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The Mech Touch (Web Novel)

Chapter 1815: Sowing Seeds
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The question of hiring retainers was a fairly sensitive topic due to the risks involved.

Hiring a retainer was not as drastic as adopting an outsider into the clan. It was a step up from hiring a regular employee to tend the gardens of the Friedhold Estate.

Ves, Raymond and Ovrin discussed the matter and came to a quick consensus.

Both of the older Larkinsons did not see anything wrong with hiring retainers to fulfill essential roles such as captaining a starship or maintaining the mechs owned by the clan. It was difficult for the Larkinsons to fulfill these jobs themselves. Had anyone heard of a Larkinson becoming a grease monkey?

While it was possible to rely on regular employees for these functions, it was not very wise to do so in most cases.

A nefarious chief technician could subtly sabotage the mechs under his care.

A ship captain might make the wrong maneuver during a space battle that left a ship vulnerable to the enemy.

A bodyguard might turn his weapon at his own charge after receiving a hefty bribe.

All of these examples and more happened to many people over the course of history. The Larkinson Family wasn't stupid. It knew the importance of cultivating loyal retainers early on and became quite proficient at the practice.

Much of that expertise and know-how transferred to the Larkinson Clan. Ovrin himself was already familiar with the process, having managed it some time himself, so Ves readily handed the responsibility of setting up a retainer training program in his lap.

"The Larkinson Assembly will deliberate on this matter next week." Ovrin promised. As speaker, he had the power to set the assembly's agenda. "We'll have to discuss exactly how the training program should look like, how many essential functions we need to fulfill and how to incentivize the retainers to remain loyal."

Raymond became more attentive after Ovrin mentioned the last point. "Retainers need something to work towards. Some are content in living a stable and steady life under the umbrella of a powerful clan, but others want more. You need to dangle a better carrot in front of their faces."

"What reward are you thinking of?" Ves frowned.

"Offer them to become a clan member."

"I thought I already made my point clear. I don't want to dilute the cohesion of the Larkinson Clan by bringing in outside blood."

"This is different, Ves. A lifelong retainer that has worked his entire lifetime for the clan is more of a Larkinson than some of our brats! A retainer who has earned supreme merit in battle or other emergency situation has done more to the clan than many of our middling descendants! Allowing these impressive and loyal individuals the opportunity to exchange their merits for an entry into the Larkinson Clan will only increase cohesion in the Larkinson Clan because they already embody our values and bonds!"

That.. sounded very compelling. Ves had to admit that Raymond's argument was sound in logic.

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"Is that what has taken place in the Larkinson Family? I don't think I've heard of a case where an outsider became a member of the original family without marrying a trueblood Larkinson."

Ovrin nodded. "It's rather obscure, but it has happened over the centuries. The only reason it hasn't happened more often was because the Larkinson Family isn't involved in anything major. There aren't many opportunities for retainers to stand out. I expect our clan to be a lot livelier in comparison. This just makes it even more important to motivate our retainers as much as possible. Give them the opportunity to be adopted into the family, and they will work hard and apply themselves to the best of their ability!"

"I don't know.." Ves hesitated and tapped his finger against the surface of the Larkinson Mandate. "It goes outside of my vision of the Larkinson Clan. However, I do admit that it might be a boon to our clan in the right conditions. I'll approve of it. Make sure not to screw it up. Clan cohesion comes first."

"We'll manage. The old family has centuries of experience in cultivating retainers."

The warmth and happiness emanating from the Larkinson Mandate gave Ves an idea.

"There is one more thing." Ves added. "Any outsider who wants to marry into the clan or any retainer who you deem worthy enough to be adopted into the clan has to pass one crucial test."

"And that is..?"

He flicked the solid surface of the tome. "They must all receive the approval of the Larkinson Mandate."

Both Raymond and Ovrin became confused. "Isn't it just a book? How can you possibly determine..?"

"The Larkinson Mandate is not a simple book." Ves smirked. "Lean forward and touch the book. Try and sense what it contains."

They both did so. Both elders had already gotten used to the glow contained in the book, but now that they touched its cover directly, they probably sensed the curiosity of the Golden Cat!

"What am I feeling..?"

"Something alive." Ves smiled. "Just like my mechs, this book is alive in a certain sense. Don't worry. It's completely devoted to the Larkinson Clan. This is what makes it such a great tool to determine whether an outsider deserves to be adopted by us. If the book doesn't approve, then there's a problem with the individual in question."

"This.. sounds a bit too outlandish for us." Ovrin heavily frowned.

He had much less exposure to the LMC than Raymond, so he wasn't too familiar with the company's emphasis on life and the hidden nature of glows.

"Let's wait until there's an opportunity to put the book to the test." Ves suggested. "I believe in the Larkinson Mandate, but I know it will take hard proof to convince you. There is more to this book than its pages, and I'll show it to you at that time."

"I'll take your word for it, Ves."

Leaving an opening for outsiders to join the Larkinson Clan and turning the Larkinson Mandate into an essential testing device were very impactful decisions!

