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The Man in Power After Being Married into Her Family by Adela

Chapter 1174
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Christopher hurriedly replied, "I will definitely not hide it from you, mother. However, after I go inside, the doctor will surely need to examine and perform a check on me. It will be too embarrassing forto get examined in front of you. Don't worry. I will definitely let you know the results after the doctor's examination. Will that be okay?" s Lady Wilson nodded before she said, "You have to showall the results and reports from the doctor's examination. I will not forgive you if you dare to hide anything from me!" 1 Christopher kept assuring her repeatedly as he stood up while resisting the itch. After that, he walked into the consultation room. 1 A doctor who was older than him was sitting in front of the computer in the consultation room. When the doctor saw Christopher coming in, he asked him," Where are you feeling unwell?" 1 Christopher hurriedly replied, "Doctor, my private area feels very itchy. I do not know what is going on, so I want you to take a look at it." The doctor had already seen many similar cases like this. Hence, he nodded as he said, "Take off your pants." Christopher felt a little embarrassed, but he took off his pants obediently.

The doctor simply took a look at him before he exclaimed, "Your condition seems to be a little serious. Did you make a trip to a brothel?" 6 Christopher could not help but feel a little embarrassed. When had he ever gone to a brothel or anywhere else like that?! He had only ever had sexual intercourse with his wife. 1 However, as he thought about it, wasn't the doctor saying that his wife, Hannah, was similar to those women in the brothel, then? At this time, Christopher could only say, "Doctor, I have not visited any brothels." 5 The doctor did not believe him when he said that. This was because every man who cto see the doctor because of a venereal disease would never admit that he had visited a brothel. 6 Thus, the doctor said faintly, "We are all men, so I can understand many things. It is not uncommon for someone your age to go to the brothel every now and then. However, there are still ssuggestions and advice that I have to give you." Christopher hurriedly said, "Doctor, please go ahead and tell me!" The doctor replied lightly, "First of all, you should make sure that you protect yourself when you go to that kind of place. Do not stop using protection just because of a moment of lust and pleasure. Sometimes, a condom exists not just to protect women, but also men." Christopher nodded and said, "I understand. Thank you, doctor. Is there anything else?" The doctor replied again, "In addition, I would also recommend that you visit a larger, more formal, and high-end brothel in the future. A lot of women who are selling sex at the side of the street might be offering their services for a very cheap price, but they usually carry a lot of venereal diseases. They might even have AIDS. You are already so old. Do you really need to torture yourself like this just to save a little bit of money?" s Christopher's face turned green immediately...

Did this mean that in this doctor's eyes, Hannah was a s dirty as those women who were selling sex by the roadside? At this time, the doctor looked at Christopher meaningfully as he said, "Just look. You are suffering from so many venereal diseases now just because you tried to save smoney. I think that it will cost you tens of thousands of dollars just to treat your disease. Is it really worth it?" 1 Christopher was horrified, and he hurriedly asked the doctor, "Doctor, what kind of disease do I have? What have you found out after examining me?" The doctor replied, "Based on my experience, it is indispensable that you have already contracted syphilis and gonorrhea. This is because the erythema on your body is very special. I have already been a doctor specializing in this field for many years, so I will not be wrong." 9 Christopher felt a little dizzy, and he nearly fainted when he heard the doctor mentioning those two diseases.

D*mn it. He would never have expected Hannah to be carrying so many diseases on her body!

At this time, the doctor said, "I also think that there is a serious inflammation in your private area. If you do not treat it in time, it is very likely that your prostate and F reproduction system will be seriously damaged. So, as a safety precaution, I will arrange for you to undergo stests as soon as possible. We will wait for the results after you get the tests done. We will begin conducting a targeted treatment based on your actual condition, then!"

After that, the doctor sighed as he said, "The most worrying thing is sist actually AIDS. This is because AIDS can be latent for a long time, and it Επ cannot be distinguished from the naked eye. If you have really contracted AIDS, it will take you a lifetto try to cure the disease." 7 Christopher was about to collapse!

He had only had sexual intercourse with Hannah once since she Cback! He really did not expect to contract so many diseases from her just because of one encounter. 5 If it were not for Donald supporting and backing her u p, Christopher would certainly be beating her to death! X