmurs and I realise it was all a setup. They were trying to see what
I’d do... 3
Not one of the three looks shocked.
“You are strong, Sky,” Dad says as my eyes. snap to the mirror behind me, a full-body mirror... did he see me slip the potion out
of my pocket? 1
My heart is pounding as I glare at Leo, him. leaving, the way he was acting. It was all an act! My eyes snap to the doorway
where Delsanra and Rayhan are standing.
They knew! They knew why I was here!
“Did Aleric ask you to do this?” Royce asks, forcing the frozen bottle of potion from my

“WHAT’S IT TO YOU?!” I snarl, shoving him. hard. He’s knocked back, but Dad wraps his arms around me from behind, pinning
me down as I struggle violently against him.
He’s fucking strong!
“Calm down, Sky, you fought it. You are stronger than it!” He says, his deep gravelly voice is comforting, yet at the same time, it’s
cutting into me like knives.

“There is no recording, no sighting or anything of anyone going in there...”
Rayhan says to Leo.
“But she knew what she was looking for,” Delsanra adds quietly.
They’re talking about the bathroom.
“So. You all were spying on me and to think you were pretending to care... pretending to treat me normally! Yet you were
watching me like I’m a criminal!” I say, glaring at Leo. “I will kill you first!” I hiss. 1
He’s behind all of this!
He’s the fucking brains!
He doesn’t react to me, as he watches me calculatingly.
“Love... look at me,” Royce says, his voice is like a soothing river that I want to hold on to.
He’s still holding the poison and that part of me that I hate is screaming for me to get it
I look at him, forcing myself to think of a plan as I struggle in Dad’s hold. He’s finding it hard to contain me, but ever since Royce
marked me, I’ve become stronger, too.
And right now, that strength and evil within me is terrifying me.

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“Look at me, Lil Lucifer.”
“No!” I scream as Royce cups my face. The tingle that always makes me crazy every time he touches me jolts through me.
My eyes blaze as he presses his forehead to
“Fight it, you can do this,” he whispers as Dad steps back. I can feel Delsanra’s power swirling around the ground, ready in case
try to do something.
“There’s nothing to fight!” I shout.
I have already played innocent with Dad. It is
of no use. They’ll be on the lookout for me to do that again. Not this time... this time I will not use the same plan.
I struggle against Royce, hitting his chest, trying to push him back, but he spins me around, pinning my arm behind me, and I
find myself facing the mirror.
His other hand rests low on my stomach, yanking me against him, sending a jolt of pleasure through me as I try to break free. I
keep struggling until his lips touch my neck and I freeze.
My heart is pounding as a thousand
emotions course through me.
This is where I belong.
Our position, the way his touch feels, I’m thrown back down memory lane
remembering that moment in the club.
My heart thuds as his lips trail kisses up my neck. There’s nothing innocent about them ... These kisses are sensual, seductive
with an underlying promise of so much

“You have been blessed by Bastet, you are made to overcome this,” he murmurs when his lips meet my ear, making my breath
hitch. “No one can control you, no one has the fucking right to control you and above all ... you will never settle for that.... Fight
I want to! Fuck, I want to!
Agonising pain splits through me as I try to calm myself down, but just when I think I might just be able to break free, the
darkness rears his head. And I turn in a
flash, with the speed that my Lycan is
blessed with or maybe cursed with; Ripping
into his chest.
“Royce!” Someone shouts, but I don’t care.
Kill him.
Kill him.
Kill him now!
That is the only thought in my head, I shove him to the floor, his eyes wide with surprise as I plunge my hand into his stomach,

he tries to pull free, his aura raging around
him, and a dark smoke begins to fill the
“Del now!” Dad shouts.
“Wait!” Royce shouts,
I hear her chanting something, but the smoke is rising.
“Give me time!” Royce shouts, unbothered that his torso is an ugly mess of blood and ripped flesh..

“I’m fine! Get out!” Royce shouts as he grabs my wrist and flips me onto my back as
he straddles me.
I snarl venomously as that darkness grows. It’s weighing down on me and with it, it’s giving me the strength I need. I punch
Royce in the jaw. Hard.
My eyes are blazing as we struggle on the ground. Soon the sound of the rest of them is drowned out as they try to figure out
how to penetrate this dark cocoon that now
encircles us.
It’s making matters worse!
I should kill him...
I’m hurting Royce!
There’s blood all over the floor. It’s covering my claws and hands, and his shirt is
drenched with blood, but he isn’t using his
powers against me.
The love in his eyes, the concern
tearing into me, filling me with guilt and
“Fuck!” I snarl

Fight back!
He isn’t simply trying to contain me.
I hear the clatter of the potion bottle falling from his pocket and hitting the floor. We both glance at it, darting for it at the same
I kick him back, snatching it up as ice spreads across the floor of Dad’s office,
which now looks like it’s right out of a fucking horror movie.
The ice suddenly begins wrapping around my legs. I raise my hand, smashing the bottle on the ground. The black liquid spills
onto the ice and I smile victoriously.
One touch of this in his wounds....
I smear my hands over it like a madwoman, desperate to salvage it and rush at Royce, breaking free from the ice that binds me.
Pain rips through my knees and it takes me.
a few moments to realise I’ve brokkes me
I yank free from the ice around my feet, and he swears, fear flashing in his eyes, and it’s only then I glance down to see I’ve
my ankles to get to him.
I’m terrified of what my body is doing as I raise my hand, ready to rake them down his chest.
I’ll kill him.
Not him.
“Stop... me...” I croak summoning every ounce of strength I have to smash my hands into the ice beneath me. I should get that

poison into me... maybe it’ll stop me!
“Sky!” He makes to stop me, but I stare at him and something in my eyes makes him.
Stop me from doing something I’ll regret!
Our eyes meet and I know he can see the pain inside of me. Fuck, I’m trying so hard... please....
“I’m sorry, Love.” He whispers before he raises his hand and strikes my neck. A sharp pain rushes through me before I crumble
forward, and my world turns black...