The true import of their discussion would certainly be felt in the future! If they had made different choices this day, then the Larkinson Clan would have evolved into an entirely different direction in the next decades!

Ves was vaguely aware of all of the precedents and examples he set in the initial days of the Larkinson Clan. He made so many decisions and issued so many instructions that each shaped the character of the clan.

The mantle of responsibility was a heavy burden to bear, but Ves was confident in his judgement and the judgement of the governing bodies. The Larkinson Assembly and the Larkinson Executive Council were already at work, taking over much of the load after Ves set their overall direction.

He had deliberately set up the governance structure of the clan to keep him in charge, but remained as far removed from the day-to-day routine of running it as much as possible.

As a mech designer, he had better things to do than manage his own relatives. This was why he never objected to delegating a lot of power to the governing bodies. They took on his responsibilities as well, which left him free to spend his time on more fruitful pursuits such as designing mechs.

While Ves was more than ready to get back to designing mechs, he still had to handle some other affairs after this meeting.

As Ves waved Ovrin and Raymond goodbye, his next appointments dealt with other personnel matters.

He met with Commander Melkor and Commander Magdalena to discuss the gradual expansion of the Avatars and Sentinels.

He summoned Dr. Lupo to discuss his progress on preparing for the upcoming implantation surgery as well as his progress on his projects.

He called in Davia Stark and ascertained her condition. So far, her mental scars barely healed from before, which frustrated Ves a little. It wasn't as easy as he thought to salvage an expert pilot from a human husk.

Once he dismissed her, Ves leaned over his desk and pressed his fingers against his forehead. All of these meetings were exhausting in a way that was difficult to describe.

All this time, Lucky kept playing with the Golden Cat that resided in his book.

"You're quite a handful, are you?" Ves sighed as he pulled Lucky away from squatting over the Larkinson Mandate like a brooding penguin.


"Even if you consider her to be your kid, I don't want you to press your bottom against my book!"

"Meow meow."

"I don't want you to influence the Golden Cat with your naughty ways!"


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Ves threw Lucky over his shoulder, causing him to desperately catch himself in the air!

He picked up the book from his desk and took pleasure in studying his own handicraft.

He was very proud of the culmination of his experiment. The Larkinson Mandate's visual appearance fully conformed to his idea of a clan heirloom. He not only crafted a cover that could last with all of the Breyer alloy and other strong materials, but also embellished its appearance with artful reliefs of mechs and human heroes modeled after the Larkinson expert pilots of the past.

Nailing the appearance was already half the battle. The strong spiritual presence of the Larkinson Mandate did the rest! Even without the Golden Cat, it had already gained a strong innate foundation that corresponded highly to the Larkinsons!

Naturally, the Golden Cat deserved most of his attention. He made sure to interact with her carefully in order to steer her development in the right direction.

"The Larkinson Clan is your home. You're going to watch over our clan members like a guardian angel, won't you?"

The Golden Cat cautiously poked her intangible head over of the medallion on the frontcover.


"Oh, you're so cute!" Ves grinned and stroked her head by employing a gentle spiritual projection.

These simple bonding sessions continually reinforced the Golden Cat's already strong affection towards him. Gaining her appreciation was one of the hidden means he devised to retain control over the clan in the event he lost his position as clan patriarch.

In the event he was forced to retreat, Ves could still exert a considerable amount of influence on the Larkinsons by influencing the clan's ancestral spirit!

Out of every Larkinson, only he could do so! No one else aside from Lucky, Clixie and maybe Gloriana could perceive and interact with the Golden Cat. Everyone else simply couldn't tell he was real, including Ovrin and Raymond!

For now, it was not very wise for him to reveal the existence of the Golden Cat. While there were many benefits in doing so, Ves valued his secrecy even more. It was highly unwise to pain the Golden Cat as something more than an application of his glows.

"One day, you'll become known to every Larkinson, Golden Cat. This I swear." He whispered.

He envisioned a time where he no longer had to keep his secrets hidden. He imagined he gained a position of power where he could comfortably reveal his methods and work with his spirits openly.

Though that time was unimaginably distant, Ves couldn't help but dream how glorious it would be to earn recognition for his accomplishments.

The Larkinson Clan, the LMC, the grand expedition and the Golden Cat all formed intricate pieces in his plan to rise to greatness. He invested a humongous amount of time and effort in each of them with the expectation that they would all be able to assist him in overcoming the challenges he would certainly face in the distant future.

"Per angusta ad augusta. I chose this motto for a reason. Nothing comes for free. There is always a price. True reward always requires effort. The greater the reward, the greater the price."

Ves set his sights at a height far beyond what others dared to dream. This meant that Ves would almost certainly have to work harder and make more accomplishments than nearly any other mech designer in history!

He wouldn't be able to reach his destination within a day. He needed to lay the groundwork and set himself up for success as thoroughly as possible, hence all of the effort he put into recent affairs.

The seeds he sowed in this early period in his life would certainly lead to a bountiful harvest when he needed it the most!